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Everything posted by Alexandre_J

  1. A bit of background: last year my wife asked me to run an rpg for her family, including her 99 years old grandma ! I ran a DCC adventure, and she enjoyed it (my wife was supposed to explain what RPGs were to her but forgot to do so: not a problem as her grandmother immediately grasped what our hobby was all about). Fast forward one year, this time I got to run another game, this time exclusively for my wife and her grandmother (now a 100 years old! Is that a Guiness record? Who cares 🙂 This time I ran them through the Necropolis and it was a blast. Both really enjoyed the game as it was short but at the same time condensed everything I like about Call of Cthulhu: investigation, horror and the need to use brains rather than brawn. This last part was particularly appreciated by my wife's grandmother has she enjoyed the fact that she had to think on her feet and take some risks. Being born in 1922 she especially enjoyed playing a game taking place in 1924 🙂 To make the game easier to grasp I printed all maps and some images grabbed from the internet and used three miniatures (the characters and the monster) . Oh, almost forgot one thing: their characters made it out alive! So thanks to Leigh Carr and everyone involved in the making of this awesome adventure. You made a 100 years old grandmother and her granddaughter enjoy a game together ^^
  2. Hi to all! First post here. I posted about this on the Yog-Sothot forums as well. After seeing a bunch of supplements in korean for CoC on Drtivethru RPG, it led me to an interesting blog post about rpgs in South Korea (where CoC seems to be pretty popular as reported on the Chaosium forums) which in turn led me to the south korean publisher website. Add to that my interest in South Korean cinema that led me to try to lean a little more about both countries (North and South korea). To make a long story short:: movies have allowed many of us to share at least a common image of the country and its history, no matter how shallow. A shared imagination is one of rpgs' main pillar, now that South Korea has entered our western imagination, maybe it's time to have supplements/adventures/campaigns set in South Korea ? During the japanese occupation (watch The Secret Mission)?, the 1987 uprising (watch 1987 When the day come)? The Joseon period (watch the Kingdom TV series or Jesters the Game changers) ? Now (watch the The Strangers/the Wailing)? The Korean war could also be an obvious choice but maybe a little too obvious. Something more subtle along the lines of The Secret Mission where the characters would deal with eldritch tomes instead of dictionary entries? TLDR:, is there a CoC supplement/adventure/campaign set in Korea in the works from anyone ? Is there any interest for it ? I will definitely try to run at least an adventure for my group and then work my way up from there.
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