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  1. Depends what you mean by this? Others can heal you if they have SR left to do so (change their actions). You still die "only" end of melee round (that is after SR 12) if that was total hitpoints reduced to 0. Those hits that cause instant death, still cause instant death.
  2. I use on my game also simplified combat mechanics as we have couple of new players that dont know anything about RQ (background in D&D 5th edition). We only have 3 phases (SOI, movement and SR). 1. SOI is same in in rules. 2. Movement. All movement regardless are you engaged or not. You or opponent gets free "attack of opportunity" (like in D&D) if he moves past you without disengaging. 3. SR. Movement dont change SR's at all, but you can participate in this phase only if you have used half of you movement at max. 4. Ditched, all bookkeeping happens real time in phase 3. Also we use parrying mechanis from RQ 3th edition (easier to remember, no need to use table. We probably move back RQG rule when other rules comes familiar to new players)
  3. Totally agree. You can do Sorcery aswell (create custom skill for spells), but you need to add all descriptions, etc for them. Our current campaign sorcery is used only as plot narrative (IE Enemy Lunar sorcerer might cast "powerful sorcery" and PC have couple rounds to act until something happens).
  4. When you drag weapons/armor, etc to character sheet. You need also to equip those (sheet will automatically calculate ENC using only those things that are equipped on your character). Then they will automatically show up in combat tab with correct skills. Basically you just need to learn how to use Foundry and after is it way more complete than Roll20. What mostly is missing is Sorcery magic, and compendium for enemies, equipments, etc are still quite empty.
  5. There is already player character template for humans. You just need to copy that and edit it for new characters. Beaty (and flaw if not implemented) is that Foundry will automate lot of things that Roll20 does not. In example that picture Makarios scored critical hit. You can automatically press "max Special damage" to get damage numbers, you get automatically experience marking corresponding skills. Target can just add that damage to whatever hit location was rolled, and vtt will reduce all armor (not from crit, but normal) from it, etc. Another neat feature of it is that when you create example some monster template. It has current stats and how they are calculated -> when you drag and drop it to scene/map, Foundry automaticvally reroll those and you now have automatically small variety in monsters. I tested both Roll20 and Foundry and decide to do my "starter set" campaign in Foundry (In Forge actually, but it is just cloud service for Foundry) as it is more complete even in its current state. Roll20 is just basically character sheet.
  6. Forge (Foundry)
  7. You need to put character sheet in edit mode (that "green mode" as in pictures earlier) for players (Only GM can do that). After which they can do everything. After that you can lock edit mode away and players can only do normal stuff. About that bestiary stuff. You need to give players access to them. Default they dont have any access to them.
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