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Gozu (Episode 224 The Good Friends ofJackson Elias)

Paul Fricker

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Following last episode’s discussion of gangsters in Call of Cthulhu, we now look at probably the strangest gangster film ever made. Gozu is a 2003 production from legendary Japanese director Takashi Miike, and it defies description. It may not precisely be a horror film, but it will probably make you more uncomfortable than most horrors. As in so many of his films, Miike sets out to shock and transgress, but does so here in a playful, surreal manner. There is some weird sexual content in the film, so be warned that the discussion may be more explicit than usual.

Once again, Matt is absent from this episode. COVID hit him hard and he has taken some time to recover. Happily, he is doing much better now and will be back for our next episode. Once again, we have called upon our good friend Dirk the Dice to stand in for Matt. You will know Dirk from his marvellous podcast The Grognard Files, as well as our live recording of “The Necropolis”, with How We Roll.


The Canterville Ghost special episodes

As we mentioned last episode, our good friend Mike Perceval-Maxwell organised a spirited reading of Oscar Wilde’s “The Canterville Ghost” on the Good Friends Discord server. This followed the success of last year’s reading of “A Christmas Carol”. Once again, this was a full-cast reading, with Mike joined by Dom Allen, John Casey, Scott Dorward, Rina Haenze and Sue Savage. You can now find recordings of all three parts on the Good Friends podcast feed.

The Blasphemous Tome issue 8

You still just have time to secure a printed copy of issue 8 of The Blasphemous Tome. This is the semi-annual fanzine we produce for our Patreon backers. Anyone backing us by the end of December 2021 at the $3 level will receive a voucher for a print-on-demand copy at cost, and backers at the $5 level or higher will receive a copy printed and signed by the Good Friends. This latest issue features an all-new modern-day scenario by Scott, called “Night Bus”, that leans into the weirder side of the Mythos.

As we mention in the news segment, Matt’s recent bout of COVID has knocked back our production schedule by a few weeks. The Christmas card is going out around now and the Tome will follow in January. Thank you for your patience in what has been a rough month.



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