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Master Fwiffo

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Posts posted by Master Fwiffo

  1. International RPG day is coming up!  And I’ve been working closely with my local gaming store to GM this new scenario.  In fact, they already got me the print version, and I’m thinking it will be a lot of fun!

    However, I remember reading that a PDF would be available here.  That would make it easier to print those pre-gens instead of trying to remake them entirely.  Do we know yet when that will be available?  Thanks!

  2. I HAVE BEEN NEGLECTING MY THREAD!  We had a long period of down time due to circumstances beyond everyones control - we lost a few players, and then gained some new ones.  But Ive been real busy and haven't sat down to tell my tales.  But then we had Last Night which was one of the GREATEST SESSIONS EVER.


    So lets play catchup.

    Abigale Fife and Professor Benjamin Ivy were our returning charcters, and they were joined by ruby star player Tony Amor, Medical Student Archibald Crane, Bob Jones the Janitor, and later, Professor Danny Butterman.

    Tony, Archibald and Bob quickly noticed their friends among the students who had gone to Vermont were acting oddly.  Eventually they ended up with Abigail and Ivy, and all began investigating the students, noting their odd behaviors and trying to pin down what had happened.  As Ivy investigated Blake, Abigail of course focused on her dear love Willie Noakes, while the others talked with everyone else.  Just for the sake of getting past all I don't remember, Ivy ended up checking on Blake as he committed suicide.  At the same time, the rest had teamed up with Albert WIlmarth to try and get some info out of William.  Eventually, cornered in a diner and caught in his lies, Willie confessed he was actually Henrey Ackley, and he was doing this because of something called the Mi-Go - and he began imploring them to let him go, as he knew the Mi-Go would find out.  Abigail's player had to leave as Tony escorted Willie outside - and then a misinterpreted signal caused Bob the Janitor and Tony to jump him - he broke free and tried to escape - and Bob literally ran him down with his truck, - and the three piled him in and took him back to Bob's house fr interrogation (I love my new players). They strung Willie up and hung him from the ceiling until he returned to consciousness, but they couldn't get any more out of him - as the ground suddenly began to shake and all three saw immense tentacles of an unknown beast ripping out of the ground.  Archibald and Bob went mad and fled the house, with Tony on their heels - when he suddenly heard a gunshot.  He turned - and all signs of the monster were gone.  He ran back inside and found Willie dead, a gunshot in the back of his head.  Panicking, he bundled Willie into Bobs truck, and dumped Willies body in the river.

    And in the next session, I taught them not to be murder hobos, as the police, alerted by an "anonymous tip", find Willies body in the river.  And as Willie had been seen with WIlmarth, Abigail and Tony at the diner, all three were "detained" - even after Tony tried to run.  Abigail's player couldn't make it, so we assumed she assaulted a cop during interrogation and ended up in jail (His answer next week: Fair enough).  Tony managed to convince the cops he didn't kill Willie (which was true - technically) and let him go.  He quickly returned to Ivy and confessed everything.  Meanwhile Archibald and Bob tried to lay low - but always found the altered students keeping an eye on them.  Ivy tried some subtle confrontation on Terrance Laslow and after a critical fail on a pushed roll - suddenly witnessed the library catch fire - ushering all the students out and then fleeing himself - only to find the steps he was stepping on didn't exist, falling to the ground and injuring himself.  He glanced back to see everything completely fine - other than a lot of students staring at him - esoecially Terrance, who was laughing.  At that point he became reaaaaaaly scared of Terrance, and enlisted the aide of fellow professor Butterman.

    That night Robert Block attempted to contact Archibald and have him meet him in the graveyard, but Archibald was unable to contact anyone else, and decided not to go.  The next day, Block was found dead.

    Knowing something was about to happen, they tried to corner Harold and Louis, only to be attacked by Terrance and his psychic powers, who then use invisibility to escape into the crowd - and Harold and Louis escaped the science building.

    At that point, Archibald failed a pushed roll, and decided he was hungry, but as he took a couple nibbles, lunch tasted odd, so he took the remainder to the medical lab to investigate.

    They again cornered Louis and Harold, along with Clarissa, and tried to get something out of them, but the altered students called their bluff and dared them to give them a solid reason to expel them.  They headed back outside to discuss what to do.

    At that point, Archibald found that there was something in the food - and as he did, his mind suddenly began to regress, being struck with severe amnesia - as did 300 other students in the school.  Before long, a riot broke out.  As the main group watched trucks flip and catch fire and fights break out around them, they headed to the science building where they suspected Professor Learmouth was in danger.

    Then behind them, they heard an explosion from the One library.

    Faced with the decision on what to do, they decided to save the Library, where Professor Harold and Jason Trent were wielding strange weapons and looting rare books.  They confronted them, and ended up killing both in the process, using the alien mist gun to douse the flames and save much of the library.

    But it was too late to save Professor Learmouth.  By the time they got to him, he was on a slab, his brain gone.  Having learned about the Safehouse, half the crew headed there - and when they arrived, saw the winged insect creatures and the headless bodies of the surviving students as they flew into the night...


