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Acrobatic Flea

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Posts posted by Acrobatic Flea

  1. I'd go for a China sourcebook big time... especially if it included the sorts of fantasy elements seen in films like Chinese Ghost Story, Green Snake, Zu: Warriors of the Magic Mountain, The Bride With White Hair... etc.

    Or books/stories like The Dream Of The Red Chamber and Journey To The West... and various Chinese fairy tales...

    I've got the GURPS China sourcebook but since it tries to cover all of Chinese history there isn't much detail about any one period or genre of story.

    I'd love a setting book inspired by fantasy China - the wuxia genre has been dabbled with before in RPGs but never really given the user-friendly treatment that BRP could bring to it.

    There is so much untapped potential in this field from what little I have read and the recent films that have made it big in the West (e.g. Crouching Tiger; House of The Flying Daggers; Hero; Curse of The Golden Flowers etc).

  2. Is it your blog you're linking too? Pretty active. :P


    Yep, that's me - 'cos I'm on "long-term sick leave" (major medical problems a couple of years ago) I have a lot of "free time" - even if my concentration isn't what it used to be, so I try and focus on writing at least one item a day for my blog to keep my brain active :D

  3. My name is Tim and I'm a lapsed roleplayer, just crawling back onto the wagon after a 10 year (plus) break. I started gaming in 1977 with the usual suspects: D&D, Traveller etc and moved onto Champions, TFT, Villains & Vigilantes, Call of Cthulhu etc

    I have just started playing in a Hollow Earth Expedition game and am looking to start some sort of BRP fantasy campaign next year.

    Any questions? :)

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