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Everything posted by Nolzur

  1. Hi! I'm new to glorantha and i've been reading and exploring stuff in the past month or so with great intrest. I have a few questions about stuff from the god-time since i'm building a temple complex from the golden age, with emphasis on Lodril and maybe some lore on Dayzatar since i love their place in the pantheon even though they are not that relevant. First question:is there any adventure out with strong elements of the golden age or god-time in it's evironment?What is it since i want to be prepared and i don't now if going megalithic or something more advanced like brick/terracotta/plaster. Second: I sorely need some lore on Lodril, Dayzatar and such. I have something but not much and know nothing about where to look. Third, and this is more like confusion on my part: in what sense did time not exist? I'm taking it as some kind of simultaneous happening of events in which maybe people from the golden age had already myths of the fall that did not "yet" happen. Also the lack of heroquesting rules is hurting me here since I really want to reveal some hidden lore that nobody alive would know through a "lost" hero quest obtained from legens of this ancient time, so if you know something, anything, about it please tell me.
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