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  1. O lives chaos. After all. ^^ Hmm... your Picture looks like you are somewhere comon to the german countriside, frogspawn?
  2. Hi rust. Hab ich doch im Ansatz richtig gelegen, dass du dich hier rumtreiben müsstest. ^^ Thanks for the welcome.
  3. or this is this realy awful Question how to start a thread. Hi there everybody. I'm one of those Players who are looking for their "special" System to get a Chance for this more or less Creepy Ideas, which wants to get a setting for themselfes one day. (For a long time now and it has never realy been finding an end by now.) Well at the Moment I read myself into Fate and of course: Basic Role Playing. (I've stumbeld over the system a few years ago and had a short contact to someone who might be a member of this comunity after all. Well we will se.) I'm not quite sure, if there will be a lot of question in the nere futur, but as far as I'm going on with the "big yellow brick" there might be some here and ther. So I wanted a board to ask questions and this is the reason I'm here now. We will see.
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