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Lord Brigsley

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About Lord Brigsley

  • Birthday March 18


  • RPG Biography
    Shadowrun 2nd ed, Runequest 3rd ed, Legend of the Five Rings 1st, 3rd and 4th editions which is the best one by the way, 7th Sea 1st ed and looking to play 2nd ed in the future, Pathfinder,(to my regret) Deadlands 1st ed not the reloaded one, Victoriana 3rd ed not having played 2nd ed and RQ 6, now called Mythras and Conan 2d20. Fun system it is.
  • Current games
    Conan 2D20. When you hit someone with a weapon you are going to hurt them. Badly!
  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Blurb
    Older than most people on here I think.
    I played D&D when it first came out as a teenager in the 70's.
    I look to play skill based RPGs as opposed to rolling 1 dice with a 1 in 20 chance to succeed.

Lord Brigsley's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. I've just purchased the Morocco Suppliment book. Drawn to that by my reading of a book Our Friends Beneath the Sands. French Colonialism in Vietnam/IndoChina and North Africa including of course Morocco and in particular the Foreign Legion. There's a thought, a Foreign Legion unit terrorised by a summoned horror from the Outer Dark? A marabout trying to resist the French? I can't read German or French. If books have been published about Paris and/or Berlin they'll be unread by me sadly.
  2. Hi, I've just purchased 7th edition for CoC, Not having played any of the previous versions (so, no baggage) for use with Cthulhu Britannica from Cubicle 7. There is some good material there it has to be said. Looking at the supplement books and again Chaosium have some good stuff for various locations around the world I notice a couple of to my mind glaring omissions. What about Paris and Berlin? In the 1920's surely they would be absolutely banging places to set a CoC campaign? I wonder if they could come out in the future Thoughts.
  3. I can Absolutely recommend Stupor Mundi as a role playing resource. I read it in one go and was impressed with the just right amount of detail to give GM's a handle on things without going overboard.
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