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Arkham Sourcebook: Clark's Corners & Ross' Corners

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I'm trying to prepare a scenario with several locations outside of Arkham, and trying to get a sense of distance. 

Clark's Corners is noted on the Highway Map of Arkham as being 2.5mi outside of Arkham, and Water Street follows the Miskatonic in the direction of Ross' Corners and Dunwich, which are off the map.

However, the Highway Map of Massachusetts shows Ross' Corners as being approx. the same distance as Clark's Corners, and immediately north of Wenham and Clark's Corners. On the other hand, this is still actually 2.5mi from Arkham according to the distance scale, and following this scale, the Arkham Highway Map should actually include Ross' Corners, Wenham, Hamilton & Asbury Grove.

I think a small mistake has been made somewhere along the way with the scales, but unsure if it's a problem I can or should rectify. Should I just tell my players to ignore the position of Clark's Corners on the Massachusetts map, and ignore the scale of the Massachusetts map entirely?

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