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Posts posted by Baroque

  1. Hi folks.

    I have a player who wants to use potions, powders, gels..as their primary method of delivering magic. Basically anything you can whip up as a herbalist/sorcerer. Easy enough to transfer spell effects to a glass vial flung at someone but the issue I'm grappling with is how much they should be allowed to carry? My thought at the moment is they'd expend ingredients, magic points for spell effect strength and then perform a potions roll to brew the potion. The more powerful the spell effect desired the more magic point expensive and time consuming the brewing process.

    Is it then fair to allow someone to carry seven days worth of magic point expenditure as potions into battle with them? I'm thinking "Maybe run the MP spend for the player backwards incrementing from 0 upwards to character maximum with every potion used so the more magic potions used the more they can brew and carry later."

    I want to reward the player for the time the character spends in preparation but on the other hand I don't want them dragging a drinks cabinet of potions across the countryside.

    Any thoughts?

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  2. Bought the bundle of holding as I was looking for a game to run after I finish up my HeroQuest campaign. Looking forward to running OQ for my group as BRP and RuneQuest didn't strike me as being the fastest to play. Saw mention of an updated magic system which from a glance would be good. I like the use of Roman history as the jump off point for the setting. Everyone has some idea of the concept which they can bring to the table even though they're not playing Romans.

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  3. Right, so read the advice. (Thank you all) Bought the book (Thank god for the PDF because the USPS has been showing the dead tree format book sitting in one of their centres for the past four days. Tis the season and all that...) and now have a question or two.

    -Group Extended contests, can players spend Hero Points to bump results as normal? I ask because I may have missed something in the text but Group Simple Contests use Boosts the players buy up front. I know Group Extended and Group Simple aren't comparable in how they run over time though.

    -Breaking ties. I flipped to a lowest role wins model because out of the gate a player would have failed the first roll in a new game in a new system had I stuck with highest roll wins. Does that not matter or have I messed things up when they tie with someone who has mastery over them? Or does it only matter if the person with mastery over them also has a  successful roll. Like rolling a 3 against a target of 4W counts but rolling a 19 doesn't?

    Thanks again.

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  4. I've learned more from this thread than I have in too many hours blinking at the rule book. And I now like the system *more* as a result. @Balderstone & @jajagappa really clearing some ambiguities up for me.

    Progression. I've been keeping (starter) characters down at the one mastery level, almost the introductory levels is there any advantage to playing characters with multiple levels of mastery or are we just moving into Anime levels of description effects?

    • Like 1
  5. Hi there.

    I'm new to HeroQuest and like it a lot due to the narrative driven stories I enjoy running but I do have a question.

    Setting proper difficulty, for things like combat encounters, using simple contests just is not clicking with me. I'm not looking to turn everything into a player murder machine, but I'd like them to feel like they did a good job on the challenge. Maybe it's the entire concept of a success being marginal. Yes you succeeded but not with any massive style. I may also be not embracing the rising and falling difficulty system as well as I should. That could be leading to the "meh" when the contest goes their way.

    Does anyone have an elastic band difficulty range they use on average and if so do you have any criteria which you use to ramp the difficulty up or down?

    I know a lot of this is storyteller gut but I worry players will lose an arm moving a box from one room to another, but take down the Atomic Robot Horror by flicking it on the forehead with their fingers because I'm not setting the challenge correctly.


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  6. It's very possible I'm just screwing this up but Hit Points appear to be calculated on the Front Sheet as STR/5 rounded up and not (CON + SIZ)/2.


    I modified the field in the designer to read (con.value+siz.value)/2 and that seemed to give out what I'd expect.


    I possibly broke everything else as a result, but hey...

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