    All but Abigail and Ivy were joined by Smith Smythe, Detective (a players brother who was visiting and quickly became Destined to Die), who rounded up and arrested all the PC's for their involvement in the incidents the night before.  But SMythe soon found his pursuit of justice frustrated for unknown reasons - as he was soon approached by Leon Pasqualle, who had power and paperwork to get them released, and convinced them all to go with them  They all arrived at Federated Oil and Chemical, where they met Mr ABelard, and his staff.  They agreed without hesitation to take up his cause against the Mi-Go, and had a wonderful dinner as the plan was filled in and the NPC's introduced.  Over the next few weeks they discussed much with Dr Sarah, and saw the basement and the recording.  While there, Butterman convinced her to let him study the ancient tablet they had discovered with the deep ones, as it was his field.  As he studied it, he learned how to Contact Their God....


    But I'm getting ahead of myself.  Archibald studied the Pnaktopik Manuscripts (a loaned gift from Armitage for saving his life and the library) and the others trained with hand weapons to prepare.

    They then went on the Side Trip to Canada, and it went fairly straightforwardly, with Smtyhe playing the part of Hobo to eventually entrap the crazed priest.

    But after Canda, they went back for the final feast before the new expedition to Vermont.  There was much celebration, and Tony got really drunk.  And then the lights went out.

    Smythe and Bob accompanied the radio operator down the stairs  to see what was happening - and as a Deep One appeared, SMmythe held his ground to give the others a chance to escape.

    He didn't last very long.

    The other retreated to Abelards private floor and barricaded the door, and began making plans to escape to the roof and down the long fire escape.  The deep ones battered against the barricade, and then broke through.  Tony and Archibald went mad, Tony deciding fire was the only solution and setting the room on fire, while Archibald saw it and thought... it was beautiful... like he.... belonged....

    Tony lunged through the fire with a makeshift torch to attack the Deep One, and burned it badly - before falling to it's claws/  The other pushed forward, charging through the fire toward the retreating players who were covering for the NPCs.  There were lots of missed gunfire rolls.  Butterman went down, badly wounded but conscious, as Bob struggled and suffered a major wound from the rampaging Deep One.

    And then Butterman decided to do something crazy.  He tried to contact Cthulhu.  Drawing the shape of the God in his own blood, he looked over at Tony, still holding on to life.... and then Tony passed.  And with the sacrifice, Butterman contacted Cthulhu.

    Cthulhu demanded to know what he wanted, and Butterman asked Cthulhu to make his servants leave.  Cthulhu asked for something more in return.  And then Butterman remembered Bob.... Also dying....

    And Bob Died.

    (And yet somehow he passed all the Sanity Checks)

    The remaining Deep Ones stopped suddenly - and gathered Tony and Bob's bodies as they suddenly turned and left.  The Deeps Ones fled....  

    But at what cost?


    It was amazing.







    Our crew today consisted of people from Doors to Darkness, and included Geraldine Thornhill, Journalist, Jacob Gibson, Custodian, David Wilcox, Magician,  Melissa Darvies, Scientist, and John Lucas, Doctor.

    Doctor Lucas received a call fro Dr Trenton Harod, a psychologist, who was deeply concerned about the recent suicide of one of his patients, Joesph Sutton.  The Investigators gathered and arrived, and the Dr told them of Suttons strange nightmares involving the cold, and how his condition seemed to get better before he suddenly committed suicide, and how his pregnant wife Mary had been spirited away by his brother, Stuart Sutton, after the suicide to his privately owned Winter Lodge in Main.  The Investigators began to arrange travel to Main, check out the Police and Coronary reports (and quickly determined it couldn't be suicide), and interviewed the Tennant of the Suttons upper floors (who provide them some handwriting proving the suicide note was fake).  They prepared to head to the Winter Haven Lodge to confront Sutton, but that night a sudden blizzard stuck Arkham, and the next morning they received a panicked call from Harods secretary, who couldn't reach him.  They found his house covered in deep slow, and forcing their way in, they found Harrod's body - frozen instantaneously and blasted by chilled ice.  Wilcox, the Magician, went mad in the moment, and developed a fear of blizzards.

    They then took the train and ended up in Winter Haven Lodge, where they met the indian housekeepers, likely mob boss Tony Morello and his Daughter Rose, and author and a Dr - and Stuart Sutton himself, who was cordial.  Wilcox and Dr Lucas attempted to sneak into Sutton private office as Geraldine distracted Sutton (01 on Charm!) and went for a walk, flirting with him and promising to meet him after dark in a place of his choosing.  Lucas went through his office and discovered his notebook - which revealed Sutton as a mad worshipper of something he called "the Master" and that the Pregnancy was likely his.

    Meanwhile Wilcox attempted to break into Suttons personal quarters, but after failing a pushed roll, was confronted by Tony Morello, who became very suspicious of him.

    Over dinner, howls of unknown creatures pierced the night, and Dr Lucas deliberately raised Sutton suspicions by describing the body of Dr Harrod.  Meanwhile, Geraldine took Rose aside (she had been flirting with Wilcox) and convinced her to dress in her clothes (to fool her father, she claimed) and meet "Wilcox" at the meeting place she'd arrange with Sutton.  She then informed Tony that his daughter was going to sneak out - and he grabbed his "violin case" he happened to be carrying.

    That night, Gibson and Dr Lucas snuck out of the lodge, Lucas attempting to gain access to the private outside shelter where he suspected Mary Sutton was being held, while Gibson headed for Lucas's private quarters - which he got into and learned about "Wendigos".  Meanwhile, Geraldine tailed Rose and Tony - but got lost on a pushed roll.  Lucas too failed a pushed roll - which meant both were outside when the Wendigos appeared.  Lucas fled back to the lodge and got inside, barely escaping the creature, which began to pound on the walls of the lodge.  Geraldine, however, failed to outrun hers - and it took her arm.  But it stopped, and stared at the sky as a strange, unearthly scream came on the wind, and the sound of gunfire echoed through the forrest...

