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Everything posted by ChrisWentWhere

  1. Just want to clarify a point about Darkwalk. If you can't actually see in the dark (because you are a troll perhaps or you have say a Darksee spell or something) you can't really do that much other than hide or fumble about (which fortunately is silenced...). Which is not to say it is useless at all. It does limit it. Or do people just assume that it also gives the caster some form of Darksee, which seems a bit over the top to me... Cheers
  2. While the Lanbril thief in the campaign I was running was undercover in Sandheart (tracking down someone to 'deliver a message'), I had the Boss take him under his wing and suggest he invest in a little votive statue. It was proving impractical otherwise. Of course that meant he owed the Boss a bit more and was a bit more under his thumb, but hey, them's the breaks. I have also been running the Lanbrils doing occasional Heroquest Heists where they manage to sneak into temples in the middle of a ceremony and effectively steal some Rune Points, which was an idea I obviously stole from here! Probably a bit off piste, but quite good fun!
  3. Cheers, I think Moonlighters is in the first book, the others are useful - I have ended up hiding a shrine to Krarsht elsewhere - see that what happens 🙂 But I was about to use some Beggars in my next adventure so good timing.
  4. Wow! That looks awesome! Will do!
  5. I’ve not been able to get my hands on Pavis Gateway to adventure so I am just using the original book. I sometimes make stuff up on the hoof but it invariably comes back to bite me on the arse when I forget what I’ve done!
  6. I know there were lots of gaps left for us to fill in, and I have done (and will do), but I just wondered if anyone else ever got round to filling more of them in... I like to print off the map A1 size at a local print shop and if I can add more details it makes the whole thing more immersive. Just wondered what other people have done?
  7. Yes I’ve been doing that. but what does Chameleon do to modify this? That is exactly what prompted the discussion at the table! And it emerged one of the players had never seen it, which I am glad to say has now been rectified.
  8. I a bit confused by how Chameleon works. I get that it isn't an invisibility spell it makes the caster blend into the background. But I have a confused player and now I am not clear either: Spell description: “The caster blends into the background, permitting use of their Hide skill even while moving.” I didn't know that they couldn't use Hide while moving - if someone is creeping up on someone I get them to roll vs Hide. Perhaps with a modifier. So does this just mean that they use their normal Hide skill but have no modifiers for movement? Which are [whatever I make up presumably]. I am assuming this because the next statement says 100% And I assume that using a missile weapon or casting a spell is 'moving'. “If the user remains still, their Hide skill is automatically 100%, even in the open.” This is why I guess that if they are moving they are not automatically hidden. But can people spot them with a good enough roll. So basically what it does is it buffs your Hide Skill up to 100% if you stay still. “If the caster engages a foe in melee, the foe must succeed in a Scan roll each round to attack, parry, or dodge the caster.” So here the opponent just needs to make a simple roll irrespective of what the caster does. Sorry, I am a bit confused by this... How do other people interpret it?
  9. Thanks for everyone’s input in the end they just let him go with a promise not to tell anyone…he seemed pretty honourable. Players eh…
  10. Ok so I think I am going to play it like this: the PCs pretty much all have high Hate (Lunar Empire) passions but not as high as the leader of the rebel outlaws they are currently with (largely by accident). That leader (Anya, exiled Sartarite) wants the captive dead and forcefully argues that they will all end up nailed to a cross if they don’t just kill him. The captured Carmanian argues in his most reasonable tones that this is not the case we honour all such agreements etc. But who do they believe…? If they are really worried he will suggest that they could take him to Tourney Altar and conduct the negotiations with the authorities in Boldhome or Swenstown. He really hates Pavis and would give him a way to relocate. (Bit dodgy I know…but they haven’t been there and I thought it would be fun!) If he were a Humakti who would those negotiations be with I wonder? He has no nearby family of course. The 7 Mothers are not relevant, I assume. The Temple of Humakt? Or the military administration? I am also assuming that his ransom as a Noble (1000L with his family) will be very different from his ransom as a Lunar Officer (250L from the Temple or military authorities?). He has some pretty expensive gear which I am sure will be eyed up…which the Humakti PC will also need to protect!
