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Posts posted by Metalzoic

  1. On 11/24/2023 at 1:37 PM, DreadDomain said:

    Only because of the cover / graphic design ?

    Not just the cover but the entire graphic design and artwork.

    I own the PDF of 5.2 and the blue-on-white interior, artwork, overall design, stained glass chapter breaks etc... I really love it.

    I held off buying it in hardback because 6 was announced (not realizing it was years away), but from the teaser adventures and starter box they've released I really dislike the direction they went with the new graphic design and overall style. I'm assuming that will also be the final look for the full rulebook and it really bums me out.

    Still, wait and see I guess. Only 6 more months, ha!

  2. Thanks for this. I just went through 10 pages of blog posts looking for 6th edition news and didn't even see this in there.

    Although that placeholder cover art worries me a bit. I really dislike the artwork and graphic design of the Start Box compared to pretty much any of the earlier editions.

    Starting to think I should just pay crazy prices for a 5.2 hardback and skip 6

  3. On 6/23/2023 at 11:50 PM, narsilion said:

    Attribute notation is very counterintuitive. We are used to decimal counting system, so we instinctually read 7M3 as "7 masteries and 3 points". It is very inconvinient when you have some new players in your group.

    Adding plus sign to the notation would solve this problem completely. Moreover, you can write "7+3M" or "3M+7", whatever you prefer.

    This would be 1000% better and a huge improvement in my opinion. We've always hated the way this was written. 

    • Like 1
  4. I'm in on Dragonbane (what a terrible title), but after reading the Quickstart I think I may drop it.

    Just kind of discovered BRP over the past couple months and I've read through a ton of BRP games (Stormbringer4e/5e/Elric, BRP 4e, Pendragon, Jackals, Rev d100, MW, Legend, OQ 2e, CoC 7e, DG 2e, Mythras... some I'm forgetting) so I'm new to the ruleset, but still Dragonbane seem really uninspired watered down feeling. I also found some rules excerpts from Riot Games version which seemed noticeably cooler (but have only seen a bit)

    Some minor cool ideas in db, but not up to the design standard I was expecting from Free League. Feels pretty phoned in. The combat mechanic is so basic from a read through, seems bland, especially compared to something like Pendragon, but then again Narl above actually tried it and seems to think in practice it works well. Who knows

    And the only think I hate more than the ducks is their card initiative system. I wish they'd let that die

    • Like 1
  5. Awesome thanks. So sounds like my 1.1 is the newest version then.

    Checked the one at the store, saw the ads, and thought maybe I had deleted them or just not printed them. Good to know it didn't even have them 


    Bummer they never printed a revised version though. I'd buy it in a second

  6. Just noticed the Quickstart rules are dated 2013 & 2014. So an older ruleset than the Drivethru full game file maybe?

    Definitely new than my copy, yet doesn't say anything about being updated or revised like mine does?



    EDIT: A crazy priced book on Ebay says it has 224 pages (original release maybe?)

    And another for sale that says it's 262 pages (same as mine page numbering), but printed in 2013. I'm guessing this is the same as my version, just a newer print run.

    I also just noticed that all these different page counts could be depending on whether or not you only count numbered pages, or all pages, or all pages plus front/back cover. For example mine is numbered to page 262, but actually has 266 if you count actual pages & 268 if you inlcude the cover.


    Ah, but if I count ads then I can also get a total page count of 272.


    So maybe my 272 page revision 1.1 copy is the newest version?





  7. How many versions/revisions/reprints etc... were there?

    My copy says it is Revised version 1.1 (Pg. 1) and was printed 2011

    My local store has a brand new copy, but doesn't say anything about being revised on the first page so is it an even older, more broken version? But I seem to remember it saying it was printed in 2012 or 2013...  I'll double check date & page count today

    Drive Thru RPG version says it has 272 pages and was updated in 2015... so more pages than mine and newer. Maybe?

    Some reviews of the game mention it being 276 pages... so another version again? Older? Newer?


    I just want the newest version, print & PDF, but it seems to be all over the map version wise. Driving me crazy

  8. 1 minute ago, Hzark10 said:

    Your bolded statement means that you still can fight and do your action.

    Except if you fight (exchange blows), then that was your Action already and you can do no others, just these secondary "free actions"

    But it's fine. They fixed it by removing the word opposed.


  9. Ah, I just saw they released un updated quickstart at Gencon. Just downloaded it and it looks like they removed the word "opposed" so now it seems to be written correctly and not contracdict itself. I still think the wording was clearer in 4th, but at least it's fixed!



    The limit of one action per Combat Round is therefore a loose one, with several notable exceptions. A roll required of a knight as a reaction to another is not considered their action for that round, but a “free action.” For example, a character whose Knockdown value is exceeded must make a DEX roll that round, but this roll does not count as the knight’s action.


    Might sound silly, but that probably alone would have kept me from buying 6th edition, ha! Glad it's fixed.

