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Posts posted by caeman

  1. Chargen has begun.

    The ape-like man has something like 92 character points to spend on powers. He is looking mostly at physical-based powers. Beast from X-Men is his model for this character.

    The gadgeteer is a little different. As a test, I am allowing him to create any number of gadgets, each having a max of POW*2 points to buy powers.

    Player #3 has to stay home with Child #1.

  2. Sounds intriguing - keep us posted.

    Have you checked out the seminal Gaslights superhero works such as Gotham by Gaslight and Master of Tomorrow, as well as the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?

    Next Sunday, we are having a chargen party for this game. By then, I will have finally settled on the number of build points for buying powers.

    I have Gotham by Gaslight. I haven't read the LXG comic, but I've seen the movie (I know, they bear little resemblance). I've never heard of Master of Tomorrow.

    I have played plenty of Cthulhu by Gaslight and read a lot of Sherlock Holmes.

  3. Upon finishing the article in the paper, Dr. Malcolm Weatherby sat motionless in his well decorated office on campus. Some have said his office is a bit ornate, but being the Emeritus Professor of Engineering at Oxford University can afford you some of the finer things in life.

    Although his eyes were still on the paper, his mind was on those dark days in the past.

    Some four years ago, he was conducting a study group of graduate students when the door came bursting open. Everyone’s full attention came to the gentlemen standing in and around the doorway as silence fell. Dr. Reginald Geary, Dr. Weatherby’s best mate and colleague, stood with two bobbies and the family priest.

    “Mal….you must make haste…..it’s Em!!” he exclaimed breathlessly. Mal stood frozen for several moments before responding, “What’s happened, Reggie?” “She’s been….attacked…in the park. Please Mal, she hasn’t long!” Malcolm examined the faces of all the gentlemen for a moment and could see their stony expressions. “Right!” is all he could muster as he grabbed for his coat and hat.

    They arrived at the hospital just minutes later, but it was moments too late. She had already been pronounced. All Dr. Weatherby could do was stare down at the lifeless body of his bruised and bloodied wife of eight years. It was explained to him that his wife Emma had been walking through the park that afternoon and was attacked in broad daylight. There were no witnesses to the crime. There was no money taken or sexual advances made. The perpetrator simply beat her to a pulp and left her for dead. She had taken her afternoon walk everyday for as long as Malcolm could remember with not so much as a cat-call from anyone.

    He stood there overwhelmed with sadness for what seemed like an eternity when he started feeling his sadness turn to anger. He had always had a fiery temper, but this was different…..he wanted blood…he wanted vengeance. Turning to the bobbies, he asked quietly,” do you have the man responsible?”. “Sir, we have arrested a man with blood on his clothing, but he-----“ “DO YOU OR DO YOU NOT HAVE THE MAN RESPONSIBLE??” He shouted. “We believe he is sir, but has yet to admit to it”. The bobby replied.

    The following day, Dr Malcolm goes down to the local constable’s office for an update on the investigation and learns that the man has been released. They matched the type of blood to Dr Malcolm’s wife, but also to the man. He claimed to have problems with nose bleeds from time to time and said that is where the blood came from. Without any further evidence, he was let go.

    The day of the funeral was like a blur. He walked and talked, but he wasn’t really there mentally. After the service, he sat in a chair with the family priest next to him. He had that sick burning in the pit of his stomach that he couldn’t seem to quench. They sat side by side silently for more than an hour when Malcolm finally spoke.

    “I want him, father….I want that bastard’s head on a plate….I want him to suffer for what he has done…He needs to suffer and die for his crime.” “My son, you have been through so much in the las----“. “I don’t need your comforts, father” he interrupted. The priest sat silent for several seconds before speaking. “What DO you need, Malcolm?” “Your confidence” he said at a near whisper. “Mal, if you’re planning—“….”Let’s call it a confession for what I am about to do”. “Mal---“. “Father, please”. “MAL, LISTEN TO ME!!” the priest argued. “God has many angels. I believe some of them are here on earth. Angels of comfort, angels of mercy, angels of healing, and yes Mal, angels of vengeance.”

    “I can’t help but read the paper and see time and again where the innocent are at the mercy of those who have none. I can’t help but think that someone needs to do something because Scotland Yard seems powerless to stop them. I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but I’m tired of seeing the beautiful people of this world, like Emma, suffer at the hands of monsters. Sometimes to defeat the monsters, you must become one.”