    Geraldine, armless and half-dead, appeared at the lodge door the next morning, where Lucas stabilized her, and the housekeepers informed the remaining guests that Sutton was missing.  Wilcox attempted to get over his fear of the cold, while Melissa began preparing a tranquilizer - just in case.  Gibson went to Investigate the gunfire - and found the bodies of the Morellos utterly crushed by what appeared to be a giant foot - and went mad.

    By the time he returned, wide eyed and raving, Geraldine was stabilized, and the group decided they had to get into the private shelter.  They knocked the door down, knocked out the nurse guarding Mary - and found the icy blue, grotesque, stained, filthy form of the pregnant woman.  Lucas took one look and decided they needed to perform an emergency C-Section, and then things got really weird.

    The instant the human-looking child made it's first cry, Mary Sutton froze to death, turning into an icy shard of her former self, driving Wilcox mad again (THE SECOND TIME IVE WITNESSED THIS), and causing him to dive into the fire to warm himself.  Then, dozens of Wendigo appeared, attacking the shack, trying to get in as the group barricaded themselves inside, and debated wether or not the baby was actually demonspawn and had to die.

    Then Sutton called out, telling them they would live if they "released Ithaqua's child."  When that call was made, Melissa stealthy injected the baby with tranquilizer - enough to kill it over time.

    But using the baby as a hostage, the group walked out.  But when Sutton saw the child, he grew angry.  Expecting a demonchild and not a healthy looking baby boy, he cursed the sky and Ithaqua's name.

    Immediately all the Wendigo backed away.  The Investigators tossed the baby and split - all except Geraldine, who began to stab the infant repeatedly.

    Ithaqua manifested, the mere sound driving all the investigators insane.  He grabbed both Geraldine and Sutton, then attempted to breathe life into his offspring - who merely crumbled into powdery snow.  Then with a howl, he raced into the sky with both Geraldine and Sutton, and then threw them violently to the ground from hundreds of miles in the sky...

    The next day, the surviving investigators wandered into down, dazed, fearing cold, and with no memory of anything that had happened the past few days.The lodge itself was found burned to the ground, the guests all missing - save for the crumpled bodies of Sutton and Geraldine, as the icy winds continued to howl...


    And that was Cold Warning!  Back to the campaign next week!

    I'd highly recommend picking this up from GoldenGoblin when they do a full release.  It was a ton of fun, well thought out and very creepy.  

  4. It's RPG Appreciation Day at my local gaming store, which means it's time for another one off.  And I've got a special one - SPOILER ALERT!  I help kcikstart Goblin Globe Press's new work, COLD WARNING, and as it came in just a week or two ago this seems a perfect time to try it out!  So prepare for a few spoilers if you haven't gotten it yet!




    Since it's a New Player draw, I've gone pretty extravagant again, with several extra props and one above and beyond the call of duty - a recording made by suicide victim Joseph Sutton who's death kickstarts this adventure into the cold.  (It's not very good but what can you do?).  I've also added an excerpt from Algernon Blackwoods The Wendigo (the Investigators can find a copy in the adventure), and as Wendigo feature prominently, I've also got hold of some "Sasquatch Recordings" - supposedly real recordings of strange yelps and cries in the forrest.  They're pretty creepy and should make an excellent addition to the atmosphere.  Now if only I can think of a way to make it really cold in the room....  

    Pretty excited!  I'll post a summary after and let you all know how this new scenario went. (Both spoiler and non-spoiler).

  5. Only had Professor Ivy and Abigail this week, but it went pretty well despite that.

    After dreams were finally compared, they went and interviewed miss Angus Bellweather - after learning about some hard truths about Cobs Corners, the rain started to pour, and they learned their compatriots from the survey group had the bridge collapse from under them.  A large rescue effort ensued, featuring ingenuity from the PC's and heroism from a few of the NPC students - when a large pinkish blob appeared in the water, Abigail rolled a critical pushed fail, and fell into the water, which about broke her spirit, until William Noakes rescued her, blossoming their budding romance.  Fortunately, the group still didn't seem to suspect Robert Blane of anything - just of taking the accident hard.

    That night, after another shared dream, Abigail became determined to go into the forrest (and nearly staged a kidnapping to do it), while Professor Ivy tried to gather materials to join the overnight survey team.  However, Abigail disappearance into the forrest became a distraction, so he took Willie and Jason Trent into the forrest after her - finding evidence she had been attacked by an immense beast - and the strange zoos watching from the trees.

    Jason fled back to the house, and then Willie served as a distraction to get the Moon Beast to drop Abigail unconscious body while Ivy rescued her.  The beast pursued Willie and then as Abigail awoke, she and Ivy confronted the Dream Gate and the mangled body of John Jeffried embedded in the rock, his psychic words pleading with them to "save her" and "kill me".  Abigail obliged the latter almost immediately (She's pretty much a psychopath at this point), and the two embarked to rescue the Bratwaith girl from the Men of Leng, doing so and barely avoiding the returning Moon-Beast on the way back.


