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The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath part 1 (Episode 225 The Good Friends ofJackson Elias)

Paul Fricker

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This is the first part of our multi-episode exploration of Lovecraft’s first novel, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. While Lovecraft had been writing stories set in the Dreamlands for several years beforehand, this is the book that tied everything together. As well as consolidating the Dreamlands as a setting, it also fleshes out several aspects of the Cthulhu Mythos, offering insights into ghouls, Nyarlathotep, and the Court of Azathoth.

As ever, we begin by discussing the background and context of The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. We then move on to the story itself. Our synopsis is peppered with side discussions about how we would use elements of the story in our games. More than any other Lovecraft story, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath is filled with inspirational hints and snippets.

This episode also features the return of Matt! He has largely recovered from COVID, although his voice is still croaky. Patreon backers can enjoy the full range of Matt’s coughs and sputters in the unedited episode.


Things we mention in this episode include:


Delay to The Blasphemous Tome issue 8

Matt’s recent bout of COVID has knocked back our production schedule by a few weeks. The Christmas cards have gone out and many seem to have arrived. The Blasphemous Tome will follow in early January. Thank you for your patience in what has been a rough month.

Dragonmeet special episodes

Paul attended the Dragonmeet convention in London last month. While there, he took part in a few panels and recorded them. Eagle-eyed listeners will already have spotted the Call of Cthulhu 40th Anniversary seminar and the panel on the new Rivers of London RPG in our podcast feed. Paul also joined Baz and Gaz from What Would the Smart Party Do and Matt Hart from Steamforged Games for a discussion about writing RPGs for publication.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Part 2 of our exploration of Lovecraft's Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath is now out.
This is the second part of our multi-episode exploration of Lovecraft’s first novel, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. In our first episode, we looked at the book’s origins and development, as well as the start of the story itself. Now, we’re deep into the narrative and and things are getting strange
With Randolph Carter now sailing the dark side of the moon, we’re moving into some of the more fantastical parts of the novel. As ever, we mine all this moon rock for gaming inspiration, as well as discussing how the story has shaped so much of Call of Cthulhu.

A Weekend With Good Friends

The next Weekend With Good Friends is approaching fast. This is the online convention organised by the wonderful listeners of the podcast. The con is scheduled to run from the 18th to the 20th of February 2022.
While the focus is on Call of Cthulhu, we’ve already had game offerings covering a wide range of systems. Last time, we had over 120 games and hundreds of players, so expect plenty of variety and excitement.
If you are interested in running a game, you have until the 27th of January to submit it. Don’t worry if you miss the deadline, however — there will be plenty of pickup games running throughout the convention.

The Blasphemous Tome issue 8

Matt’s recent bout of COVID knocked back our production schedule by a few weeks, but The Blasphemous Tome is now winging its way across the globe! Thank you for your patience in what has been a rough time.

Dockside Dogs Revised

Paul has revised “Dockside Dogs”, his modern-day gangster scenario, updating it for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. You can find it on the Miskatonic Repository.


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  • 2 weeks later...
This is the third of our multi-episode exploration of Lovecraft’s first novel, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. In our first two episodes (part 1 and part 2), we looked at the story’s origins and followed Randolph Carter’s increasingly odd adventures. Now, we’re deep into the story and things aren’t getting any less weird.
As ever, we pick the story apart, looking for Call of Cthulhu inspiration. There’s also some debate about the metaphysics of dreamland. And we spend far too long arguing about how dark a journey to the moon might be.


A Weekend With Good Friends

A Weekend With Good Friends is approaching fast. This is the online convention organised by the wonderful listeners of the podcast, taking place on our Discord server. The con is scheduled to run from the 18th to the 20th of February 2022.
GM signups have now closed and we have around 130 games on offer, spanning 50 game systems. Don’t worry if you missed the deadline — you will be able to offer pickup games throughout the convention.
Player signups open on the 4th of February. Check the main convention page for a link to the signup form once they do.


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