    “Thank you, father for hearing my confession” Malcolm said as he got up and walked away. “Go with God, my son” the priest said into the air.

    The London Times

    Tuesday May 15th, 1886


    Brian Gorty, a former suspect in the murder of Emma Weatherby, was murdered in the streets late last night. Scotland Yard has yet to identify the killer or even the murder weapon. “It’s like nothing we’ve ever seen” a constable is quoted as saying. The marks on the body are said to resemble no known weapon of any type. There were no witnesses to this crime and no sounds were heard. Mr. Gorty was discovered early the next morning by a gentleman on his way to work.

    -Harold Rames, reporter

    Mal flashed back to the present day and realized he was clenching the paper with both fists. He closed the paper and wiped the tears from his face and began preparing mentally for the task he was about to do. He had a meeting in an hour with the university faculty, but then the rest of the afternoon and evening was his to prepare.

    Yet again, he would begin his hunt. This man, this angel of vengeance would start the task he has done so many times before.

  4. Dr. Ian Syms put down the Times and carefully took a sip of his coffee, which was no easy task while hanging upside down.

    "This news is quite disturbing, Mrs. Pennyapple." he said as he gently placed his coffee mug on the table above, or rather, below his head. "It would appear the gents at Scotland Yard could use a helping hand, or foot, as the case may be."

    Reaching up to replace his feet with his hands on the wooden ceiling beam, Dr. Syms deftly drops to the floor and pushes his spectacles a little farther up onto his nose.

    "Will there be anything else, sir?" the housekeeper, Gertrude Pennyapple, asks with a slight bow.

    "No thank you, my dear..." Syms responds absently. "Oh, wait. Yes. There is something you can do before you leave." He says. Downing his coffee in one gulp, he grabs the paper and literally bounds from the room and up the stairs. Mrs. Pennyapple softly sighs, shaking her head, and collects the dirty dishes from the table.

    A few minutes later, as Mrs. Pennyapple is finishing the last of the breakfast dishes, Dr. Syms thunders down the stairs and skids to a halt on the kitchen tiles. His over-large bare feet making a slight squeak on the freshly waxed floor.

    "Would you be a dear and post this for me on your way out?" He says, handing his housekeeper an envelope; the address, in his crisp handwriting, across the front.

    "Of course, sir." she says with a slight bow and nod of her head.

    "This mornings news might be of some import to an old colleague of mine. And, perhaps, we can work together to ascertain the extent of this mystery." Lost in thought, the doctor's eyes stare off into the past.


    The accident. Trying to harness the power of a lightning storm to energize his chemical elixir. What was originally supposed to cure the paralysis of his legs actually granted Dr. Ian Syms both a boon and a curse. No longer would he be confined to a wheelchair, that was true. But, also he would now be mostly shunned by the general public.

    The sheer power of the lightning strike overloaded the equipment, sending a feedback charge into the elixir container which then exploded, covering the doctor in the viscous fluid. The fragmented glass slashed his skin in several places, allowing the elixir direct access to his bloodstream. Days later, he discovered that he could not only walk again, but his physical strength was greatly increased. As was his manual dexterity and overall agility.

    He discovered he could leap impressive distances, and had an almost super-human sense of balance. Additionally, he discovered that he could now grip surfaces with his suddenly much larger feet, and his hands grew larger as well. His posture quickly became a low slouch, and most times he found it easier to walk and move using his hands along with his newly working legs and feet.

    Dr. Syms realized that the simian DNA he was working with had somehow infused itself to his own genetic structure. Increasing his strength, agility and sense of balance to those of the various primates he had been working with.

    With the majority of his research lost in the resultant fire from the explosion, Dr. Syms struggles with both the ups and downs of his newfound abilities. Now able to move around free of his wheelchair, he also must keep mostly hidden from the general public. His large frame and ape-like features cause most people to stare.

    One day, Dr. Syms hopes to partially reverse what has been done to him, but prays that he can perfect the elixir to keep the use of his legs. For now, he lives a quiet existence, sometimes helping his colleagues in the scientific field and sometimes helping the downtrodden of the city of London.

    Donning a mask and calling himself Symian, the doctor fights crime and helps those who are unable to help themselves.


    "What was that Mrs. Pennyapple?" says the doctor, broken out of his reverie.

    "I said, will that be all, sir?"

    "Yes my dear, sweet lady, that will be all for today."