  11. I was going to assume it would YT but Humakt is even better!
  12. Yes indeed, although they are not known criminals yet. But they are with some rebels and white bulls already who will all put some pressure on the Humakti to finish the officer off. It is just easier that way. Except for the Humakti of course. He will suffer for such dishonourable behaviour. A fork in the road perhaps. I do like all your suggestions. More problems on the horizon perhaps are always useful but I might just hold the outlaw option for now. I have written this officer to be a recent arrival from Carmania (mainly so he can be a completely unsuitable fully armoured Cataphract in the hot desert Sun wielding a two handed lance because the players had no idea what to make of it!) and is a fish out of water - despised by the now dead patrol and defeated by sheer fluke, hating Prax, . He is not that keen to return to Pavis. He is very honourable. If he swears an oath not to reveal the people who caught him will that suffice. (Although his cowering squire might have other ideas). Of course this conflicts with his loyalty to the Red Emperor, and devotion to the Red Goddess. But he surely recognises that the Humakti will pay a price in terms of how he is regarded by the others (many of whom will regard his as a traitor no doubt). There is no easy solution to this! Who knows maybe they will become friends on their journey. Something like 3:10 to Yuma or a dozen other westerns…! just out interest is there some reason under Sor Eels governorship they are more likely to outlawed than under Halcyon var Enkorth’s? Because the latter was too busy lining his own pockets?
  13. As I understand it the Praxian Holy sites are left alone as part of the terms of the armistice of Prax so I assume there is no Lunar garrison there. But the messenger will need to travel to the nearest sizeable temple (Boldhome?) and arrange the ransom there. Correct? This is a nobleman but as the temple is arranging it I wonder if they would be prepared to pay the full wack as it were?
  14. Yes they are in a bit of a no win situation in a way. Ha ha ha… the look on their faces when he surrendered was priceless. This is still in the Sor Eel period. If they do manage to get to Pimper’s Block is it under the control of the Sable Tribe I wonder… I quite like having the opportunity of having one of the enemy among them who they have to look after but also have to listen to while he tries to convince them of the benefits of the Lunar way on their journey across Prax, having to go round the Eiritha Hills of course. I wonder if they wait at Tourney Altar and the Issaries Merchant acts as an emissary…
  15. Ah yes I like that. There happens to be an Issaries initiate in the party too. I was even going to suggest the Herald Subcult to him at some point! (He’s a really rubbish merchant…
  16. So one of my players has ended up with the captain of a Lunar Patrol as a prisoner having surrendered to him after the rest were killed or fled. The PC is a Humakti and the surrendered officer a Carmanian Cataphract (I know not very likely but I thought it would be fun). They are in Prax near Horngate. I am going to enjoy the inevitable disagreements about what should be done with said prisoner between those who want to string him up and the Humakti (who everyone is terrified of, with good reason). The Humakti is skint and lacking in armour to add some temptation. Of course he might decide to just kill him and be done with it. I have made it clear that this is not an honourable course of action which will have detrimental consequences. I will have the Carmanian suggest that he simply returns him to Pavis where his temple will pay his ransom but I think (and will have an NPC suggest) that anyone doing that will just be treated as rebel scum and crucified. Am I being in reasonable in this? How would such ransoms occur? Perhaps in Pimpers Block (which would be a whole new adventure of course). But even there I have the vexed question about how this actually happens without endangering the rebel... Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  17. I am - it is just that they are the Rune Lords of the cult. So I was not sure if they also had to have POW 18 (although that would be fairly straight forward with a POW of 18 plus whatever you donate...) I assumed what you said was the case but just wanted to check. Cheers for the help!
  18. Where it says: "Requirements to Join A potential Master Thief must be an initiate and be a master of five skills taught by the cult. The candidate is consecrated by the ring boss after passing a test abstracted as rolling their CHA×5 or less on D100. For each 100 L donated to the cult, +1% is added to their chances for success. If they fail to be accepted, the candidate may try again after mastering another skill to 90%+." Is that instead of needing a CHA 18 or in addition? Sorry if I have asked this before. I am very forgetful.
  19. Well, the passenger is a baboon so I guess they will need to go down the 'mounted infantry' route.
  20. No, I didn't think that there was. Which is why the person in charge of the mount has their skill capped at their ride skill. I'm just wondering it the other person on the back of the High Llama would be similarly capped at the rider's Ride skill? Or their own ride skill? Or something else? Or not at all...
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