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Posts posted by SachaGoat

  1. I've run a few battles in my current campaign. It started as an attempt at emulating Pendragon Book of Battle but I found it was a lot of effort and lacked the impact (likely because the Glory rewards are missing and Pendragon's fast contest combat is very different to RQG).

    What I'm planning now is similar to what I interpret as Pendragon 6e's upcoming Battle rule changes:

    • Using the group's selected Passion average as a Morale score.
    • Using WB&RM unit stats differences and other modifiers to generate an Intensity score.
    • Each player rolls Battle:
      • Fumble (lose morale/advantage)
      • Failure (nothing)
      • Success (get to roll a random encounter)
      • Special (get to roll a random encounter; + gain morale/advantage)
      • Crit (get to roll a special encounter)
    • Then I'd roll Intensity (score based off of unit status, battle status/odds etc), if I succeed I choose out of the encounters generated. If I fail, players choose.
    • Standard encounters are your average troop (eg. tarshite footmen), special ones are rare units and heroes (eg. the crater makers)
      • They include individuals-stats and an amount morale is reduced by.
    • Players then choose to either play Cautiously (1 round), Bravely (2 rounds) or Heroically (3 rounds). The special encounters are nearly always a full combat, rather than finite rounds.
      • I'm unsure how much morale is reduced by in the upcoming 6e rules, but I see it.. Cautiously = double morale loss, Bravely = standard morale loss, Heroically = no morale loss.
    • When the group morale reaches 0 they retire from battle for several Battle turns (again unknown but I'd probably go with 3 turns)... in which they can roleplay, heal, meditate etc.
    • I'm considering giving rep rewards for encounters (similar to Glory) and at a certain high rep amount from a single battle, there would be a +1 CHA gain.

    The actual numbers for morale and such need to be tweaked, but this is what I'm going with next time a Hero Wars battle crops up.

  2. As a new GM to BRP-style systems, I originally bounced off RuneQuest Glorantha in 2018 because of the errata and confusing mix of RQ2/3/G language.

    I thankfully came to my senses and it's my go-to system since 2020. My homemade Notion reference, the starter set and subsequent wiki are my favourite sources for rules now.

    I would shell out for a Leatherette edition of the rulebook if it was updated. That would be amazing!

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  3. I'm a newbie but already a big fan of RQG. But I bounced off the game originally on launch because I struggled with the rules. I was new to BRP games, which didn't help.

    It wasn't until running Pendragon, typing up summaries of the RQG rules in my Notion (note-taking app) and running another 10 sessions, did I start to get the intent behind some confusing elements (wound levels, strike rank, combat actions per round, attack-parry matrix, armour layering, seasonal advancement). Once you understand the intent, you don't have to clutch onto the official rules as tightly.

    I hope the starter set will streamline the core rules. And erratas and forums are great. But I assume I'll be sticking to my system to make it easier. 

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