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Randy Chikosky

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  • RPG Biography
    Player and GM for RPS since 1st box edition of D&D.
  • Current games
    Call of Cthulhu, Savage Worlds, Dungeons & Dragons
  • Location
    Tampa, Florida
  • Blurb
    I am the raven, perched above your chamber door. I am the raven, the eyes and ears of Odin. I am the raven, the omen warning you of tribulation. I am the raven.

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  1. Too bad only one can be picked. But I think all three logos would make great T-Shirt designs!
  2. Thanks, Michael. I was afraid my design lacked the amazing detail you have in yours. Really great work!
  3. Here is my entry for the Contest. Done in Adobe Illustrator, I used many established elements from Chaosium so that the logo would be instantly recognizable. I included elements such as astrological signs for Leo, Aquarius and Virgo to represent the zodiac signs for H. P. Lovecraft, Greg Stafford and Sandy Petersen respectively. As well as the first six runes that are associated with RuneQuest. For the banner, I used letters from four different adobe fonts for the Cult of Chaos text. I am showing these in just black on white and one example of yellow on a dark background because it seems most of the logos have been used this way. I can provide a more detailed full color version of the logo and text if requested. I tried to make this detailed yet easily scaled down to a small logo placed in the corner of a flyer or other such medium. I had fun making this logo, I hope everyone likes it! ***Additional Note!*** It has been brought to my attention by g33k that by using the Elder Sign in the section for Myth Masters I am repeating a Cthulhu symbol and not accurately representing Myth Masters beyond the scroll shape. If my design happens to be picked I would like to make a change there. Also, I realized in hindsight that I should not have used Greg Stafford's symbol to represent RuneQuest, as that has already been established and used for paid products. And I don't think this sends the right message by including it in free material. Also, it implies he has something to do with this content which is not the case. I would also like to change that symbol to represent Glorantha and RuneQuest in general and not Greg Stafford specifically. I originally included it to honor him and did not recognize other implications its inclusion may have represented.
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