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Posts posted by Zalain

  1. hello all,


    Question is simple:  but how much ENC for coins??

    how i calcultate the ENC if my thief runs away with a bag full of coins or my adventurers try to go out from a casttle with a chest?

    I havent found nothing about coins weight in "Weapons and Equipment" Glorantha supplement. Book which I find imprecise and lacking in details, as for example:

    Purse: A leather pouch for storage of coins and small valuables, either worn tucked into or laced onto the belt, or hung about the neck. These are generally small, rarely larger than a fist, due to the weight a larger one would create. (Common Goods: Weapons and Equipment pg20)

    Maybe the good thing of that lack of details is precisely i can give those details.

    If it is not told anywhere, would be 100coins= 1ENC too much? (no matter if wheels, lunars, clacks or bolgos)


    thank you in advance,

  2. 3 minutes ago, Nick Brooke said:

    Simplest explanation: the Lanbril cult steals already-sanctified holy places that belonged to other gods.

    But to recover Lanbrils Rune Points, doesnt the thief need a consecrate place to Lanbril himself?


    (well, could be a great idea that a Lanbril thief could use shrines from other gods and the bonus he takes to "Worship Lanbril" comes from the things the thief steals of objects/animals sacrified to their gods)

  3. Hello all,


    In pg 115 of Lightbringers book, Rune Magic: the cult provides all common rune magic except "consecrate": does it implies the thief has to return to his haunt (assuming its a shrine/temple) to recover his Rune Points?

    And: the only rune spells avaiable for thieves are Divination Block and Dismiss (elemental)? WHat sense does it have dissmiss a elemental and not be able to summon it? (what sense does it have a thief can be summon/dismiss elemental?)

    Maybe those questions seems a bit silly, but im creating a Lanbril thief, and maybe its not a good choice if the campaing is in other cites different of his own.


    thank you in advance!!!

  4. On 3/3/2024 at 10:33 AM, French Desperate WindChild said:

    In fact even for a npc I would try to find a reason (yes I know, chaos does not need at all any reason 🙂 )

    In my Hunter (follower of foundchild) player background i told him he never knew his mother and his father never talked about her.

    In the campaign, the group of adventurers succesfully evacuated a town from an Crimsom Bat (and its followers) attack.

    (Well, some villagers were rapped or eaten by the demon, but not enought to make it to stay, so it had to leave to another place to satisfy its hunger).

    But the red glow affected this hunter in some way. He began having nightmares with wolves, red moon, blood. And after several games, he suddenly transformed in a "out of control werewolf".

    He doesnt know: His mother was a telmori who couldn't take care of his child. So this character had a sleeping chaos that suddenly woke up.

    Here is where "A short Detour" book comes into game. That character is a werewolf, not a telmori, he doesnt know how to handle the chaos in him. And he is trying to understand what is happening.

    On 3/3/2024 at 12:02 PM, Scotty said:

    No, see Wolfbrothers 2.9.6 Real Fire, Rocks and falling Damage in the Q&A.


    On 3/3/2024 at 2:02 PM, Squaredeal Sten said:

    My answer is different; That is not actually what the Bestiary says.  It says something less sweeping: P.85 right column first full paragraph:



    Just an idea im having about is the Telmoris skin in wolf (or half-wolf) shape are like a "bulletproof fullbody vest".

    They will avoid lots of damage from slash or impalant. But still can be damaged by some blunt damage.

    In game terms, the non runic weapon cant damage them, but they could get the FUE+TAM damage modifier from the attacker... And could be affected by the push.

    Thrown weapons could still affect them (because they have half of damage modifier), but not projectile weapons (bows, sling, crossbow).

    As i said, just an idea. Happy to read your opinions.

  5. On 12/23/2023 at 10:11 PM, Zalain said:

    As Gloranthta´s bestiary say in Pg.85, Telmori are inmune to all damage excepting Enchanted rune metals, Magic, poison, and another Telmori.

    Are they inmune to blunt weapons? Fire? Fallings?

    On 12/23/2023 at 10:46 PM, soltakss said:

    Yes, if they are non-magical

    So, if a Telmori falls from a ridge, cliff, etc... or a tall tower to the ground, he/she would get up as nothing?