    Mrs. Pennyapple drops the envelope into the box at the corner before walking the seven blocks to her modest apartment. She greatly enjoys working for Dr. Syms, such a nice man. She feels sorry for his unfortunate accident, but knows that he uses his abilities for the betterment of mankind, and hopes that he doesn't find a way to cure himself. For without his abilities, she never would have met and come to work for him... and, she would probably not be alive today to even worry about it. Gertrude Pennyapple owes a lot more to her employer than she owes to her own husband, the deadbeat drunk that he is. Probably off in Whitechapel now with some filthy Nightwalker. But, that's neither here nor there.

    She picks up her pace to make it home so she can do her own cleaning before tea time.

  5. Very cool. :) Keep us posted on your progress with this. Mysticism was big in the Victorian era. Any plans there?

    There will be some magic involved, especially with the Timogen awakening adventure. I think I may even try to fit an egyptian-themed adventure.

    I am going to post the two descriptions that two of my three players have submitted to me.

  6. I had forgotten about Spring-Heeled Jack.

    I am going to bring Timogen back to life in one adventure. My group has a long tradition of running a zombies-type adventure in any game we play. Resurrecting Genghis Khan will be close enough to a zombie. :D

  7. By December, I will be starting a new series of superhero adventures for my group using BRP. Here is the introductory text to get them in the mood:

    The London Times

    Friday, April 4, 1890

    The temperatures are higher than usual for spring, which

    does not bode well for our fair city come summer. Of

    more troubling news is the increase in crime reported

    in each district. The constables have reported strange

    behavior by some of the thieves they have attempted to

    stop. One constable was rushed to Charing Cross with

    reports of burns over the entirety of his body. The constable

    expired soon after arrival. Attempts to gain comment from

    Scotland Yard have been answered with silence. The good

    people of London want an answer! Where is Sherlock Holmes

    when we need him most?

    -Herald Rames, reporter

    Professor Moriarty is my designated Master Villain, with Fagan pulling street duty for nastiness. The players do not have to be literary characters, but I fully plan to make use of many. I am even working on my version of Jack of Ripper.

    Adventure #1 has the working title of Fagan's Game.

  8. Hey all. This may be somewhat presumptuous, but i thought i may give it a go:

    Do people here like the idea of conversions, such as films,books,computer games and other such being posted up?

    If so, is this the right forum?

    I think the word you are looking for is 'adapting'. A lot of RPGs take their cue from movies, books and other sources, then adapt it to fit into the game mechanics of that system.

    I am fan of adaptations. Why? It means I don't have to go back and read all of the novels that defined the universe, for example. All of the important information has been condensed for me. I have not read Lord of the Rings. I don't plan to. I am not a fiction reader, but I am a fiction gamer.

  9. I can make it a point to update changes to here. I have a GM document that contains some secrets-that-player-should-not-know, or should only find out in game play.

    I have played and run supers in many different time eras. This time around, I am giving my players a future setting, giving them useful technology so one of them doesn't have to sacrifice the points to be the gadgeteer. My groups has thing about making balanced parties.

  10. This is a reply to the question asked in my super strength question thread. The game is my take on a single-city superhero setting. I have run this setting using GURPS 4e and D6 System. Each time, I have tweaked bits of the setting to steadily, and hopefully, improve it for my group.

    As a result of the setting's story, it has a dual-history line of gaming that also included a brief wild west era of adventures called The Justice Rangers.


    Player Source Document

    Angel Watch

    Player Source Document


    Angel Watch is a setting for superheroes in the fictional city of Angel City, located on the west coast of America. Angel City is a literary conglomeration of Los Angeles and San Diego into one very large, vibrant cityscape.

    The heroes of Angel Watch are members of the superhero group known as Angel Watch. Their base of operations – The Watch Tower – stands ever vigilante, looking out over the city. The Angel Watch are privately funded by a man known only as Gabriel. His real identity is unknown to the members of Angel Watch.

    History of Angel Watch

    The west coast of America was a distant outpost to most Americans, filled with strange tales of action, adventure and excitement. Through the discovery of gold deposits throughout the coast, the rush began to the west. The population increased ever more in size after the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. With this increase in population, came an increase in crime and violence.

    In 1879, three individuals took it upon themselves to fight back against the wave of crime sweeping over the burgeoning Angel City. These men were of great abilities, far greater than those of normal mortals. Their abilities bordered on supernatural. During that year, they would cross paths with each other, with the occasional team-up to fight a larger threat. It seemed that there always existed a threat from other individuals of great power seeking to misuse their abilities for profit at the expense of the poor and the weak.

