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Ian Starcher

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Posts posted by Ian Starcher

  1. People will state that Greg died in a sweat. But for me, that’s where he will always live. 

    I was introduced to Greg’s vision Glorantha through Runequest in 1980-81. While I learned of RPGs playing D&D, I blossomed into a zealot ‘gamer’ playing Runequest and adventuring in Glorantha. A few years later, at Origins 84 in Dallas, is when I first met my ‘heroes’, Greg Stafford and some of the then-crew of Chaosium.

    I began working at Chaosium when I was about 16 and shortly after starting there Greg was kind enough to share with me his spiritual practice and gave me opportunity to experience it with him first hand by going to sweat lodge ceremonies and other activities of that nature.  His openness and encouragement, in many aspects of life, certainly impacted the person I have become and am still becoming.

    Greg was a game designer. He did design games. But for me he was an even greater Myth Maker. In the way that Joseph Campbell speaks of the profoundness of Myths.

    Campbell said “your sacred space is where you can find yourself again”. He referred to it as one’s “bliss place”.

    I believe Greg had a greater grasp of this and other of Campbell’s assertions than most.

    Greg was a gamer, creator, and spiritual being on a quest for bliss and the heart to want to share it with others.

    For me it is very apropos that Professor Campbell counseled that you can find a gateway back to your ‘sacred space’ by asking yourself “What was the game you enjoyed when you were a child? What did you do as a child that made you forget time?”

    Greg created that game and its world where I forgot about time. Where I found bliss.

    Greg Stafford will forever be entwined in the gateway to my personal sacred space.

    I know some say “Don’t meet your heroes”. Well I did, and I’m a better man for it.

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