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Posts posted by akfu23

  1. I just got my copy a few days ago, haven't had time to really read it yet but I have browsed it and I am quite impressed.

    One thing I did do (as I tend to do w/ all my rpg books when applicable) is peruse the mini-poster map. And I noticed something kinda strange. Is it me or is there something up with the Precincts portion of the Korudav map and it's associated numerical key? There doesn't seem to be numbers 1, 7, or 8 that I can see on the map? But there is a number 9, though that isn't in the key?

    As I said, I haven't actually been able to read the book yet so is this explained? I.e. somethings you can put where ever you want, or is it just cartographic typos?

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