    In January of 1880, these three heroes of Angel City made an agreement to pool their resources and become a team, to better fight for the rights of the common man on the street. Angel Watch was born. The three founders were known by pseudonyms, to protect their true identities: The Gunslinger, The Coachman and Locomotive.

    The Gunslinger, Billy Sunday, had a knack for accuracy with any gun. He could shoot a fly at 20 paces and draw faster than anyone. His favorite trick was to shoot the guns out of the hands of those who would draw down on them. It seemed like The Gunslinger had eyes in the back of his head, as well, as he would shoot at gunmen behind him without looking.

    The Coachman, Ambrose Crane, was a wealthy man. He had made his fortune back east in manufacturing and came to Angel City to expand his businesses. He got his name from the unique coach he would drive in the night during his vigilante watch of the city. He carried with him a shotgun and a whip as his main weapons. He also had a knack for creating strange gadgets, including his specially-designed throwing knives in the shape of angel wings.

    The Locomotive, Mark Dent, was known for a strength equal to that of 20 men and skin so tough that bullets bounced off him. By day, he was a black smith, a job he thoroughly enjoyed.

    Angel City welcomed these men. As members of Angel Watch retire or lose their lives, new members would be found. Only occasionally has the vigil of Angel Watch been interrupted in its long history.

    Angel Watch Today

    It is now the year 2022. Angel City is a very large city with the sprawling from along the southern coast line of California.

    The current Angel Watch HQ -- The Watch Tower -- resides in a tower located in waters of Angel City Bay. It is a spire that looks to be made of gray stone, an appearance that is deceiving. On top is the statue of an angel with 4 faces and 4 wings, each facing a different cardinal direction. In their hands are flaming swords, a reminder to the city of that beacon of hope.

    The Watch Tower was built by Gabriel as a gift to the city and to the current members of the Angel Watch. In it are rooms for monitoring the city, research labs, entertainment and living quarters. The members of Angel Watch have access to an assortment of vehicles to help them in their fight against crime on land, sea or air.

    Gabriel communicates with the Watch via encoded, untraceable transmissions. His appearance on the video screen is that of the archangel Gabriel. He has a policy of leaving the Watch to do their jobs without interference.

    Modern Day Angel City

    Angel City is a corporate and suburban sprawl of nearly 30 million people on the southwest coast of America. It is a center for technology, research, manufacturing and crime. The entertainment industry thrives in Angel City in every form, from sitcoms, to news, to sports and to the arts. It is a city that truly never sleeps. Angel City is the gateway to the Far East.

    Technology in 2022

    The cyberpunk visions of William Gibson and other writers have come true. Cybernetics, while not common, can be purchased by those with the money to afford it. Powerful computer systems aid daily life across the city. Robotics have advanced to the point there they are able to walk around and talk like people. Personal flying cars dart through the skies above the congested streets of the city, forming The Skyway.

    The Great Credit System Crash

    In 2012, the work of a well-armed group of computer hackers brought down the world’s entire credit network, the system of banks that tracked the digital dollars and cents of the world’s citizens. Trillions were lost in the process. As a result, fear was rampant of a repeat of the Great Credit Crash and many people returned to conducting business solely in hard currency.* Now, only the high level transactions of money occur digitally with most consumer transactions being in cash.

    Crime in Angel City

    There are two major crime syndicates present in Angel City: CHESS and POKER.

    CHESS seeks its power through control and order. Lead by The Grandmaster, CHESS operates above and below board to seek its goals of economic supremacy and political control throughout Angel City and the rest of the sprawl. The true identity of the Grandmaster and his chief officers are not known.

    POKER seeks its goal of freedom and control through chaos. Lead by The Dealer, POKER works through the underbelly of the city, spreading chaos through drugs, gambling and murder. The true identity of The Dealer is unknown at this time.

    Corporations and Organizations

    Yi Corporation

    Yi Corporation is a multi-national, multi-billion dollar company. It was founded in Angel City by Xi Won Yi. As the company grew, it expanded into new markets. Mister Yi lost his company to a hostile take-over by Jonathan Mace. Under his leadership, the company has expanded into further markets, sometimes crossing the line of the law.

    Johnson Medical Institute

    JMI conducts medical research for non-profit, private corporations and other nation’s governments. They are at the forefront of genetic research.

