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Cults of Runequest: Creating Subcults



As covered in previous blog posts, the Cults of Runequest series provides rules for virtually all widespread cults of the wider Dragon Pass region. However, even when all 11 volumes are finally published, there will still be room for more player-facing options. Sometimes none of the existing cults match a character or setting concept, or the requirements of a plot.

Unfortunately, adding major new cults to Glorantha can be as problematic as adding a new major city; you are either deliberately going off-script, or need an elaborate explanation for why the city was not on any previous map, and has not been mentioned before. If the cult is small and weak, it it unlikely to offer an appealing range of Rune Magic. And if it is strictly local, characters created as initiates of that cult will have difficulties if they travel far from their home base.

One solution to this dilemma is the RQ:G concept of subcult, which represents a particular tradition of worship, aspect or understanding of an existing deity. All but the most organised and doctrinaire of cults can be split into such subcults, whose only real connection is the belief that they worship the same god. Which, as it turns out, is a belief justified by the RQ:G rules, which allow mutual recognition of initiation between subcults. 

As CoR Mythology states, "The archetypes and patterns of the God Time are eternal and fixed. But what we in Time experience of the God Time, what we call things, what we offer magic points to and draw upon when we use magic—that changes as we mortals do". Subcults are commonly created, changed and forgotten over time. Changes to the underlying cults, or deities, are at least much rarer.

So different subcults can support radically different initial character concepts, while providing a natural and interesting avenues for character growth and plot developments.

In that way, a member of, say the small Sartarite subcult of Elmal is not a member of an isolationist ethnic militia, but a junior thane in an Orlanthi rural clan, patrolling the clan lands on horseback. The connection between the Elmali and Sun Domer subcults of Yelmalio  is a source of magical strength, and likely mundane military training and experience. 

Building on the Cult framework setup by CoR, creating or elaborating such a subcult is straightforward. This blog post provides some guidelines and a template for doing so. It concludes with a new subcult, created according to those guidelines.

Subcult Template

This is a deliberately cut-down version of the of the cult template from CoR Mythology, focused on what is needed for creating and playing a character in the cult.


The recommended format for naming a subcult is the cult name plus a title, as is used for Magic:Gathering planewalkers. The subcult runes should be listed; these will commonly be different from that of the parent cult, reflecting a different focus of worship.


A full subcult only exists if there is at least a minor temple dedicated to that aspect of the deity. The temples to any given subcult will normally be one of several types:

  • clan: a focal hub for a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent.
  • tribal: a shared resource sponsored by multiple clans.
  • urban: one of the many options available to a resident in a city.
  • barracks: the home of a warband or regiment.
  • secret society: a secretive, perhaps illegal, cult.
  • guild: a trade or craft association.

Subcults with only minor temples will support less Rune Magic than those with major temples. A suggested rule of thumb is 13 non-Common Rune Spells for a Minor Temple, 17 for a Major.  Great Temples are, by definition, never dedicated to a single subcult.


Different subcults will have different available cult ranks, and may have distinctive restrictions and privileges for those ranks.

Relation to Other Subcults

The relationship between subcults will normally be one of these options:

  • ignorance: one is unaware of the others existence
  • denial: one denies that the other worships the same deity
  • rejection: one consider the other to be a perversion of the cult's moral values
  • acknowledgement: one considers the other to be a valid alternative approach to understanding the shared deity.

Compatible Occupations

List occupations most suitable for cult members, and explain what it means to be following that occupation while in the cult.



  • cult spirit magic
  • forbidden spirit magic
  • special cult Rune Spells
  • associate Rune Spells, per source



  • skills taught at step 6 of default character creation
  • cult skills taught for free
  • cult skills taught at a discount


Any information not otherwise covered.

Heler, Rain Blade:20-element-water::20-power-movement: :20-power-death:

An archaic name for this aspect of Heler is Helemakt.

During the God Time War between the Land and the Sea, Heler fought for both sides, but always alongside his sworn brother Humakt. Where Helering communities need to contribute to their own defense, rather than solely relying on allies, this cult remembers that.

In the Dragon Pass region, the cult can be found in Esrolian cities that have a Helering component to their city militia, including Nochet. During the reign of the Only Old One, Argan Argar taught many other human groups the use of spears. Recognizing that was not for them, the Helerings kept to their sharp blades. They were instead taught trollish secrets of hurling objects long distances. They keep those secrets to this day.

The cult teaches tactics suitable for fighting in city defense against a siege, not open battle. So the emphasis is on javelins thrown from city walls, and blades for close quarter fighting in docks and sewers.

It is also the backbone of the Water Brother Marines who serve on the warships of the Esrolian Navy, where that fighting style is adapted to repel boarders.

As Esrolian cities mostly rely on rivers rather than rainfall for their water, that aspect of Heler's powers is less relevant than it is elsewhere.

The cult likes those who both support and defend their community. It can look down on those who abdicate either responsibility.


Urban temples to Heler in Esrolia, and the barracks temple of the Water Brother Marines. All temples dedicated to the subcult are small.



Lay, initiate, godtalker, and priest as standard.

The subcult also supports Rune Lords, known as Rain Swords, who command marine detachments. Traditionally they also served as a personal retinue of Belintar, Their patron is now the Queen of Nochet, who finds them usefully independent of the normal earth cult power structure.

Relation to Other Subcults

The subcult accepts that both the upland fisherfolk god described in CoR: Lightbringers and the urban cult of sexual fluidity described in Six Paths are different but valid ways of approaching the same deity. Initiates from the different traditions are accepted, although it will be suggested they undergo weapons training if they are lacking it.

Compatible Occupations

  • warrior (marine): serving member, or veteran, of the Water Brother Marines
  • warrior (militia): city resident, undergoing, or focusing on, militia training 
  • crafter, labourer, fisher: city resident, militia veteran
  • sailor: ship's crew, expected to contribute to their vessel's defense
  • priest: working at a subcult temple


  • Spirit: Bladesharp (var), Extinguish (var), Heal (var), Mobility (1), Protection (var)
  • Forbidden: Firearrow, Fireblade, Ignite
  • Common: all
  • Heler: Flood (Heler variant),  Flight
  • Vaneekara: Hurling
  • Humakt: Morale
  • King Undine: Summon/Dismiss Small/Medium Water Elemental
  • Triolina: Heal Body
  • Lyksos: Breathe Air/Water
  • Irrilo: Shield
  • Choralinthor: Calm Waters
  • Dormal: Float


  • Starting Skills: First Aid +15, 1H Sword +10, Swim +20, Cult Lore (Heler) +15, Worship (Heler) +20, Meditate +5
  • Free: Cult Lore (Heler), Worship (Heler)
  • Favored: First Aid, Meditate, Sing, 1H Sword, Javelin, Swim, Fly


All spells are in Red Book of Magic, most cults are in the Prosopedia. Helemakt isn't, making room for this subcult. Some cults and occupations are from Nochet: AG.

Irrilo, the Good Defender is the founder of Esrolian city militias, Lyksos the god of the corresponding river. 

As is common with other militia-focused cults, the association with Humakt takes the form of Humakti initiates or Godtalkers serving with Helering bands as trainers. For the Humakti, this association lasts only so long as their service does.

Initiates of any associated cults serving with the militia or marines may learn Flood (Heler variant), as a defensive measure.





Edited by radmonger

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