  6. hello all, again


    i got a new question about telmoris, weapons and transformations:

    could a telmori have an involuntary transformation, a different day of Wild-Day?  Could his taint chaos indice that transformation? Or maybe be the Red Moon glow (being inside of the Lunar Empire frontiers ro too close of the Crimsom Bat ??

    How to use A short Detour guide in this case?



    PG85: Glorantha Bestiary:  Their Chaotic nature gives them their abilities of involuntary shape change and...

    Does this refer to the involuntary transformation on wold day ONLY? or could a telmori transform in the other cases wroten before?


    thank you in advance!!!



  7. Hello all

    i come back again with a pile of new questions!

    This time is about Telmoris.

    As Gloranthta´s bestiary say in Pg.85, Telmori are inmune to all damage excepting Enchanted rune metals, Magic, poison, and another Telmori.

    Are they inmune to blunt weapons? Fire? Fallings?

    When Human shaped Telmori transform into wolves, would  they do it in 4 legs wolf or 2 legs werewolf? Could they choose?

    As "Because of their magical nature, one Wolfbrother can wound another", so their bite could be considerated themselves as "magical weapons" when attacking other creatures as Spirits, or

    Are they conscient of their acts, when transforming on wildday nights? -they do instinctive acts instead of intelligence - (i wonder that they keep self-awarenes if transform using rune magic)


    thank you in advance aaaand....

    Happy and Merry Christmas everybody!

  8. Hello all,



    A critical hit ignores the effects of armor or any other protection, and does impaling, slashing, or crushing damage (depending on weapon type)

    Critical Hit, page 206


    does Critical hits ignores protection magic such Shield (rune spell) or Protection (spirit magic)? What would happen if objetive has a Ward Against weapons (Sorcery Spell) on him/her?

    what would happen if the weapon affected by the sorcery spell Dampen Damage (pg.394) does a critical hit?


    thank you in advance

  9. Thank you all for your answers.

    I took the decision to allow him join the cult of Lhankor mhy, but thanks of your answers i see there are some extra counterparts the Yelmalian player has to accept.

    Most of the players of my group doesnt like worship or play as fanatic follower of the gods they follow.

    I had a orlanthi/storm bull character that wasnt impulse or violent at all. (The player was unable to play an aggressive character so now is a silver dwarf).

    I had Lhankor Mhy initiate that didnt like to investigate... Emmm... Nothing. And now is the sorcerer tainted by chaos that i mentioned in other post).

    i had a shaman follower of Daka Fal, that NEVER became incorporate, used axis mundi or or talked to his ancestors...). 

    And now my Yelmalio warrior wants to join Lhankor Mhy...

    ... Im about to cry.


    The fact is the magic of lhankor mhy would be welcome in future games where knowledge and adivination spells could give extra clues to mysteries.

    • Like 1
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  10. Hello all,

    i got a player which chracater is an initiated of Yelmalio. The adventures put the group in a small city with several temples of wind gods (one of them is from Lhankor mhy).

    Well this player, surprising all, (characters, players and gamemaster -me-), manifested being interested joining Lhankor Mhy cult.


    i played this this way: At first, the chief of the temple decline him. FOr weraing weapons, armor, marks and symbol of sun cult, and arguing any warrior doesnt have ANY knowledge to contribute with. But (character) player replied about a couple of knowledge skills he has over 50%. He meet the requirements to join Lhankor Mhy cult, in addition of Yelmalio.

    Both cults are Neutral.

    i thought admit him, but not allowing (for faith issues) sorcery spells.

    or should i keep negate him??

  11. hello hello!

    i´m using A Short Detour as a guide to manage a character tainted by chaos, but with some little changes.

    well, the tainted character keeps his chaos hide for the momment, but one of the other sorcery user characters are asking him to teach, steal breath (spell that was learnt from a chaos tainted book).

    If the first sorecerer teach the spell to his mates, will they be able to get tainted too? ...or maybe trigger the spelll against them during the lesson?

