There is already player character template for humans. You just need to copy that and edit it for new characters. Beaty (and flaw if not implemented) is that Foundry will automate lot of things that Roll20 does not. In example that picture Makarios scored critical hit. You can automatically press "max Special damage" to get damage numbers, you get automatically experience marking corresponding skills. Target can just add that damage to whatever hit location was rolled, and vtt will reduce all armor (not from crit, but normal) from it, etc. Another neat feature of it is that when you create example some monster template. It has current stats and how they are calculated -> when you drag and drop it to scene/map, Foundry automaticvally reroll those and you now have automatically small variety in monsters.
I tested both Roll20 and Foundry and decide to do my "starter set" campaign in Foundry (In Forge actually, but it is just cloud service for Foundry) as it is more complete even in its current state. Roll20 is just basically character sheet.