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At the Mountains of Madness, Part 2 (Episode 167 The Good Friends of Jackson Elias)

Paul Fricker

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This is the second part of our expedition through Lovecraft’s short novel, At the Mountains of Madness. Our Antarctic journey is going to be a long one. Now that we’ve actually recorded all the episodes, we can safely reveal that there are going to be five installments in total. This will take us up to the end of November, when the weather in the Northern Hemisphere should start becoming inspirational. Brrrr.

Listen here.


Things we mention in this episode include:

The Blasphemous Tome issue 5

We have started work on issue 5 of The Blasphemous Tome. This is the print-only fanzine we produce exclusively for our Patreon backers. Once again, this issue will feature a new scenario for Call of Cthulhu, written by our own Matt Sanderson, along with plenty of other juicy articles, stories and artwork. If you have any short pieces of prose (no more than 500 words) or black-and-white art you would to submit, please send it our way!

Concrete Cow 19 1/2

Paul and Matt recently attended the Concrete Cow convention in Milton Keynes and share some of their experiences in this episode. If you missed the convention this time, you can always come along to Concrete Cow 20 on the 14th of March 2020.


How the dogs at Lake’s camp howled when they caught the scent of the ancient and not-quite-dead horrors their master had unearthed. In contrast, we howl with pure joy at our two new $5 Patreon backers. We do mention that one of them, Amber Reeves, turns nightmares into exquisite jewellery. Unfortunately, we have since learnt that she has shut down her shop front. If she reopens it, we shall be sure to tell you. 

Check the website for video of Matt and Scott performing their arcane... art.



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