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Posts posted by Enpeze

  1. Speaking of "full color fancy artwork books", I'd love to see Artesia converted into brp. I haven't bought many rpgs in a long time, but the Known World from Artesia is a fun setting. And the creator/Artist/Author is a fan of Glorantha and RQ.

    For something that's not specifically a licensed setting, I'd like to see a fantasy setting that doesn't revolve around or lead up to huge changes, invasions from over the sea and gods fighting it out. Something that puts more emphasis on competent but not really extraordinary characters.

    Political and religious rivalry within a city-state, a mercenary band wandering looking for hire, guarding a merchant caravan, finding the lost so and so.

    Anything that doesn't have the word "epic" in it.

    Good idea. No epic. Just gritty :)

    Which kind of world is Artesia? What I have seen so far does not really impress me that much. Maybe you can give some impressions you had from it?

  2. Talislanta looks very nice and phantastic but I am not very sure about its seriousness. I have a lot of material for this setting but I often smiled about the races pictures. In essence all the alien races are humans which look like caricatures of weasels and birds. I never played it but I assume it feels like a kind of fantasy star wars.

    Of course it would be great as a BRP game. Especially because the OMNI game system (which is Talislanta originally) is not that far away from the basic idea of a simple deadly engine. It would also be very interesting to learn which attributes all the strange creatures and races do have in BRP.

  3. I was wondering when you would show up...

    There are some basic energy shield rules in WoW, very basic. Maybe something in Ringworld, but it has been a long time since I read it. So probably something but probably pretty undeveloped.

    In Ringworld there are not many classical shields. Its a long time since I played it, so I hope the info is correct. You have eg. "Sonic Folds" which deflect kinetic energy totally (but not lasers etc.) and "Diffusion generators" which absorbs half of every damage and blurs sight. (in AND outside the generators range) To counter this effect everyone inside the generators shield has to wear special goggles (which is a very nice idea IMO)

  4. Hi,

    my online name is Enpeze and my real name Klaus. My daily money I get from newspapers and advertising agencies which I work with as a computer layouter. I am living in the beautiful city of Vienna and I am eating the whole good day Mozart-Kugeln (ok the latter was the usual joke for tourists...)

    I play roleplaying games for 25 years now (I began with 16y) and I hope this will last for another 25 years. At the beginning I played a german roleplaying game called Midgard. 2 years later I detected RQ2 and thereafter CoC. That was it. Since then I am playing mostly BRP/RQ. I tried other systems but they are mostly not up to my expectations. (some are really bad, some others boring etc.)

    What makes BRP perfect for my taste?

    -simplicity (I never has to look up for a rule)

    -no artificial levels (like D&D or others)

    -no XP (like Gurps, D&D and others)

    -suitable for EVERY genre (expect toon, comic or extreme heroic/cinematic)

    -it melts with the background - some systems take themselves much too important, not so BRP

    -DEADLY! Oh yeah man. I am laughing when my NPCs manage to decapacitate a PC and looking at the shocked faces of my players is worth many Large Bronze...hehe.

    -Realistic, lets face it. If you draw a weapon in BRP it could be your last action in this adventure as this PC. If you know this you will think of alternative ways to solve conflicts. Which leads to great roleplaying!

    So I prefer a rather simulationistic environment in my games with heavy acting from GM and players alike. I expect from my players to involve themselve in portraying their characters realistically and so do I am with my NPCs. Many modules we played in the last decades are legendary in our little circle and we speak of them years thereafter as if they happened yesterday. My preferred genres are fantasy (homebrewn world), Chtuhlhu, traveller, and ICE Cyberspace (with BRP rules of course)

  5. I think most people who know the name BRP will also know the name Chaosium. The game has potential to become popular but I don't think the old name will appeal to newcomers. The old fish will be hooked, whatever it is called. the words "basic roleplaying" kind of make me yawn when I say them. (best game ever though)

    The game IS popular. No? Maybe I am one of those old fishs you mentioned but I think BRP in its many incarnations is legendary and very well known in the rpg microcosmos. Or am I wrong?

    I love "basic roleplaying" because it is perfectly portraying the game. This old game is as simple and minimalistic as the name shows. Its basic, because one dont have to pay much attention to play the engine. (unlike in many other systems) Its the base, the invisible pillar, of a successful game. I always say to my players: A sucessful adventure has 3 pillars which it is based upon. The setting, the players and the system. (ok, ok maybe chips and beer too)

  6. Part of the title is 'D100 Roleplaying System', remember. Whether that is good or bad, who knows? Somebody who loves Rolemaster or HARP might turn it down because the rolls work reverse from what they are used to, but a new player who opens the book will see a very open, even transparent system. So the cover will be much more important than the title in any event, I think. It would be worth it for Chaosium to pay a big fee to Frazetta or Brom or somebody like that for a really good cover, just to ensure that it attracts attention to start with.

    I agree completely. Even if they dont pay Frazetta. (is he still alive?) There a many very talented artists out there which dont cost that much or which have older artwork somewhere. They only have to look on the net to find one or two of them. (eg this guy: http://www.rochr.com)

    Regarding Basic Roleplaying I think the name is absolutely great. Its perfectly perfect for the rule system its portraying. In this name everything what the system is, is included. Its simple, intuitive, everything you will ever need (except my beloved Gurps sourcebooks which I never want to miss) for a good roleplaying session.

    (of course inofficially I will call DBRP always Deburp) :D

  7. Hi badcat. Thank you I am very well. (except our rainy shit-weather at the moment in Vienna) And how are you?

    Let me guess who you are if you know me from those Mongoose board. Hm...Badcat? ....Badcat? ....BRP fanatic...likes grim and fast ....grubel... think....Maybe you are Andakitty? (Cats everywhere...:))

    Would be glad if you could tell me if I am right...

  8. first...great forum and I am glad that there is one for BRP only.

    Regarding your concern, I would like to add the following:

    Personally I think the superworld rules are very good and perfectly usable for this genre for those who like it. So no problem with these.

    Psychic powers from elfquest? AFAIR there has been not very many different powers. (only half a dozen pages) I never played EQ so I dont know if its good or not.

    Summoning from Stormbringer: Are you sure that its not just the SB basic spell system which they bring on? I mean the whole goodness of the summoning system comprises many more pages than the basic spells of SB5th and it has extremely close ties to the stormbringer setting. (maybe even too close to be "generic")

    I am a big fan of the summoning system (both 1st ed and 5th) so if they bring it on for generic magic I would be a happy camper. If its just the spell system it would be also ok.

    I am not a big fan of the spell system of WoW (every spell is a single skill) so I will probably not use it if its coming up in DBRP.

    Hawkmoon mutations are not much of a system but they are nice ideas for modifying normal animals or plants.

    Generally I think there are enough different powers presented in the DBRP book to cater most styles. And it offers also plenty of room for more detailed source books (eg "DBRP Magic").

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