    • Like 3
  12. I´m so sorry but neither me or my players understand the difference between them. after reading and reading, once and another the spells and looking for examples and discussing to the death. In fact, this confusion is one of the causes 3 of 5 of my players prefer sorcery.

    the  only  of the  examples given in Well of daliath that we agree, is that if a Zorak  zoran follower sends a Fire elemental against a yelm adventurer, he CANT control it with Command Cult spirit rune spell, because that fire elemental hasnt been sent by zorak zoran.

    what spirits can summon a Orlanthi with Summon Cult Spirit what could help adventurers? anything excepting an Air Elemental? can he choose? or exclusively it depends of the rune points and the rune used?

    ...or can i use Summon air elemental rune spell but control it with command cult spirit??

    can a Foundchild initiate, summon a Dryad of the woods? or only animal spirits? any (already dead) hunter spirit?  and how it may help?

    Could a fisical animal be summoned by summon spirit cult rune spell? Or would it be the ethereal one? (Following Glorantha bestiary animal spirits list)

    please, need  clarification because we lost precious time in our last game discussing this (and we only can meet once a month). it drove me crazy. it DRIVES me crazy

    • Like 1
  13. Hello again!

    After discussing with my sorecerer players your answers... i (we) have a new question about active/pasive spells:


    If a sorcerer make an active spell in other character (for example, disappear), but that character gets further than the spell range from the concentrated sorcerer, what would happen??

    Would the spell remain active until the sorcerer keeps concentration despite of going further of the spell range?


    Would the spell stop as soon as the character leaves the spell range?


    salutes and thank you in advance 

  14. 19 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Truth, Command, (?Fire?)

    Its a great idea, but i would use the Separate technique instead of command, making the spell more difficult to learn/use.


    23 hours ago, David Scott said:

    Yes, I had a player who created an enchantment to use with this for 1 or 2 POW it was permanent (See Create Zomebie & Skelleton in the Bestiary)

    So your player created a sorcery spell based on a runic spell? thinking its a great idea too, i imagine that the runes and techniques are same than Animate dead? But shouldnt the character know in any way those Runic spells? or at least be able to study them (any other character in the group who have them?)


    23 hours ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    that is not only summoning a fire, that's maintaining the fire (and the dammage)

    if it is instant, it means you start a fire. If there is water, or just no fuel, there is no more fire.  As it is temporal, it means you maintain the fire

    Good point: Need to concentrate to maintain it where is no fuel. If he loses concentration, the fire expires, but if he concentrates again, the fire burns up again?? (until the spell duration, of course)

    One of my players has conflagration spell: wants to make it passive, to maintain the fire without being concentrate. i told him INTx4 difficult, because its a "small" change for that spell. He had another idea to change the spell making able of moving the flame, and i told him to be INTx3, maybe X2. Because create a fireball (like D&D spell) would be a X1

    Other of the sorcerers (the one who knows the Dampen damage) wants to make it passive, and i told him INTx4 of difficulty too, because i thought its a logical change which i dont understand isnt in the spell description, like neutralize armor (for example).

    23 hours ago, David Scott said:

    This is not an active spell.

    true, my fault!

  15. Hello all,

    i think sorcery in RQG has been misstreated.


    There are some spells that the sorcerer wont be able to use on himself because they are active, as for example:

    -Dampen damage (if he is concentrated in enemy´s weapon, he cant fight against it)

    -Neutralize armor (if he is concentrated in his own weapon, he cant fight against the enemy)

    -Dissapear (if he is concentrated in the spells, he cant move freely, just slowly)

    -Conflagration (what sense has to be "active", if the summoned fire is steady?)

    -Animate dead (the sorcerer only would be able to animate a single dead).


    Of course, i engourage to my sorcereres (3 of my 6 players are sorcery users) to create new or modify known spells.


    Did i miss something? or simply those spells arent designed for self use?


    thank you in advance for your answers



  16. hello all!! Thank you for the answers.

    The game was played past weekend. Was funny to interpretate the conversation following of the group return. Finnally the Hunter declared his love for the girl, and they will marry when the campaign finishes. He won passion "love her" and during the game, the player didnt stop "losing" Death Rune (AKA growing Fertility Rune), and doing acts, increasing the passion love.