    Unfortunately, on return, things went to hell.  The Deputy turned on them almost immediately and accused them of kidnapping the girl, and the Sheriff, having the two absentee PC's in a jail cell already for returning "drunk" and babbling about an attack, as Robert Blane and a few (mind-swapped) students came along as muscle, agreeing all were drunk or worse.  Ivy threw a fit and demanded to take them back to the cabin, yelling about cultists and beasts and his rights - which they found in ruins with no signs of any cultists or beast.  Jail cell for them, as Professor Harold came and sent them back to Arkham, promising to look into the matter himself...


    We're taking another break this week as it's our stores Free RPG week and I'm running a special one shot.  What is it?  Well, stay tuned, because there's a chill in the air... a Cold Warning...

  6. Our team of PC's included Professor Benjamin Ivy, Fencing Coach, Abigail Fife, Folklore Student (and aspiring Witch... maybe), Harvey Shultz, Graduate Student in Geology, and Rory Smythe, Anthropology Student.

    Professor Ivy was invited along to Chaperone by Professor Harold, while Schultz was sent by Professor Learmouth to keep an eye on things.  We introduced our large and diverse cast of students - everyone hated Terrence Laslow on sight, while Abigale decided immediately she had a crush on William Noakes and played that up accordingly.  The trip to the farmhouse was mostly uneventful, as was the arrival and initial exploration of Cobbs Corners.  Abigail caught sight of Young Jason Haggerty's creepy tree drawing, but was brushed off when he told her "you're too old to understand."  A trip to the library also introduced them to the library caretaker, and Abigail managed to find Azathoth and Others in the poetry section, and checked that out.  Meanwhile, Shultz set out to do an initial survey of the first dig site for Pasquillium - and found some veins that he he thought looked promising.

    Tat night, Deputy Cutter told them the story of Sarah McClearan and her shade that haunted the farmhouse.  Before turning in, Abigail attempted to improvise a spell to make William fall in love with her - and a luck, power and then sanity roll (all wildly successful) - well, it didn't make him fall in love with her, but he seemed to notice her a bit more.  That night, the dreams began.  Abgale (who had known John Jeffries) and Shultz both received the dreams from the forrest, while Ivy dreamed of the dreamlands - and Smith dreamed of Sarah's Shade.

    The next morning, Schultz caught sight of the strange rat-like creature in the woods, and left befuddled.

    The mineral group went to their dig site, and found absolutely nothing.  The folklore group went about, interviewing locals.  They learned a few interesting tidbits, including the buzzing from the mountain and the disappearance of the local girl - and also some blatant herrings, including the ghost dog on a nearby mound.  Guess which one they decided to investigate that night?  It turned out there was a dog on the mound - a big local well trained one that chased them right the hell off the farmers property.

    That night, Ivy, Abigail and Schultz all dreamed the same dream.... while Smith again dreamed of Sarah's Shade...

    And sadly we had to end there.  They've yet to discuss the dreams, or pick up either on the Young or the Mi-Go, and they may only just be getting the hint about the dream lands.


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  7. On 12/1/2016 at 8:32 PM, mibagents said:

    I made a .wav file of the interview between Masterson and the Mi Go in Episode 3; if anybody is interested I will set up a google drive for it (when I figure out how, lol).  I'm using it this Saturday, we'll see how the folks like it.  Since I'm running over roll20, I think the impact of an audio clip is going to be 'yuuuuuge!' lol.


    This is amazing.  Using ti for sure!

  8. TimetoHarvest.jpg.33be2ecd97711d0a5bf17f82a5a4da3e.jpg

    Salutations fellow Travelers!  As I'm now splitting off into Campaign mode and may have some assets here that will help fellow GM's run this beastie, I'm starting a new thread.

    As before, I'll be chronicling the tale as my intrepid players delve into this campaign against the Mi-Go.  And as usual, I have propped up quite a bit.


    First, as per my Wont, here are a number of "covers" done in Pulp-Style to give Investigators a taste of the atmosphere of the Individual sections of the Campaign.  I've titled the 'episodes' as follows:

    1) Perchance to Dream

    2) Back to School

    3) The Benefactor

    4) A Night of Chaos

    5) The Harvest

    6) Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

    Some of the names were taken from the chapters, others I made up to fit what I felt the mood would be.  And I just noticed I'm going to have to fix some formatting in Episode 6 - DOH.

    And along with that, here's the props for the first Episode.


    For the most part, I've stuck with the handouts provided (mostly because I've been too busy to give them the attention they deserve.  But I did add a couple things, including a newspaper article to begin the scenario that details the ill-fated expedition of Daphne Devine and her companions.  Also, I created a number of "dream" handouts - the first batch will only have the dream repeat once, while everyone will get a dream - a few harmless fluff (you're naked in front of the your class!), one a red herring (you're haunted by the ghost of Sarah Maclearan!) and one with a quick trip into the dreamlands to help set the tone for the later encounter with the Moon Beast.  The second batch has mostly repeated dreams, with another dream of Sarah Maclearan as a fun red herring, while anyone who receives the final dream will have the same plot-relevant dream.

    But the big help I've made is that large batch of little cards.  Character cards, in fact!  Here's a closeup of some of them.


    Because this campaign has a large cast, I realized that not only would I have trouble keeping up with everyone - the players would too.  To solve this problem, I've run two batches of these little cards, each with a portrait and some common (easily knowable) information about each character.  Handing these to the players as references as characters are introduced will help solidify the characters in the players mind, and I've kept a copy for myself as well - as needed, I can jot notes on the back for any characters changes (or if they notice something).  This will also help immensely with part two when brains are swapped out.

