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Marlowe Fire

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Posts posted by Marlowe Fire

  1.  @Lynne H,

    Not sure if this is helpful or interesting, but I am currently running this campaign the 1920s regular Cthulhu style, and my group is currently in Chapter 3 about to head into Peshawar. They are definitely enjoying themselves but a few things have happened that I did not expect, and perhaps they may help as playlets notes here. 

    1. My group, after having run into the situation with Shen Chu in chapter 2, and learning of her background my investigators insisted on bringing her along with them, and used every persuade and charm skill in the book to get her to agree. She is now with them and being taken in as a ward for one of the PC's.  I have adjusted their caravan supplies costs accordingly (slightly) to account for another mouth to feed, and they are training her and believe she should be able to level up along with them... so She is. 

    2. The issue with Ms. Abernathy and her fate... oh.. my... god.. What I thought was going to be a quick and unanimous decision tore at the moral fabric of my group. This single side scenario has been a topic of conversation for the better part of a weekend among them as many wanted to alter her fate, even after hearing her  express that she chose this. They contested that she was coerced and when they themselves were offered the same agreement Ms. Abernathy was offered, they flat out refused. Eventually this scene ended abruptly as my Investigators delved out of character, and the Rat the King and other onlookers shook their heads, muttered and returned back, leaving the invesigators arguing out in the middle of the desert. This at least got a chuckle from them, but the same moral decisions came up with the Runner situation later on. 


    I love this campaign, its highlighted things I had not considered as a keeper, my players constantly keep me on my toes. Im fairly certain they are going to choose the theft option in the next chapter, given their skills and Shen Chus skills, but who knows?! :)

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