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Posts posted by ShawnLStroud

  1. So, to be clear, I've not run a campaign in Mythras / CF -- but I've got experience running some OSR, 3.5 & 5th edition adventures in Mythras at GenCon (2 of the last 3 years).  My thoughts are:  Go For It!  I bet it would be a blast!

  2. Aaannddd.... Purchased!  

    Seriously thinking about running a "Gangs of Rome" kind of campaign.  Rome is the quintessential ancient metropolis, so the potential for different echelons of society to mix is quite great.

    Can anyone else think of a basic storyline and/or plot arc for a Roman campaign?


  3. 2 hours ago, Jeff said:

    Yes. But it is also deliberately not being tested using people who have strong preconceived notions what they want or don't want to see in a sorcery rules (or any other rules). Just people who want to play with it and give me objective feedback (such as "hey we found that the sorcerer's ability to cause damage in combat was way greater/way less than anyone else in the party - even though she specialized in combat magic").

    Actually, that's great.  I'm looking forward to seeing this in its finalized form.  Thank you for some of the examples you've been sharing today! 

  4. Ooh, I have questions.

    1. Can a sorcerer learn spells without having their requisite Techniques?
    2. Can a sorcerer use their mastery of Techniques and runes to "free-form" cast a spell?
      (for example:  I have mastery of Summon and Command and the Fire rune.  I know the spell "The Fire Blossom of Zhang-Hilang", which uses Summon and the Fire Rune to produce a radius blast of fire anywhere within range.  Can I leverage my mastery of the Command technique to form my Fire Blossom into Pyramus's Blazing Divider?  Or must I have learned Pyramus's Blazing Divider as a spell to utilize it?)
    3. Is it wrong that this description makes me really want to play a sorcerer in Glorantha, even though I've never before been inspired by the world?



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  5. Gen Con WAS awesome!  As a first-time convention GM, I was super nervous about running games... but I needn't have been.  The people who played were generous with me, and they seemed to have a great time!   

  6. Jeff:

    This all sounds wonderful!  I especially like the three-book model, so in my book you're going in the right direction.  


    Of COURSE I'd really love it if you were able to sell copies at Gencon (mostly because I'll be there with cash), but I'm also willing to wait.  I hear good things come to people who wait....


  7. 3 hours ago, Baragei said:

    It is interesting to note that all the events are RQ6 - which will, at the time of playing, no longer be the official RuneQuest.

    Weren't Chaosium planning on showing off the new RQ7 at GenCon?  


    Back in January, when I put together my game for the convention, I had no idea RQ6 wouldn't be the official Runequest.  Gencon requires an event planner to commit to a course of action very early in the year in order to publish a (fairly extensive) guide to the con in magazine format (seriously, the thing is massive -- with TINY print). To my knowledge, as I was entering the details of my games for the con, the decisions that lead to Chaosium developing a new edition of the game that more closely adhered to their best version hadn't even been made.  

    That said, I sincerely HOPE their latest version of my favorite game is available at Gencon; I've laid money aside to purchase it -- and have been following their blog to get an idea of where they're going with the development!

    Hope to see you there!


  8. Belgath:

    I've wish listed you, as well!  Looking forward to seeing how it all shakes out. 

    One of my frustrations last year was the paucity of Runequest games available -- hence my putting a game together for the Con.

    See you, one way or another, at the table!



  9. All:

    It looks very much like Runequest is making a comeback at Gencon this year!  If you're going to Gencon, and you want to play Runequest, you have several opportunities.  

    As a first-time Gencon GM (I'm running The Taking of Talford), I'm excited to see how things turn out for us all.  I invite any and all of you to join me or any of the other Runequest GMs for a fantastic game!


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