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Everything posted by jhilahd

  1. Hey all, While I've had the starter set since it came out, it has sat on my shelf since then as I haven't gotten my group to even consider playing it. 😞 That said, I finally had time recently to crack it open and refresh myself with the rules. I've played a few one shots in 3rd and 4th editions, and my old brain mostly remembers the rules but thought I'd dig in and get myself more familiar with it again before the Players books come out. So when I was going though Book 2 this morning I found myself confused by the following text on page 10, first paragraph right column. "Always compare the roll against the final, modified value of the Statistic. A Skill with a value of 6, for example, receives a +5 modifier for a final value of 11; a die result of 11 now scores a critical, while a result of 6 (normally a critical) counts as a regular success." Where does the +5 modifier come from? Is this a reference I missed in previous texts? Or an error? Thanks! **edited - confounded typos!!
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