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Posts posted by ACompton

  1. On 9/11/2023 at 1:31 AM, Crazy Canadian said:

    One or two of you saw this the other day, but I have a new casefile ready. You can get it from either my website at https://pauljfisher.com/rpg-casefiles/fiery-vengeance/   or attached below.

    Fiery Vengeance: A sleazy tabloid journalist has been brutally murdered with magical fire. Investigate
    London’s sleazy tabloids, explore London’s history of fires, and delve deeper into the city’s
    magical fabric.

    Fiery Vengeance.pdf 6.29 MB · 9 downloads

    I ran Fiery Vengeance over 2 sessions with our group. Very much enjoyed. They particularly enjoyed what was there first real combat (mostly because the NPCs rolled terribly). I also messed up some of the combat rules (still learning), and when I admitted this to our regular DM, he replied "It doesn't matter. people had fun!" 

    Thank your for sharing. 

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  2. On 12/21/2022 at 6:19 PM, jp1885 said:

    I've attached my first case file, 'Lollipop Lollipop', which I'm rather proud of. If anyone runs it, I'd love to hear your feedback 🙂

    I'm currently working on my second: 'Why Was He Born So Beautiful?' - stay tuned...

    Lollipop Lollipop.pdf 1.87 MB · 73 downloads

    Hello @jp1885

    I started my group on The Domestic and The Bookshop, then went on to run a case I wrote myself. The group are loving it and hungry for more. This enthusiasm led me to this thread and I have just played Lollipop, Lollipop which was much enjoyed. Thank you @jp1885  I now have to start downloading some more...

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