    I've attached PDF's that include all characters in the first episode, as well as people who figure prominently in Cobbs Corners and in the prologue.  I'll next post the ones from episode 2 - once I do them later this week, that is.

    Anyway, I hope you guys find this helpful, and I'm looking forward to taking this journey as it is... A TIME TO HARVEST!

    Portraits ep 1.pdf

    Portraits Intro.pdf


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  9. Wow, I totally forgot to do this.  In the middle of transitioning jobs, so I haven't had much time.  Fortunately, I'm on a two week-hiatus after the conclusion of Curse of Chaugnar Faugn while one of my players GM's a couple sessions of Delta Green - which he's been wanting to do, and unfortunately he's leaving for a few months after this week, so I thought it'd eb good to take a break and let him have some fun before running Time to Harvest.

    ANYWAY, the Curse of Chaugnar Fagn....

    The papers reported another Ripper murder, alerting the players to the fact that Chaugnar Fagn was back.  At the same time, one of the now npc characters reported that several of their mythos tomes had been stolen.  Suspcion immediately fell on Ted Vincent, our loyal PC who had been continuing relations with miss Violet Stauton.  Harold Higglebotham and Bruce Bannon went to pay Ted a visit - and found him missing completely.  Around the same time, one of Bannon's employees approached him, letting him know he had a call - it was the police station in New York - they had picked up Miss Stauton wandering incoherently in the streets, and she was asking for both him and Harold by name.  They went and approached her suspiciously, Bruce convinced she was behind everything.  He demanded to know what she had been doing.

    And that's when Ted's player revealed his mind was in her body.

    I have to say, the reaction at the table was one of my favorite things ever.

    With Ted-now-Violet in tow, they picked up a Gypsy Mystic (Simon Victors/ Ed McMillians 3d try at a character, hoping to make it through the scenario this time: Spoiler, he doesn't). and did some sleuthing.  Bodies kept turning up around the Wharf, and an inspection of Stations house found bits of his journal, which revealed that Violets mind had been replaced by Professor Stations - but no hint from where he lived.  But finally a dream visit to the Gypsy from Chaugnar Fagn gave them the clue.  Meanwhile, Bruce mt up with Nikola Tesla for some diversions, but found the true treasure outside, the mostly insane Vladimir Trepoff, who had built a Time Space device they thought they could use to kill the Elephant GOd.

    They went into CHaugnars hiding place, and found Professor Stuaton in Ted's body - now deformed hideously to look more like the God.  Ted-as-Violet snapped and attacked him, while Stauton summoned a Dimensional Shambler (from the texts he'd stolen) to attack the crew.  The Shambler was dispatched, when the Elephant God arrived.  They fled the warehouse, heading back toward Trepoff's device, while our Gypsy Mystic through a spell back at the God, angering him further, as the players got in a car and fled, the elephant God running close behind.  He caught up right near the warehouse and smashed the car as the players fled inside.  Trepoff snapped as soon as he saw the God and fled as Chaugnar Fagn marched in.  The weapon trained on him began to hurt and push him back as he pushed forward.  The Gypsy Mystic got behind him and tried to cast a spell, distracting him, but she was soon grabbed and hurled into the beam.  As the strange device wore down Chaugnar, it suddenly short circuited and began to hum (Critical fail 100!)  Ted attempted to fix it while everyone else fled - and then it exploded creating a bizzzare bubble, that, once dissipated, left only a patch of flowing grass, with Harold and Bruce staring dumbly in horror.  They quickly tracked down Stauton - and Harold murdered him in cold blood and rage....


    Meanwhile, millions of years in the past, Ted-as-Violet and the Gypsy Mystic awoke in a strange lush forrest, the bellowing rages of the elephant god nearby.  Ted fled into the wilds - while the Gypsy Mystic approached the Elephant Got and bowed before him, pleading to serve her new master in penance for her sins, reverting to the cult beliefs she had left behind.  Meanwhile, Ted fled until he ran into a huge, connical being who seemed most surprised to see him there, and offered to take him back to the City of the Great Race for further study....

    And thus Tales to Mystify had what I jokingly called its "Mid-Season finale".  When we pick up next week, well...



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  10. Good advice Joggiwa!  It is 1920s though I left the exact year up to the keeper, though keeping in line with the Hounds of Tindalos base story, it would be late 29 to early 30.

    As for the ending, if I remember correctly Yithians use some sort of machinery to transfer minds - according to the original story, the Yithian inhabiting Peasely built the device before he reversed his mind-swap.  With his original body dead his mind has nowhere else to go.

  11. A587E3C6-54B9-4B85-A91C-A05ACCD20C4D.thumb.JPG.ae12efdd0ceaf750ccc332bb73d3cca8.JPG

    Not much to say, other than preparing for Chaugnar Faugn's revenge!  A few new articles and a twist or two of my own will put my crew in the fight of their lives.  It's all or nothing against the Elephant God, and I fully intend to do my darnedest to make sure it's as hard as possible.  Deaths will be had!

    Which is a good time to do it, because coming soon...



    My first campaign awaits!  I'll have to spend the next week doing some in-depth reading and I'm unlikely to make too many custom props (instead using the handouts provided).  But I'm looking forward to some Mi-Go brain swapping!