    Decker Electronics

    Decker Electronics are at the forefront of the robotics and nanotechnology. These developments have lead to the appearance of cyberware on the street and for medical use. Decker Electronics has been approached many times for merger with Yi Corp, but has steadfastly remained independent.

    Angel City Police Department

    The ACPD has the immense duty of keeping a very large city safe. Precincts of the ACPD are very busy with keeping the residents safe in a city that never sleeps. In a measure of non-lethal deterrence, the ACPD make use of Electro-Stunner rifles. These weapons are able to incapacitate a target in a single shot. Some normal villains have proved to be a tough match for the electro-stunners and many supervillains are simply immune to its effects. The ACPD have a friendly relationship with the Angel Watch. The ACPD acknowledges the role they play in keeping the city safe.

    The ACPD have a host of vehicles available to them on the ground and in the air. The largest is an aerostat vehicle the size of a football field that floats over the city, slowly patrolling.

    Ford Aeromotive

    Ford is the single largest maker of aerocars, the wonder of the modern age.


    Edward Wychek

    Police Commissioner over all of Angel City. He is a straight-shooter and has a good relationship with the Angel Watch. He will often initiate contact with the Angel Watch.

    Madeline Kyle

    Chief researcher at Johnson Medical Institute. She has been under suspicion on several occasions for instances involving meta-human crime, but has always been acquitted each time.

    Benedict Pennyworth

    Mayor of Angel City and its sprawl. He is a typical politician who sometimes bends to the will of the donations given to his campaigns.

    John Decker

    CEO and researcher at Decker Electronics.


    The Skyway

    The Skyway is the crowning achievement of modern technology in Angel City. The Skyway is where the hover cars make their way through the city.* Their altitude and speeds are monitored by an ever-vigilante computer system to maintain the friendly skies.

    Pyramid Park

    Pyramid Park is the home of a one-third size replica of the pyramids at Giza, including the Sphinx. Surrounding these giant structures are grassy lawns where park visitors play, eat lunch and enjoy the generally sunny weather.


    Atlantis is the name of a small underworld city built just off-shore on the southern end of Angel City. It is a tourist destination under a large glass dome, permitting visitors to watch sea life in its natural habitat.

    Box Town

    Box Town is the name of a very poor area of Angel City. It gets its name from the wooden boxes that make up the “homes” of the homeless and lost that live there. The city has cleared portions of Box Town on several occasions, but it is always rebuilt as the inhabitants feels they have no where else to go.

    Silicon Row

    Silicon Row is the name of a road along which several prominent computer software and hardware companies are located.

    Yi Tower

    Yi Tower is the tallest structure in Angel City. Despite the threat of earthquakes, Yi Tower is an awe-inspiring 2000 feet tall. It is the headquarters of all of Yi Corp’s business operations. Yi Tower looks like a giant needle sticking out of a pyramidal base. Yi Tower can be seen from anywhere in Angel City on a clear day.

    Angel City Nuclear Fusion Power Plants

    Angel City thrives on a vast amount of electricity provided by three nuclear fusion power plants. One is located in the far north of the city, the second on the far east of the city and third on the far south of the city. This technology was made possible the theories of Dr. Zevious, a physicist and musician.

    The Previous Angel Watch

    10 years ago, a villain by the name of Smoke Stack struck fear in Angel City. He attacked the former Watch Tower with a missile that destroyed the structure utterly, killing one of the Angel Watch. In the following battle, Smoke Stack and the three remaining Angel Watch members died in a massive explosion and building collapse. Their bravery saved many lives. The city built statues in Pyramid Park to honor their fallen heroes. The previous Angel Watch members were: Fire Brand, Brick Wall, Tempest and Doctor Hex.

  11. The resistance table stops at 24. For numbers that are much higher, like two super-strong supers, are folks just reducing each number down by the same ratio to get the numbers onto the chart?

    I am planning to experiment with running a superhero setting of mine using BRP and I am researching the Supers section of the BRP book.

    I have the Superworld and Superworld companion books somewhere on PDF which may help elucidate things.

  12. My group played its first game of BRP Star Wars the other night. The game went just fine. We are a party of jedi padawans. The GM is using a mix of psionic and magic powers to simulate the effects from the movie and from the old D6 game.

  13. I think the general rule they enforce is posting web pages or pdfs converting their setting and systems. They cant just come ot my house in a middle of a game and say "no, roll the D20 bitch!"

    Actually, I can imagine Kevin Sambieda doing that.

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