    If nothing bad happens in the next Sacred Time,  That character wont play the next campaign.


    salutes all and thank you!

    • Like 1
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  17. Hello all.

    One of my players plays a hunter who has been neighbour of an NPC Voria priestess and her family of farmers. The girl was initiated in Voria, the time passed, they grew, and she became priestess. She was a teenager but didnt leave the cult, keeping her virginity. They grew together, but the life made him (the hunter, the character of my player) leave home. 

    In the last adventure, the adventurers group went back to that town for a single day. And before departing, the hunter stole a kiss to her all life's friend: a Voria's priestess.

    They completed their task and now they are back on the town.

    What are the consecuencesof that kiss?

    Wouldnt put in scene angry  Babbester Gor amazons too much?

    Would the priestess leave voria? 

    I thought make them talk. "Hey you, hunter, i have to face the hormones you have woke up against my loyalty to Voria..."


    But im stuck in that thinking.

    What would you do?

  18. thank you all, again, for your aswers,

    @Lordabdul, i just bought "A short detour", it will help me a lot.


    i have more questions about sorcery and chaos, to not begin a new topic:

    In RQ3 there was a sorcery spell called "create vampire". In fact, in the one shot adventure of the Basic rule book of RQ3, ("the black witch", i think could be translation?), there was about a female sorcerer who wanted kidnap a girl with extra ultra high mega POW (40?) and make her a vampire and then slave her using a ritual to vinculate "pets" to the sorcerer. My excuses if the translations to english arent correct.

    In fact. The RQ3 sorcery ritual of create vampire doesn´t implies be a Vivamort follower, and doesn´t mention vivamort at all. then, what would be the difference between the Vivamort vampire, and the sorcery made vampire? Sorcery made vampire would grow chaotic rune if havent tainted at all?

    I suppose the "new" vampire doesnt have to be tainted by chaos, but once he has hungry, have to feed from sentient´s blood, and it could be considered as chaotic action.

    Trolls kill humans and other sentients to feed, and it isnt considered chaotic action.


    • Like 2
  19. Thank you ALL for our answers. Very apreciated ^^


    The sorcerer won the taint of chaos handling (reading) a book owned and used by a vampire. So i gave him a direct 10% of chaos rune for learning a spell from a book stolen from a vampire´s library. i didnt wanted to give him a chance to avoid the counterpart.

    Maybe he had to begin with a higher %?


    then, in this case, this Humakti with a chaos feature and a chaotic necklace only had a 10% of being tainted? ...or, once a character is tainted, i have to give a chaotic feature? Im getting confused.




    The rest of the group doesn´t know about this fact. And the sorcerer told me he wants to try to keep it in secret as long as posible.

    20 hours ago, Lordabdul said:

    The appendix goes in depth into what is Chaos, the Chaos Rune, and so on. And then there are indeed rules for Chaotic taint, with a downward spiral mechanic and a quite hard-to-achieve way to get yourself rid of the taint -- although there are also a couple of leads towards magical cleansing and other ways to get rid of it. In my game, there was a heroquest to get rid of it, which was tied to how the characters got it in the first place (hint: they had to face Cacodemon)

    all my questions are about that downward spiral you said:


    So how the behaviour of the character would change?

    Could you have Rune of Chaos and be a "good person"?

    what actions would make that character increase de % of chaos in him?

    20 hours ago, Lordabdul said:

    See "A Short Detour". I present rules where trying to resist Chaos can backfire and increase your Chaos Rune. And where finally getting rid of the Chaos Rune might leave a "hole" in your soul.

    will look for it!



    And what if one character were a Telmori???

    ....aaaand what if one characer were transformed in a broo by the Chaos Feature Rune Spell?? (could be cleansed in any way?)


  20. hello all,


    Reading this topic about a Humakti who got a chaotic feature getting a chaotic necklace...


    ... i got a similar situation for one of my characters:

    One Sorcerer took a sorcery spell book from a vampire, and studiing it to learn the "animate dead" spell. I allowed him to learn it by himself without a master (in fact, was a trap to taint him to chaos). The player doesnt care because he (and me) thinks he can handle it, not letting the rune grow (increase %).