  12. So I've now run this sucker!

    Overall, it was pretty successful.  The players may have been a tad too frustrated by the lack of leads until the second murder, and once that happened they were very eager to get to the address, and bipassed researching the actual murderer entirely (so they had no conception they were dealing with a switched mind until they met him). I think I can fix that by having them find shred of the first envelope which just contains the name of the murderer.  After all, no official records (except the jewelers) have his current address.  It also gives them more to do after the first murder, as most the other leads provide information, but no real leads.  I had been worried the murder scheme would seem to hokey, but they bought it without question.

    Their only other complaint was partially my storytelling style - too many red herrings!  Because they were so starved for real clues, they pounced on all the stuff I added as just as flavor - for example, during the interview with the fishermen, I mentioned they were out fishing "near the abandoned Island in the Miskatonic, where chants can be heard on certain nights" and "you could see the humps of a large creature in the deep waters of the river" - all just added to make it seem creepier, but they were like "LETS GO TO THE ISLAND" which would have wasted too much time....  So, maybe a few too many red herrings.


    But overall, everyone had a good time, and the climatic final battle against the Hound while they're trying to get the Lightning Gun to hit was very fun and very memorable (Investigators immortal last words: "I'm going to try something crazy!).


    I'd love to get your guys feedback on this adventure on how I can further improve it!

  13. "I'm going to try something Crazy" - Last Words of a New Character



    Whats this?  An Original Tales to Mystify adventure!  Yes!  I'll summarize what happened here for Posterity, then go to the other thread (which has the still-tough draft of the full adventure in PDF form).

    Ted Vincent and Harold Higglebotham were joined by David Carpenter, a religious zealot (Bruce Bannons player trying something new) and Simon Victors, World Famous Explorer (Ian MacMillain's player's new character).  They were joined by Edgar the Lawyer (making a brief appearance before having to leave) and Amy Laurent the female midget construction worker (who also had to leave far too soon).

    When Professor Hyde was found murdered, it did not take long for the Investigators to converge on the case.  Despite the aloof Detective Klondike hampering their Investigation, they managed to get a look at the decapitated, slime-covered body and deduce that something most foul was definitely afoot.

    They began the Investigative process, learning of two more deaths that happened in a similar they began research into those, tracking down the son of retired professor who's body had been found after his house had burned down, also decapitated.  They learned that other than their shared profession, the two victims had no relation.  The third took some more work, tracking down scant clues that eventually lead them to the war, where they learned he was a bum who had last been seen accepting some strange gold coins for payment, before his body had been found in the river - also headless.

    But further investigation pulled up very little (and two of our Investigators had to leave), until a second body of a respected English Professor was found.  Fighting their way past the cops and the paparazzi,and with some good sneaking roles and distraction role playing, they managed to get past Detective Klondike, and find their first real clue - an Envelope with an address, bearing the name "Marcus Petrie".  

    They raced to the address to find...  a flower shop, owned by a little old lady who was completely innocent.  But they soon realized she had seen a suspicious looking bum in a fur coat delivering a letter to the Public Mailbox right outside.  Further, she said he had flipped a strange gold coin as he had done so.

    They began searching the area and found a Jewlry shop nearby - and it too had several of the coins.  The jeweler was reluctant at first to state where he had gotten them, but finally admitted they had been sold to him by two different bums - and also a respectable man in a grey suit.  He had kept the address of all wh sold to him, and after some brief convincing, they got the address - and they walked out just in time to see the bum in the fur coat, a letter in his hand.


    At that point they grabbed him and forced him at knifepoint to take him to the warehouse.

    The dark and atmospheric warehouse was waiting, water dripping in the cool, empt place.  As they headed toward the small office in the back, they could hear him murmering in a strange language, and the ominous hum of alien technology.  They burst in to find Marcus Petrie working diligently on a strange alien device.

    They immediately demanded answers, to which Marcus brushed them off and continued working.  They pressed further and absentmindedly, Marcus related his whole tale - how he was actually the mind of an alien being from the distant past trapped in a human body after his original body (and Petries original mind) had been killed by the Hound of Tindalos now seeking him, and how the letters were "booby trapped" with his psychic scent, which would draw the hound out, forcing it to expend energy elsewhere and recuperate, buying him time to work on his Lightning Gun which he believed would kill it.

    The Investigators struck a deal to help him kill the beast, collecting the remaining parts he needed, and help him with the fight.

    Gun completed, they set their trap, using Higglebotham as bait as he read the letter, which drew the Hound out.  It appeared, and poor Higglebotham went mad, staring star-struck at the beast he knew he could not kill.  Petrie fired the lightning gun - and missed!  And the Hound quickly killed him, sending the alien weapon flying.  Ted and the Zealot Carpenter went for the gun, while World Famous Explorer Victors announced he was going to do something crazy - and leapt upon the Hounds back, driving his knife into it.  It did no damage, and the Hound Grabbed him and with a crushing bite, threw his body against the wall, where he soon expired (That player lost two characters in two weeks!  OUCH!).  But his sacrifice was not in vain, as the imbedded knife acted as a lightning rod for the gun, and the next shot grievously injured the hound.  But till it fought on, going after Carpenter with a vengeance - and missing twice on a 90%.  Finally the gun successfully went off again, incenerating the hound - but it was too much for the lightning gun to take, and it began to crackle and soon... explode, destroying the warehouse and any evidence...


    It was pretty successful!  I leave some comments actually about the adventure in the other thread.

