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Posts posted by Pindar

  1. I finished reading my copy at the weekend.

    On the whole I could see nothing to recomend RQ6 over BRP.

    I like the new sorcery rules and pretty much didn't care for the rest, I don't like the new combat rules at all.

  2. Unless you are still playing like we used to 30yrs ago, the players must be part of some kind of organisation. They could be rewarded in:

    -training skills

    -being taught spells

    -being given better weapons


    That worked well for a military game I ran recently but my current game has an old style approach to rewards.

    The group pretty much refuses to join organisations.

  3. Very very good :) I will steal recklessy from this>:->

    Anything you would say need working so I can take a better look at it?

    Anyway, this is really worthy to have here on BRP central :thumb:

    I didn't use many of the vehicles so I don't know how well they will work out.

    Humans who don't have heavy weapons can struggle against elites and brutes.

    No-one died in the game I ran so I guess they got by with human weapons.

    I made liberal use of luck rolls when winging things like warthogs flipping from explosions and picking routes through a covenant ship.

    It worked well for a short game of around 5 sessions, so it hasn't had lots of play testing.

    I haven't done the flood yet, I will do them for my next Halo game when I take a break from my RQ/Pathfinder campaign.

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