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Posts posted by GreatBear

  1. I've never played under the old Runequest rules so I wasn't absolutely sure whether skill increases might have actually worked along those lines at one time...

    Intended or not, people did play that way. I remember having a troll down to 2 hp and being encouraged by other players to switch from my sword to a dagger so I'd get an experience check for dagger skill. Even back in my innocent youth in the 1980s I knew that was idiotic.

    Still - the basic premise makes more sense to me than any class/level based system ever did.

  2. The whole of the Star Wars series is Copyrighted. That means that all the species, the Force, the Jedi and the rest are Copyrighted.

    :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse:

    I think you are confusing copyright with trademarking. The actual text of the Star Wars novels and images in the films are protected by copyright - you cannot reproduce them without permission. Original terms like Wookie®, Jedi®, and May The Force be With You® would be protected as trademarks.

    Ideas and games rules are not protected by copyright as such. If you reword them into original language you could publish your own version of an existing game which would be functionally identical to the original (ie. MRQ). The art and board design of a game can be trademarked and in some cases the game mechanics themselves can be patented - if you can prove them are "novel" and previously un-patented. WotC did this with Magic:The Gathering.

    But you can't copyright an idea, concept, "style" or rules system.

  3. I have a bizarre and inexplicable compulsion to try and make a BRP Spelljammer conversion work (possibly I need medical help...) and I must find time to go back to my BRP Jorune conversion.



    Jorune certainly deserves to be revisited with a better system. I thought I was the only one who wanted something better for Spelljammer. I believed Spelljammer was a cool idea but I was disappointed by just about every aspect of it. How can you publish a space rpg without a spaceship combat game? You had ships. You had stats. But no goddamn rules?!

    There was certainly something intriguing about the original Dark Sun. It became less interesting to me the more they tried to cram it into the AD&D paradigm. It would be more attractive as an original BRP campaign world without the D&D baggage.

  4. I would be on board for such a project. Integrating fencing or specifically dueling rules would be a big plus for me. Mass combat rules would have be pretty abstract to fit in with BRP but it would be interesting to see it done.

    This type of background has been visited before in both historical (Flashing Blades, Lace & Steel, various Pirates/Musketeer games) and more fantastic (Pirates of the Caribbean, Flintloque (:mad:to give a bad example)) flavors.

  5. I'll second all the classics. Lately I'm into "planetary romance" so I'm reading Leigh Brackett, Lin Carter, and CL Moore.

    I have to say the Mythago series was a bit disappointing. It's a profound concept - these mythic archetypes come to life - I didn't find the event in the novels engaging.

  6. I don't think I've enjoyed any of the live Superhero/comic derived movies as much as I like Pixar's The Incredibles. Sure it's a "family" movie and it's animated but where else can you see a super team fight a giant robot and demolish a city? Not in the X-Men movie....

    And the music is great too. Same guy is scoring the new Star Trek film. Which BTW is my main target for BRP - Adventures in the Final Frontier!

  7. I am certain that this is not the case.

    As am I after looking at the poster's photo of his book. It's square bound paperback. You are right in thinking it's an advance copy. On the subject of POD hardcovers, I have purchased them from other publishers and they usually ship directly from the printer - LuLu for example.

  8. I was ambivalent when this project was a parody - but now that it's more of an homage I'm on board. I was considering running AD&D out of nostalgia - then I came to my senses. Chaos & Catacombs sounds more like what I need.

  9. En Garde could best be described as a "grand strategic" rpg. Instead of deciding what your character does in the next 15 second combat turn you decide how he will spend his time for the next week - will he visit his mistress or will he go on campaign with his regiment? What the game really is is an engine for setting up conflict between the PCs. The conflict is resolved in a duel using the a matrix driven set of fencing rules.

    Actually a pretty cool game that I have not played in years. The rules were a bit opaque (standard for 70s GDW) but once you had them sorted out could be good fun. Great for PBM or a couple turns a week at a game club.

  10. If not a YAY then how about an HUZZAH!

    Seriously, I know from experience a bit of what Jason has gone through. By the time a book gets printed, the publication process has wrung most of the joy out of you. But lets remember this might be the book that opens the door for BRP to grow and get the recognition it deserves. I got a Zero-th Edition and I'll be getting the 1st Edition too.

    Three cheers for BRP!

  11. Sadly GG has failed his last save and gone to the great beyond.

    I've certainly mellowed where AD&D is concerned. I once thought it under-designed and unplayable. Then I saw the whole parade of games in the 80s and 90s based on all the bad parts of D&D! Today AD&D would be back in my top ten games I'd like to play again if I had the chance.

    Thanks Gary for helping get the RPG ball rolling.

  12. Valid comments all. I would have to say that 90% the "revival" project are nostalgia driven and probably won't bring any number of new young RPGers to the table. You don't get a second chance to impress a gamer and most of these games require a big investment in time and gray matter before there is a pay-off in satisfaction. Re-presenting 80s games in all their tedious, table-driven, die roll modifying pre-home computer/video game/MMORPG glory just doesn't cut it. It's preaching to the choir.

    Some few old games are still playable and I class BRP as the most straight forward and accessible of all. Does it have a chance of becoming the next d20? sadly no - Chaosium just doesn't have the resources to promote it.:deadhorse:

  13. My takes has always been psionics & magic are two explanations for the same thing. No matter what you call them they should use the same game system. The preserver/defiler is pretty central to Athas but does it have to fundamentally different than the Psi user? I'd use the same system for all powers but have the source of the POW points vary.

  14. Athas for me is the only D&D world that really transcends the Elf/Dwarf/Orc/etc. paradigm that is D&D. It would certainly be a better fit for the BRP system than it ever was for D&D. I'd chuck all the obvious D&D critters and chose either Magic or Psionics (not both for crissakes!) and there you go.

  15. Many people over the years have wanted to do ERB's Barsoom roleplaying. ERB Inc. are not interested nowadays unless their cut runs into 6 figures. Even though Burroughs books are all in the public domain now, ERB Inc. hold trademarks on the names of the significant characters i.e. Tarzan®, John Carter of Mars®, etc. For an example of what you can get away with see MARS from Adamant Entertainment.

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