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About this blog

This blog discusses and explains decisions made in the process of creating the BRP/Questworlds/Pendragon mashup game system, or glorified house rules that I call Rivers of Sartar.

All images are from wikimedia, diagrams are by the author.


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Entries in this blog

Rules as Written: Strike Ranks

One of the areas of the RQ:G rules that trips up many GMs are strike ranks. In order to properly define the Rivers of Sartar house ruiles, it is important to be clear on what the RQ:G rules as written actually are, especially as many GMs use their own house rules in this area. Originally this explanation was going to be a subsection of the Rivers of Sartar house rules; that ended up confusing the presentation of those rules. so it has been split off. Purpose of Strike Ranks  


radmonger in Rules as Written

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