  10. On 8/19/2022 at 4:15 PM, Hzark10 said:

    Forgive me for coming late, so to speak sir, But which paragraph are you referring to (just so I am absolutely sure) when you ask about "clearing this paragraph up in the new edition?"


    This one from the 6th edition Quickstart rules, pages 4-5:


    The limit of one action per Combat Round is therefore a loose one, with several notable exceptions. An opposed roll required of a knight as a reaction to another is not considered their action for that round, but a “free action.” For example, a character whose Knockdown value is exceeded must make a DEX roll that round, but this roll does not count as the knight’s action

    The part I emphasized about "opposed" rolls seems to contradict the rest of combat/actions rules as written in the rest of the text. It was worded about the same in 5.2. But in 4th edition it was much more clear, and didn't seem to run counter to the rest of the text.

  11. Decided to look up the combat rules in previous editions to see if they were more clearly written and was surprised to see that the QS rules are almost a copy of the 5.2 rules which are just as wonky.

    From 5.2


    The limit of one action per melee round is therefore a loose one, with several notable exceptions. Usually, an opposed roll required of a knight as a reaction to the efforts or actions of another is not considered his action for that round, but a “free action.” For example, a character whose Knockdown value is exceeded must make a balance roll that round, but this balance roll does not constitute the knight’s action for this round.

    Again seemingly saying an opposed roll initiated by another character doesn't count as their Action for the round. Like the QS it also gives an example of a non-opposed opposed roll (instead of an opposed roll) and makes it clear this doesn't count as their Action for the round. 


    However the rest of the text makes it pretty clear that isn't correct. For example, just "exchanging blows" counts an an Standard Action, just like @Morien explains above.



    Standard Actions

    • Exchange blows with an opponent using simple opposed resolution (see “Die-Roll Resolution” in Chapter 5).


    Then I thought maybe it was referring to this


    Standard Actions

    • Attack a surprised or helpless enemy, or one ignoring your attack, with an unopposed weapon roll.

    But that would be an unopposed roll, so wouldn't apply.


    I'm wondering this rule/paragraph has just been getting slightly altered down through the editions, morphing into this contradictory version?

    For example, that same paragraph in 4th edition is explained in a way that makes way more sense. The "opposed role" wording isn't used at all and makes it clear rolls like these are just secondary action that routinely pop as part of the main combat Action.


    The limit of one action per melee round is a loose one, with several apparent exceptions. For example, a character whose Knockdown statistic is exceeded must make a balance roll that round, which might be considered a second category of action. Defining balance as a part of routine combat maneuvering makes it clear that the limit is still valid


    Who do we ask about clearing this paragraph up in the new edition? Hell, they could just put the 4.0 wording in and probably fix it.

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  12. Thanks Morien,

    How you explained is actually how I thought it worked originally, until I read more carefully and saw that the RaW of the quick start contradicted that, which is what confused me.

    The text "An opposed roll required of a knight as a reaction to another is not considered their action for that round but a "free action" Is really poorly worded.

    As being attacked by a higher DEX knight would require you to make an opposed roll reaction in return. Which by that wording would not be considered their action.

    The simultaneous combat is what interests me in the game as it's a far more realistic approach to combat and solves the artificiality of taking turns and normal initiative systems.

    I've never looked into the game before because I have no interest in King Arthur. But if I had known it had simultaneous combat I would have picked it up back in the 80s, ha!


    Hopefully this QS isn't a representation of the quality to expect of the final product. 

    Anyway really appreciate you clearing it up!


  13. The Great Hunt is my first time reading any Pendragon rules, hopefully someone can clear up some questions.

    1st - Page 6, in red outer column it says "Each character or monster may attempt one action per combat round in addition to moving". But on the very next page, under Step two: resolve combat actions it says the exact opposite, "Generally, characters can either fight or move, but not both"

    Im assuming the first rule in red is actually wrong, correct? 

    2nd - page 4 under combat it says "An opposed roll required of a knight as a reaction to another is not considered their action for that round but a "free action."

    So the higher DEX Character takes action first and attacks. Combat is simultaneous so their Adversary also rolls their attack. Winner/Loser outcomes are decided. Very cool.

    However did that simultaneous opposed attack roll also count as the Adversaries action/attack for the round? Or when his DEX comes up does he still get to take an action?

    The rule I quoted makes it sound like he would still get an action and for example could attack or move etc... 

    But the way the rest of the rules are written it sounds like after Winners/Losers outcomes are determined you go straight to the movement phase, and the adversaries turn is over?

    For example Combat Procedure shows the flow as: Declare Action > Resolve Action > Winners Outcome > Losers Outcome > Movement. But between winners Outcome and movement should there be a step that says "next Characters action" and you only go to movement after all have taken an action?

    I'd think yes, but then I under Dropped or Broken Weapons it says "They start the next round unarmed"... Implying that theres no possibility of picking it up during the current round, which would seem to mean that once you're involved in a combat you can't take further action ..

    So which is it? 



    Hopefully the finished 6ed rules are much more clearly written.

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