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Posts posted by matthulhu

  1. Uh, wow, that's, uh, EXACTLY what I wanted to hear. Like, uh, wow. Sold. Thanks for indulging me here, I should have checked the DM forums first- I'm usually reading those more often than here.

  2. I realize it's probably in draft stage at best, but I'm sure you have some idea of the general nature of the thing, so: is Mythic Britain going to be closer to Pre-Roman Britain, Roman Britain, Sub-Roman Britain, or Norman Britain? Something that dabbles in a bit of all of it, like Harn (which is still mostly Norman Britain, as far as I'm concerned)? Or would it be more toolkit-ish and have suggestions on all of them? I mostly ask because pre-Norman is what rolls my dice, so to speak, the stuff before castles and codified laws and the capital-C Church, which I feel has been done to death in one way or another in every conceivable aspect of gaming, not least of all in FRPGs- though of course Glorantha is one of the few "non-Earth" fantasy settings that doesn't have that Castles & Chivalry feel all over it. (Not to mention I think pre-Norman Britain fits much better with the general Ancient feel of RQ, and the cults/magic systems, etc. far better than the chronologically later options.)

    On the other hand I realize we have the most concrete knowledge of Norman Britain, and plenty of stories that probably SHOULD be pre-Norman (like King Arthur) have survived to us in Norman form, so that we have such incredible things as King Arthur taking Catholic mass, etc. ingrained in our collective consciousnesses. I'll be getting it (Mythic Britain) no matter what period it covers, but my lust for more information is INSATIABLE!

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