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  • RPG Biography
    Been playing tabletop RPG's since childhood - primarily CofC, White Wolf (Werewolf, Vampire the Masquerade, Mummy); Shadowrun - until I came across Glorantha.
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    Rune Quest and some others on occasion.
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    I came here to chat up one specific guy on the topic of Spol and spolitism. So there. I am a MASSIVE nerd when it comes to Glorantha.

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  1. Nobody made a note as far as I can see that some egyptian mythology make the sphinx(es) out to be a guardian of the entrance and exit of the Underworld which Ra has to traverse. Depending on the extent you think that egyptian mythology may be instructive, Rausa and Theya could appear as Sphinxes? As a temple guardian it could be associated with the solar pantheon, and it would be a nice feature of Belintar's Holy Country. Could also be one of the "innovations" of the nysaloran Khordavu dynasty.
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