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Everything posted by Funyanumi

  1. On pages 16 and 17 in the new edition of BRP, it states that the back of the character sheet has space for possessions and for descriptive or background elements, but I don't see any sections for them labeled on the second page. Did there used to be those sections on the sheets for older editions? Does the book just mean the Notes section, or the blank backsides of the sheets? The NPC sheet has a Possessions section and the vehicle/mount sheet has a Cargo one. It's not like it's a big deal, I just like having my supplemental sheets match the standard character sheets. Pg 16, under "Step 8: Possessions" "The front of the character sheet has a section for weapons, and the back a space for possessions" Pg 17, under "Finishing Touches" (continued from last page) "The back of the character sheet has space for additional descriptive or background elements. Fill out as many or as few of these as you’d like, and check with your gamemaster to make sure that they know about them and that they’re suitable for the game."
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