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Hound of Tindalos

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Posts posted by Hound of Tindalos

  1. So, Hound of Tindalos, if you are still tuned, now you know that RQ2 was incredibly fantastic and you should really try it out if you feel like collecting old games. The same goes for RQ3. But if you do not like dust on your manuals, Mongoose RuneQuest and Second Age Glorantha is worth a try, too. Both will need some tweak to adapt to BRP. And I would recommend keeping the setting and converting the rules to BRP in both cases.

    Is it all?

    Oh yeah, I'm still tuned. Didn't realize I was opening up such a large can of worms with my original question. :lol:

    I didn't want to bore Hound with point-by-point evidence qualifying why true RQ/BRP is better than the Mongoose rules. So MRQ being 90% worse is just an estimate. Since you want facts, I'll go through the MRQ SRD and get an accurate figure sometime - but not today, and probably not this week. (I'm busy, setting up a game under rules which use the best bits from BRP, RQ2/3, RoleMaster, C&S, Dragon Warriors, AD&D1&2, D&D3.x - I'm no rules snob - but nothing from MRQ). Hound of Tindalos just wanted opinions of where it's best to start, so I told him...


    Not bored at all. I appreciate everyone's input so far. :thumb:

    Ashes to Ashes is out in PDF, and soon to be in print I believe. Cthulhu: Dark Ages might appeal, and has some excellent support material available in monograph form (print & PDF).

    Further support in the fantasy vein is definitely on its way: I'm working on something, plus there's Pete Nash's Rome and some of the other stuff that's been announced: see the front page of this site.

    Just don't let the fact that some of us are crusty old grognards and argue about things at the drop of a metaphorical hat put you off! :D



    I'll check those out as well. And no, I'm not put off. This has been an interesting thread and it's cool to see so many here with some passion for their games. Not really having a dog in this fight as to which version is best, it's apparent to me that RQ (whichever version) has got to be a good game considering the amount and nature of the responses this thread has gained.

    Thanks everyone!


  2. First off, what is it about RQ that intrigues you? The setting? Or the system?

    Are you looking for a generic BRP Fantasy game? Or is it the lure of playing

    in Glorantha that you find appealing?


    Aside from it being BRP and a fantasy setting, nothing really. Just from my reading of the forums here it seemed like "the" fantasy game for BRP and even though my group is currently going insane with CoC, I'd like to run a fantasy game in the near future. I have no interest in D&D and the d20 stuff now that I have converted to BRP, so I am really just looking for a solid fantasy game to run using the BRP system. The Glorantha setting sounds interesting, but I don't know enough about it to say that I am actually drawn to it. If there are other BRP fantasy games out there I'd be just as eager to look them over as well. Especially if it doesn't require me having to hunt them down on ebay.

    I appreciate everyone's input and help. Thanks for helping me make heads or tails of RQ. I think with what's been said, I have a little more direction on how to pursue it now, but will keep reading this thread in case something else pops up. Thanks again everyone! :thumb:


  3. I've just recently gotten into BRP via CoC and I love it. Wish I would have gotten into this system long ago. I've been looking through past threads here and doing a little research elsewhere about RuneQuest but there is just so much out there it's a little overwhelming.

    I am interested in introducing RQ to my group later so right now I'm on a fact finding mission and my first question is, just where in the hell does one start? What book would you recommend to a first time RQ user? What's the difference between RQ and MRQ? I've seen so much out there online that I'm not sure where to dig in at. Any advice would be appreciated.


  4. Just wanted to chime in on a Dune BRP game. I'm a huge fan of the franchise as pertains to Frank's original works. I've developed and managed three different Dune rpgs over the years, ranging from large House vs House strategy style games to more traditional single character games. I definitely plan on developing one using the BRP system soon.

    The era I am currently focused on is set during the 12 years of Muad'Dib's Jihad. I think this time has the most potential for gaming opportunities; the fall of the old Imperial order under the Corrinos, wide spread brutal religious conquest at the hands of the Fremen legions, the fall of ancient Great Houses and the unholy alliances of powerful factions like the Bene Gesserit, Spacing Guild and Tleilaxu. I'm looking at providing the option for players to either play as conspirators against the new Atreides Emperor, or to play as religious fanatics of the Fremen Jihad.

    I think another solid idea for a Dune game is to have it be more of a "working class" kind of game where players play various low level agents (spies, assassins, saboteurs) in the employ of a Great House that is engaged in a war of assassins against another powerful NPC Great House. There is a lot of good background material to play off of using the Moritani-Ginaz feud as a setting.

    Glad to see some fellow Dune fans here, btw. :thumb:

  5. New here. Just recently got into BRP and am currently running CoC with my group. I'm sold on the BRP system, wish I would have got into it sooner. Can't wait to get the new book!

    Currently running CoC, but looking to delve into Cthulhu Dark Ages and Delta Green.

    Plan to work on a Dune game when I get the BRP book. I've run several Dune rpgs in the past and it's a great world to play in.

    Glad to be here.

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