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  • RPG Biography
    Gaming since 1986; lots of D&D, but plenty of other games too. Getting into Runequest.
  • Current games
    Blades in the Dark; Pathfinder 1e; Savage Worlds; Shadowrun fantasy variant; Mythras;
  • Location
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • Blurb
    Very curious about Runequest...

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  1. SO - it appears you should be only allowed to make one melee attack per round, unless you have a weapon skill over 100. However, there are cases where dex and weapon skill ranks would allow it. Please confirm: you can only make one melee attack per round, even if dex and skill ranks would allow you to do more?
  2. In the Starter Set, 'A Rough Landing' has the Krarshtkid. Many of the strike ranks of its attacks are low - between 1 and 5. But to be clear, this doesn't mean it can make multiple melee attacks in one round, does it? It can't use its 'Digging Claw,' with SR 4, three times in the round? Sorry - this may be obvious to experienced players but I'm struggling to see the specific rule against multiple melee attacks in the Starter Set or core rulebook... Many thanks
  3. In the Starter Set and Gamemaster Screen Pack, there are several PCs with animal allies, mounts, and elementals. But I'm confused what sort of action, if any, the PC needs to take to control these allies in combat. And if they do, on what strike rank would they do that? After summoning an elemental, for example, is there anything that the PC needs to do to control it in combat?
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