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Everything posted by Silver7

  1. Wow! Thanks for all the replies. Nakana - sounds like I need to get the gold book. Regardless of what it says, I like this "pool of points to spend on actions" instead of just one attack. I own RQ6, but struggle with the action point economy (its why I bought MW). With defense rolls costing an action in RQ6, the difference between 2AP and 3AP are pretty wide. I like MW roll as many defense rolls as you want with incremental penalties. rsanford - I was unaware of the "short or medium weapon vs long" Thanks for pointing it out. I recently move from Plano, by the way. Use to live close to Preston and Legacy. Sunwolfe - Thank you for taking the time to right the wall-of-text. You explanations and example of play really help me solidify what the rules where trying to say. Is stormbringer 5th edition easier to read and understand over MW? It still seems like there is a lot of places the rules just assume you know some other edition. Not very newbie friendly. Should I pick up the BGB or Stormbringer? Should I give RQ6 or Legacy another shake? "As a total side note, the "roll defense as many times as you like, but take a -30% for each" reminds me of Bare bones Fantasy (BBF). BBF uses a "press your luck" mechanic where you take a -20% for every action you take. Offense and Defense. Wanna move and attack? -20% to your attack. Need to parry that round? -40%. You can move and attack as many times as you want, but dodge and parry, plus your 2nd attack, is gonna be at high penalties. I wonder if this would work for MW, considering it is already treating defense this way. Cheers Silver
  2. Hello all! I am new to MW, but also in my 30yrs of gaming, I have had very little experience with brp games in general. Reading through the rules, I assume it would be helpful to have certain amount of knowledge required from previous editions of Elric or other chaoium products. Is there an additional rules that I should be reading, so I can understand MW better? Regardless, I have a few questions to understand the basics of the combat round. I am sure I will have a few more once I get pass the easy stuff. 1. Dex-ranks - I had assumed this was initiative with highest dex going first. However, I see the actions on page 62 says some actions forfeit dex ranks. So I am confused as to what happens when. Could someone provide an example for two combatants moving up to each other and attacking? 2. Actions - p62 says that participants have enough time to complete at least one action. Does this mean they can perform more than one? Is there only one attack allowed per turn? I see that I can move and attack (within restrictions and a dex rank forfeit). Can I do a disengage, move 2, engage a new target, and attacking? Some sort of action in a round economy would be helpful. 3. Drawing or picking up weapon says "his first attack or parry with the weapon comes five dex-ranks later, on the sixth elapsed. I searched the PDF for the word elapse, this is the only place that is used. Terminology from a different rule set? thanks, silver
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