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Everything posted by Tulta

  1. It is indeed Noon These games are roll20 + Discord voice-games.
  2. Hello. I am seeking to run some RQG games, two in particular. One has officially already started and the first adventure is finished, while the other one is still in its infancy. I'd like to see if I can find more players for them. I function on European timezones, so American nightbirds or Australians may be in luck in addition to European players. The ads for the games are posted below this statement. **==The Longer running game: Ride to Hell==** ***Game Time:*** 12 PM GMT/UTC+2 Sundays. A campaign set in Pent, northern portions Genertela, on the mystical fantasy world of Glorantha. The steppes of Pent are full of horse-riding tribes of nomads, who worship the gods of the sky and storm. Long ago, they ruled a great empire led by their mighty warrior-hero Sheng Seleris. Now, after losing a great battle against the Lunar Empire, they are a shadow of their former self. However, now whispers of the weakening of the Lunar Empire come to your steppe-homelands, and ancient whispers call to the children of the sun and steppe. They are called to do their own great deed: free their hero Sheng Seleris from the hell the Lunars have placed him in! *=========* This is an epic campaign of Runequest Glorantha set in Pent, and gives their account on the events of the world they inhabit. Far away are the Orlanthi tribes of Dragon Pass, and close is the freedom of the steppe. Your foe and quest are similar however: the Lunar Empire's fall, and the rebuilding of your legacy. This game uses some homebrew to let you play a Gloranthan steppe-nomad, in the vein of the ancient Turkic peoples, Scythians and the Parthians. Ride your horse, and wield your bow to victory against the hated Lunars! **Original Glorantha, do not steal!** The newer edition of Runequest states that players should be free to alter Glorantha's setting as they please. This has been done for this game. The Gamemaster has only in recent years gotten into the hobby of Glorantha, and doesn't wish to enter prolonged arguments about what is canon and what isn't during fun game time. Rules lawyering serves to help the player in making sure their cool character build isn't circumvented by my mistakes. Lore lawyering serves to destroy the adventure's framework by telling me the campaign isn't canon. **Applying to the Game?** If playing a Pentan horse-nomad entertains you, answer these questions: 1. Are you ok with losing your character to the deadly and awesome world of Glorantha? 2. What sort of a horse-nomad would you want to play? 3. Are there topics you *want to avoid* during gameplay (like racism, sexism etc.)? **==The Newer game: Death to Delecti==** ***Game Time:*** 8 PM GMT/UTC +2 Tuesdays In the Upland Marsh, undead and monsters dwell. As an evil place, most people avoid it. However, you have a personal bone to pick with Delecti, the terrible necromancer who lords over this place. This sorcerer has done something to you in the past. An ancestral curse, a personal vendetta, a historical atrocity. You are united in your hate of Delecti, and driven to right what has been wronged. As you travel the brooding and dangerous Upland Marsh however, you may realize that Delecti's defenses are much greater than any regular mortal can bring down easily. ===== This is a game of Runequest Glorantha, in which you have the goal of bringing down the necromancer Delecti. He is powerful and ancient, but not beyond the scope of a proper hero's work, or an epic campaign. This game is a hex-crawl, where you will try to come up with ways to overcome terrible foes, gather power to bring down those terrible foes and maybe even one day (or night) defeat the terrible necromancer Delecti himself! === To Apply, answer these questions. 1. Are you ok with losing your character to undead, monsters and mistakes? 2. What sort of characters do you like to play? 3. Is there something you would hate to see happen in this game? =================== If you are interested in any of the proposed games, please answer the questions and specify which games you'd like to play in. If you seem like a good fit, I will send you my Discord ID as a message so you can contact me on Discord and be invited to the game proper.
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