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Posts posted by TGCSanderson

  1. I am preparing to run a 7th Ed Call of Cthulhu workshop at Dragonmeet. I've done this before at another event, it involves sitting new players down who are interested in the game but want to learn in a more calming and relaxed way. It's worked out quite well and I recommend doing these workshops elsewhere. What I tend to do with them is introduce them to Lovecraft and the games background based upon what knowledge they already know, then work through making a character sheet with them to explain the mechanics as they learn what certain skills and points do etc... At the end I run through a one shot scenario to give them a demo of the game.


    My next question is, who else will be going to Dragonmeet, and do we want to meet up at some point? I plan to do my workshop in the morning slot.


    Link to Event: https://www.dragonmeet.co.uk/

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  2. Hey all!

    Don't let the name of my game mess with your head, it does actually work cohesively.

    I run a website play by post RPG called 'Hogwarts by Night'. It is a mix of HP, OWOD/NWOD and Call of Cthulhu. It sounds wacky but the moderators and storytellers have worked hard to make everything make sense and it actually works cohesively. 

    At the moment we are looking for more Call of Cthulhu players for our Arkham forum. The way the game works is primarily collaborative RP. You get to play long-term characters who can grow to have their own lives, relationships etc... We throw in exclusive Call of Cthulhu Scenarios from the Cult of Chaos, Play-tests (written by Matthew Sanderson) and home brewed scenarios so you can actually play through adventures and if you survive be able to bring that back into a bigger RPG.

    The game has an introductory sheet for making a character with a full history, and sheets are primarily reserved for the exclusive scenario situations.

    Communication and Dice rolls are made via DISCORD: https://discordapp.com/invite/Cu2S6EJ

    If you are interested please visit our website http://www.hogwartsbynight.com or message me for info! 


  3. Name: Tiffany G. C. Sanderson

    Country: United Kingdom

    Village: Hackelton

    I'm running 7th Ed & Pulp on my website http://www.hogwartsbynight.com (don't let the name deceive you). You can find me hanging out at Chaosium Booths or with The Good Friends of Jackson Elias. I am learning how to run scenarios in prep to run demos for Chaosium at future conventions. 

    On my website I do run playtests and will be running more Cult of Chaos, Demo and book scenarios as interest in the game amongst my players has easily doubled. (Thank you Gold Ennies!) As my married name gives me away, I'm wed to the Chaosium writer Matthew Sanderson.


    Feel free to message me or contact me via inspiredsight@me.com

    We can also be found 24-7 on DISCORD: https://discordapp.com/invite/Cu2S6EJ

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