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LFP, 1-2, UTC+1 (CET), Six Seasons in Sartar

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LFP, 1-2, UTC+1 (CET), Six Seasons in Sartar

This game uses the BRP ruleset, modified so that the actual rules used are those of RuneQuest [url]https://rqwiki.chaosium.com/rules/[/url]
The setting is Glorantha. [url]https://rqwiki.chaosium.com/glorantha/[/url].

This is an ongoing game.

FG License: FG Unity Ultimate License (players only need the free demo license)
Game System: RuneQuest - Adventures in Glorantha.

Time Zone: UTC +1 (CET) also known as GMT +1.
Day of week and time: Tuesday at CET 19:30-22:30.
Planned Duration & Frequency: Once per week. Based on experience from digital meetings, during the pandemic, 3 hour sessions works best.
Term: Hopefully long term.

Text or Voice: Voice.
Voice software used: Discord for both voice.
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: The mix has been about RP 70/ Cbt 30 so far. 
Language: English.
Number of Players in game & needed: Three players, looking for one or two more.
Character starting level & equipment: Beginning level. 
Character restrictions: Human characters only. 

The game setting is Glorantha. We will run the "mini" campaign "Six Seasons in Sartar" (to begin with), which is set in area of Dragon Pass, in the Kingdom of Sartar, in the lands of the Haraborn Clan. We have run about half “Six Seasons”, but I expects the game to go on after that campaign is done.

The characters will be teenagers, just joining the ranks of adults. 

No previous knowledge of either Glorantha nor Runequest is needed.

I find rules-lawyers annoying so I rather not have any such in the group. Also, while bigotry, racism and such might exist in the game world I don't think it has a place at the "table". I expect players to behave with respect towards each other.

Please respond to this post via DM if this concept seems interesting, and I will contact you to discuss further.

Peter Brink

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