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Cowboy Duck

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Posts posted by Cowboy Duck

  1. The last frontpage was a php module based page. As my knowledge of php is next to nothing, it was difficult to modify and update, but it did allow for the profile module you're talking about. The current one is html-based. I'm not sure it's possible to have the forum profile box on such a page, but I'll look into it. If it's not, do you prefer the frontpage the way it was before? With all the modules, or is the aestethics of the new one enough to make up for the loss of the profile box?


    The new front page is nice; the parchment look and simple layout lend it a classy look. I miss the functionality of being able to see new posts from the front page, but I can just get that from the front page of the forums.

    Thank you for all your work on putting this site together!


  2. Snazzy update!

    Two suggestions:

    - The background is perhaps a little too dark for the text to remain readable

    - Is there a way to work in the little "forum profile" box? It was a nice handy summary of recent posts

    Thank you,


  3. Hey, all:

    Matt Helms, gamer for 27 years, Call of Cthulhu gamer for 22 years, and Chaosium freelance editor for a few years now.

    BRP is the system I always go back to. The system's deceptive simplicity has handled everything from long-running campaigns to experimental one-shots with grace and ease. With it, I've run everything from straight-up Cthulhu to "Kung Fu" in Outer Space. Now with the new BRP core book, I will probably be using BRP for all my games.


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