  14. I'm doing something I swore I'd never do - I'm writing a scenario that I'm hoping to run this Sunday (stupid!), and I'm looking for some feedback.  This is a rough draft of the entire Scenario - I think it's playable (though I still have to write the Hand-Outs (though all the information is in there) and collect the Stats together), and at the moment I don't care about formatting,  so mostly right now I'm looking for general reviews - does the Scenario Make Sense?  Are there any pitfalls that can trip up the Investigation that I missed?  Is the method too hackneyed?  Is the plot too out there (for Call of Cthulhu, you kidding?)  Does it look completely unfun?  Ect. Ect.  And of course, if you like it, feel free to use it and so on.  Anyway, without further ado, THE TINDALOS MURDERS.

    Also, I may not like the title since it gives the monster away.  Maybe THE MURDERS OUT OF TIME.



    Tindalos Murders Draft.pdf

  15. I think yesterday was the best session yet.


    Ted Vincent (who's player was happy to collaborate), was approached by his ex-Girlfriend Violet Stauton, who was telling a tale involving her father, Professor Stauton, deteriorating state, and the dark dreams of the Elephant God of Tsang that he had retrieved from Tibet, and of the oriental assassin who had tried to attack her father.  So the Investigators - Harold Higglebotham, Linda Nitswitch and Bruce Bannon (Ian McMillan showed up after the halfway point), began their investigations, researching this Elephant God and heading to visit it, only to find it now the scene of a gristly murder - a man ripped to shreds and seemingly drained of blood.  They of course, all immediately assumed the statue came to life.  Their suspicions seemed to be born out when Violet returned, now babling that the old family friend Paul Ricoletti had gone insane, and had conspired with oriental assassins to bring the statue to life and kill her father and everyone else.  They returned to violets house, witnessed the unconscious father, and prepared for the arrival of the assassin - and perhaps even the elephant God.

    They didn't expect the giant black horse-faced dragon.  Panicked as the Shantak began beating an immense hole the front door, they were caught unaware when the Tcho-Tcho assassin (who at this point was assumed to be a vampire ninja) came in the other side, knocking out Harold and then Bruce under the cover of a thick, unnatural smoke.  Ted grabbed Violet (unconscious from a sedative administered earlier) and barricaded himself in the study, while Linda tried something desperate.  Using a ritual knife that Ted had gotten all the way back during the Canis Mysterium episode, she attempted to summon a Dimension Shambler (from a spell she had been working on from papers also retrieved that same episode).  It went horribly wrong - the Shambler grabbed her and ripped her arm off, while a second Shambler appeared - the one that had been haunting Ted for most the campaign - grabbed the knife (which had always been its goal), and appeared before Ted one last time to let him witness it crushing the knife - and then returning to whence it came.

    Then the Dragon's assault stopped.  Ted went to Investigate, and managed to keep what was left of Linda from bleeding out, then went upstairs to arouse Harold and Bruce, and find Professor Stauton missing.  And then they saw the Tcho-Tcho assassin, smiling at them, light himself on fire and throw himself from the balcony, to their horror and confusion.

    As the police arrived and gathered them up, Violet awoke, and started screaming hysterically...

    The next morning, they encountered Kirk Von Djannes (Linda's backup character), an antiques smuggler who had just so happened to be at the museum that night, and witnessed the statue come to life, and devour a man in his nightclothes.  At this point, Ian McMillan showed up, very confused about the current state of things.  Violet than began trying to convince the Investigators that Ricoletti was behind everything, and that he needed to be stopped and killed.  Ian knocked her out - at which point, Ted began acting a little strange.  Finally it was resolved to go to Ricoletti's - and then destroy the statue with dynamite.

    The snuck in through Ricoletti's, leaving Ted and the unconscious Violet in the car.  But as they did, Ted snuck out, and got into the Library, looking for something specific, then returned it to Violet in the car, then sprinted back in.  The Investigators found Ricoletti asleep, and in his current mental state, when he was awoken by thugs with large guns, he panicked, tried to attack them as they tried to restrain them - and then started trying to cast a spell.  And then Ted ran in and hit him in the head with a rock - killing him instantly.  Bruce whirled on him and punched Ted out, as Ted seemed suddenly very confused about the entire thing, and couldn't even remember where he was.  They found Violet waking up, also in an equally confused state - and some papers written in a strange language in her purse.

    Bruce was now convinced that Violet was behind everything, while Ted, still utterly confused, properly defended her.  It was decided they would be detained on Kirk's smuggling boat with Bruce, while Harold, Kirk and Ian would go blow up the Statue with Dynamite, permanently ending the threat.

    As they placed the Dynamite, Chaugnar Fagn awoke.  It grabbed Ian as the other two fled, the Dynamite already lit.  Ian resisted, and then tried to an inimidate the God, rolling a 02.  Chaugnr Respects that, and instead of eating him, took Ian to the very center of the Dynamite, and held him firmly with a bemused look on his face - until the Dynamite exploded.

    Harold attempted to delay the Firefighters, trying to tell them it was a chemical fire before sabotaging their water pumps, while Kirk (who had fled at the first sight of Chaugnr coming to life) looked for Ian through the fire - and then saw briefly, the unharmed elephant God, still holding the burning corpse.

    The next day, the papers were filled with the story of the explosion in a Museum, and the Elephant God statue which must have been completely destroyed as there was no trace....

  16. Aw man, I forgot to write up Song of the Spheres!  Well, another new player joined (6 total though only 5 were there last week), playing a Lawyer, which was immensely fun. Long story short, they killed the culprit, one-shotted the damn Byakee (damn elephant Guns), and then stopped the angle of music from awakening with one lucky roll.

