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  1. Thank you again, Morien! I hadn't really thought of looking back to the 3e books so that will give me plenty to go on when my players (hopefully!) make it further into the GPC.
  2. Thank you, Morien - that's really helpful! I think I might split it, as you mention, and save some sort of wizard-king for later; I like the idea of the players having a bit more agency when they come to meet him in the Cornwall invasions and then their children meeting Cadwy's son later down the line. I was curious as to why the Cadwy in GPC seemed to struggle so much with Cornwall after giving Merlin pause in the Book of Uther, but that certainly explains it! I might keep the idea of some sort of wizard-king on the back-burner for later...
  3. Morien - could I please ask which regional books you're thinking of? We've started off (I have KAP 5.2, GPC, and Book of Estates) and I think some more background information about the various areas and locations would be really helpful!
  4. Hello everyone! I've recently started running a small GPC group. We've started with the Uther Period expansion - next up is 482 and the invasion of Summerland. I've had a read through the below thread (really helpful!) - but looking ahead in the GPC i see that Cadwy returns in 555. How do people explain his longevity? Is it to do with his magical or even fae ancestry? There seems to be a bit of confusion as to what, exactly, is his nature, so I'm just thinking about how I'm going to write it. One of the players is a pagan knight with a family who have some ties to a more magical Britain so I think this could be a really interesting year for him. I'm fairly new to all Pendragon and its NPCs and to the literature in general so any help or guidance from how others have dealt with Cadwy would be really appreciated!
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