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Posts posted by BillR

  1. Hello Dean,

    I too stumbled upon your story and have been preparing to run it shortly using 7th edition rules. I love all the mystery, investigational opportunities, and sanity threat. However, I have a few questions. How do you defeat any of the creatures?

    I see the weaker Renders do not regenerate and apparently have no armor when corporeal.  At 25-29HP, I guess a couple of successful close-range shotgun blasts will suffice. But with a minimum of 2 Renders attacking at once, it seems the investigators are overly matched.

    Then you have the Dissolvers at 57-60HP with 3 armor AND regeneration! Even one would seem impossible to engage and kill in a reasonable time. And most likely at the cost of 1-2 investigators.

    As for the Great Old One, don't even consider engaging! Wait for it to go into its Xoth trance when it cannot attack. But don't attack it else you draw forth the Renders and Dissolvers!

    So all I see is "run away." IMO, your only hope is to complete the chant and steal it's vision IF you have anyone left who hasn't gone completely insane.

    What am I missing, before I change up a few story rules?

    Thanks in advance, Bill


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