    I might have been just a little bitter that they did so well.

    Which is why I've decided to stop holding back.  We're upping the ante.


    Whats this?  TWO COVERS?


    We're going to tackle the Curse of Chaugnar Faugn!  Now this scenario takes place in two sessions, with a false ending leaving the investigators to believe it's over, after which I will run "In the Shadows" during the break between the two, before hitting them full blast with Chaugnar Faugn's wrath in the second part.  I've selected a player to play the "boyfriend", though I will need to talk to him to make sure it's ok, because he may not come out alive - or at least, horribly disfigured.  Also of note, this scenario didn't have any pre-written handouts, so I had to create all my own.  And I added a "picture of the statue" (using one someone had posted online as the reference).


    After we finish these next two scenarios (three sessions), I've talked to the group and we're going to do an actual campaign!  Wee!  I gave them a choice between "Tatters of the King" and "A Time to Harvest" (I also really want to do Masks but it needs a longer commitment, and Beyond the Mountains of Madness but that would require completely new characters), and they chose Time to Harvest.  Looking forward to getting started on that!

  17. Yesterday was interesting.  I learned late Saturday that both of the new players I was expecting weren't going to be able to make it, which dropped me back down to two.  Since I didn't want to run Song of the Spheres with just two (and knowing Ted Vincent's player would be back next week for certain), I hastily changed it to "The Darkness Beneath the Hill" from Doors to Darkness.  Yay Serpent people!

    I show up on Sunday, and Ted Vincent's player is back!  Then one of the two who said he couldn't make it showed up.  And then an entirely new player walked in!  I went from 2 to 5!  But as I had the stuff, I stuck with the Serpent Dude.  And it turned out pretty well!


    Joining Ted Vincent, Athletics Director, Harold Higglebotham, Big Game Hunter and Bruce Bannon, super rich doctor, was Ian MacMillan, ex-gangster and now Bannon's hired bodyguard, and Linda Nitswitch, Researcher (and originally Harold's back up character, played by our last-minute walk-in, who did a fantastic job with her).

    An old school chum of Bannon contacted him - one Joshua Winscott, who was eager to explore some old slave tunnels existing beneath his recently inherited house, and thought Bannon, being the son of a wealthy explorer, would be most interested.  Bannon took it up, and offered Higglebotham and Vincent to come along, and Nitswitch, a dear old friend of Higglebotham, volunteered to go as well.

    They arrived at the house and met with Winscott, who'd tired himself out digging himself, and took them all to dinner to explain the history of the place.  After dinner, and promising to meet the next morning, the group set out on some research, hitting the library before close and finding the evidence that Winscott's tunnels may have had a tragic history.  Suspicious, the group looked further in to unusual tales of Providence, and hit upon the tale of Arthur Curwen, the wizard, and the mob that had destroyed his house.  They then went to investigate Curwen's old farm (just in case!) and learned from a neighbor about young Charles Dexter Ward and his activities there (after which, the place had been burned down by the locals).  And then they realized Arthur Curwen was also the name of the crazy man from the Crakd and Crookd Manse (lol!).

    Fun world building diversion aside, they returned to their hotel, and the next morning, set out to find Winscott - only to realize he'd already disappeared into the tunnel.

    It did not take long for them to realize they had stumbled into the realm of ancient serpent people.  (Sanity checks were had).  As they explored the ruins, they ran into several of the degenerates, and then the creepy piping organ made of human heads.  After the organ encounter, a trio of Ghasts ambushed them, but they were dispatched easily enough, though with some sanity checks (I need to just have more monsters attack I think...)  But things began to fall apart when they encountered the immense serpent statue in a long forgotten temple.  Bannon and his guard held back, as the others fearlessly went to investigate it.  As they did, the statue forced visions upon Higglebotham and Linda, asking them what they wanted.  Linda asked for knowledge - and was rewarded with a  glimpse into the distant past, showing an army of the snake creatures fighting flying tentacled things from the sky, before retreating.  The horrible vision sent her over the edge, and she became blind to all.  Harold too was asked what he wanted, but he attempted to mouth off to the God of Snakes, and was rewarded with a painful searing burn.  Vincent, however, did not receive a vision, and instead tried to pull away the encrusted rubies that lined the statue.  Even after he was warned by a voice saying "you are not worthy", he persisted, and again pried away the jewel.  This time, he saw the vision - of the snake people and of a legion of Ghasts that devoured him whole, snapping his sanity away to the last horrible thing he saw from beneath the ground - the same thing that reduced a man to a wolf-state, and so he too reverted.

    It took a lot of Psychoanlsys rolls to get the party back on track after that.

    Eventually they continued onward, and soon found the lair of the Serpent Man.  Fortune was with them, as the Serpent Man disappeared into a spiral pattern on the wall.  They quickly rushed in and rescued Winscott, who was broken enough to merely follow - and then began throwing dynamite about in the lab (brought specifically for this purpose).  As the dynamite detonated, the underground caverns began to collapse, and legions of Ghasts began to pour out of the walls.  I really should have been harsher here, but eventually they escaped the collapsing tunnels, and returned Winscott home.  But further investigation found another Spiral pattern near the exit of the tunnels - and the serpent mans footprints.  They followed them to a third spiral pattern - but this one was now blocked off, and they were unable to travel trough.

    They destroyed both Spiral patterns, and returned home, lost in their dreams - of a Serpent Man, and his sleeping people, patiently waiting for their time to return....

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