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[UK] Dragonmeet 2011: Call for Games Submissions


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Dragonmeet 2011 is looking for games for attendees to participate in.

Dragonmeet 2011 is being held on Saturday, November 26, 2011 at The Kensington Town Hall, London.

Details of the event can be found at our website: http://www.dragonmeet.co.uk

As in previous years, the day will be split in to two slots:

AM Slot = 10:30 until 14:00

PM Slot = 14:30 until 18:00

To register your games before the convention, you will need to email games@dragonmeet.co.uk and we'll see to it that you’re booked in with a table and advertised on the website.

The information we require in advance is:

GM name

Type of Game (RPG, Board, Wargame, CCG, CMG, etc.)

Title of Game

Game System

Game Slot (AM, PM, Both or All Day)

Max Number of Players

Short Description [up to 100 words]

Any Special Requirements (Power point, quiet space, etc)

We’re happy to get any kind of game with a variety of settings or genres for all tastes and gaming philosophies.

As in previous years, everyone running a game gets free entry to Dragonmeet and is also allowed in early (usually from 9:00am) to get set-up.

Any questions, please contact me at games@dragonmeet.co.uk.

- Neil.

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