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Posts posted by Crisippo

  1. On 8/20/2023 at 5:26 PM, clarence said:

    What’s the name of the shop?

    The shop is called Outland, it's the Norwegian equivalent of SFBok in Sweden, but with quite a few shops around the country (all the largest cities and a few smaller ones). I know the guy responsible for events at the Oslo shop, so i keep up with what's happening there.

    On 8/20/2023 at 5:26 PM, clarence said:

    I’ve also been working on Talents, a semi-magical system for low-power stuff like danger sense and animal whisperer. It might fit with a noir setting perhaps?

    Yes, that sounds like a great fit. There was a swedish game called Noir 10-15 years ago that had a setting with some supernatural almost horror elements woven into an early 20th century type metropolis. I enjoyed that setting a lot (not so much the rules after a while) and was thinking of taking some inspiration from that setting for my con scenario.

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  2. 4 hours ago, clarence said:

    What genres do you enjoy in general?

    I enjoy a lot of different settings gaming wise, but i'd have to say that historical fantasy or mythological games are very close to my heart. Pendragon is one of the games I've played the most and certainly over the longest amount of time. I am also running two different Star Wars games atm so "space fantasy" or "sword and planet" is also great. Even the more terrestial "sword and sorcery" is something i quite enjoy.

    I was actually thinking of a noir-style detective game or supernatural thriller when i first read Comae Engine which feels fitting since you mentioned detective stories. I'm going to a convention here in Norway in early october and i'm considering writing a con scenario and if i do i'm inclined to use Comae Engine. I think the rules are fairly easy to explain. Extended conflicts basically give all challenges (not just combatre challenges) "hit points" which most gamers grasp fairly easily.

    4 hours ago, clarence said:

    The overarching idea is to add a #Paranormal Tag to all spell users and magical creatures. Magic will work as a skill, with individual spells as Focuses. So, it could look like this: Fantasy Magic //Fireball or Witchcraft //Curse. And so on. But you are of course free to come up with something completely different. 

    This looks good of course, but i'm thinking of genres where dabbling in, say, magic is dangerous or comes with a personal cost. I think i can see using magic draining POW or INT (or any of the pools depending). I see that POW is also meant to rate magical affinity so that fits.

    BTW; my local gaming store here in Oslo has a tuesday rpg salon where someone ran a Comae Engine adventure last tuesday. I was unable to attend anyway and didn't see the posting thursday or friday. The synchronicity of that with me finding out about the game and picking it up just made me laugh. So thought i'd share.

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  3. Hi Clarence

    I picked up Comae Engine yesterday and have been reading it now. It looks amazing, and i really like the look of this game. Thank you for creating it and bringing it the community.

    I'm really interested in trying to use the system for something, but i'm not sure what. Thinking of that (and since there is no setting in the game) I wondered if you had any ideas or examples of what the game has been used to run? I am aware of M-Space and Odd Soot which i suppose are examples - but beyond those?

    Since i like adapting rule-systems and tinkering with them to adapt them i was also thinking of using the Conflict pools to power abilities, magics or the like. Probably quite obvious, but do you know if any has done something like that (even yourself maybe :-))

    Thanks again for a great game 

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