    In that book there are wroten some "evil" spells he havent learnt yet (steal breath, tap body)

    The rest of characters (neither their owner players) doesnt know about it, and neither the existence of the book. And the sorcerer wants to try to keep in secret, and i think it wil make the future games more interesting. But, here the numbers:

    As is said here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/greg-sez/chaos-taints-qa/

    i gave him a 10% of rune of chaos to begin with. And i think giving him extra 10% for each spell he learns from that book.


    How can this Rune of Chaos increase or decrease? can any rune decrease?? (apart of power runes)


    i think maybe giving him the passion of obsesion book, or maybe obsession with dead (and make him to roll dices everytime he uses animate dead spell. If he fall to the obsesion, the rune of chaos increases. What do you think about? How would you handle it?

    EDIT: how the character will be changing until the chaos rune is increasing? Fisically? only behaviour?


    thank you in advance!



  21. Hello all.

    First of all, excuse me for my english i dont speak/write fluently but i will try to explain myself.


    The first rule Roleplaying Glorantha book says is "MAXIMUM GAME FUN". You may change rules to make the game funnier, or as i think: make them logical and playable. The Roleplaying Glorantha Q&A is not an exception and i think twice before apply some of the "corrected" rules.

    In this case, Roleplaying Glorantha Q&A doesnt explain how Protective Circle works: only that works with any kind of magic.

    i have adapted old RQ3 Sorcery to Roleplayinng Glorantha sorcery, adding techniques and runes to many to those old spells. This way my characters can "choose" (or at least have more options) than given in Roleplaying Glorantha.

    Protective Circle spell of RQ3 and Roleplaying Glorantha are quite different, but have similarities. i recommend to read the Protective Circle of RQ3 to make a better idea. They are not the same, but the old one helped me understand what i want from the new one.


    Having a spell in which makes other spells affect to whoever gets inside from a sphere let players to do their strategy. The name of the spell confuse the properties of it.



    you can launch protective spells to it, but just know if enemy comes inside, will be protected too.

    You can launch attack spells to it, but just know if any ally comes inside, will be damaged too JUST ONCE... (if goes out and comes in again, will be damaged again).

    You can launch heal spells and anyone inside will be healed.

    You can launch demoralize, fanatism, berserk, and who go inside the circle will be affected too, but who leaves it wont be affected more.

    You can launch animate dead, and all corpses inside will follow your orders, but would fall if leave the circle.


    what i forbid to my players is create a protection circle over their helmet and the area moves where the helmets go. No. the circle must be as big as the area you want to cover. if you cast it to your helmet, only will affect your head.


    hope have help










    3 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    ...  Do you want to let them execute their plan?  Or is there some reason you think it should go wrong?

    They only question how the ritual works. So i asked for their plan:


    Their idea was (..is) to make a effigie with redmoon simbols and runes to atract those redmoon priest. Not other evilness: just redmoon evilness. So maybe they get a really big bad redmoon spirit into effigie   ...or...   those priest coming to the effigie.

    The ritual is what it is. And it implies to fight whatever it is summoned. I wonder that Orlanth wouldnt be pleased if they leave the ring where the effigie is. And for that, i would do opposed rolls to Devotion Orlanth against Love family (you want to save your family but you have to betrayal your god).

    If they success on their rolls, then the plan could be fine, or could be wrong


    3 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    Re. What happens if the image is not destroyed: Then the summoners have unleashed a magical monster in the community.  This is not good.  It might even get  them % in the Chaos rune.


    I wouldn´t give them a % of chaos rune, instead i would punish with a % malus to Honor, and significatively reduce reputation...


    1 hour ago, soltakss said:

    It is normally very bad to do this, as the enemy can devastate your clan. 

    You would also get marked as cowards, and the Orlanth Spirits of Reprisals will come visiting.

    hehehe! And of course: Reprisal Spirits.


    But, if their plan works? maybe Orlanth would be expectant before punish

    i think is better and easier for all to make them to change their mind, and look for another strategy (i really was expecting an stealth assault killing one by one, but... they ALWAYS do everything different or take different ways, go different paths of what i planed... lol ).





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