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Matt Ryan

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Posts posted by Matt Ryan

  1. I'm also planning on running BMM for my players in 2022. I'm making major, MAJOR, changes to the chapters, keeping the core and the elements that makes it really cool, and removing the weak bits. I'd be interested in hearing from players who have already played it what they liked best. For example, I know of players who very much liked the slow-burn beginning and liked that there aren't Mythos elements until later in the game.

    Any players reading this want to contribute their thoughts?


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  2. On 5/8/2019 at 3:04 PM, Valyar said:

    Thanks for this suggestion, I was not aware of this! I will definitely check it. Do you know if the investigators can be with different than student occupation?

    I'm sure with a little finagling you could pull that off. I can see private investigators or investigative newspaper writers easily slotting into the scenarios. Chapter one includes enough "missing student" elements to include those roles. Might be more challenging using non-students in later chapters, but far from impossible. I can't remember if the authors included suggestions for other investigator characters; you might have to alter it yourself.

  3. Have you looked at A Time to Harvest, the free organized play campaign from a couple years back? https://www.chaosium.com/a-time-for-harvest/

    We had a pretty good time with it. Bit-sized campaign chapters that don't require a ton of Keeper work, but provide all the essentials: clues, big cast of NPCs, maps and plans, and tons of terror-filled moments. Chapter 2, set in Miskatonic University, and chapter 5, which includes a spectacular other-worldly summoning, are especially enjoyable.

  4. Nice to hear both positive and negative feedback.

    I agree with those who said the characters and their sheets were too much for an introductory adventure. We also noted that all the characters had a lot of Magic points to spent on very few Spirit Magic spells, and very few Rune points to spend on many, many Rune spells. We spent too much time looking up Rune spells and then not casting them.

    I also have to say that we missed many of the game-system innovations incorporated into the latest edition of Call of Cthulhu, and were hoping that this edition of Rune Quest would use some of those innovations.

    I also really want this project to succeed. 

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  5. It will be interesting to see how HeroQuest differentiates itself from the new RuneQuest. Two rule systems in the same setting? Three, if you count 13th Age in Glorantha (which you should count, and I'm very keen on getting those books).

    It's also interesting that the most recent HeroQuest release was Ian's very nitty-gritty, low-level play Coming Storm setting book.The detail is very fine, almost too fine for the rubbery, hand-waving HeroQuest game engine, I think. I wonder once the new RuneQuest finds its footing if we'll see RuneQuest stats for the huge list of NPCs in the Coming Storm.

  6. We ran a Petty Gods of Glorantha campaign in which the PCs were demi-gods volunteering for the Lightbringers Quest, re-writing Glorantha cannon with our sessions. The players loved it and wanted more, so we bopped around First Age Dragon Pass for awhile before heading east to Kralorela. I read through Revealed Mythologies a couple times to prepare for the campaign, but the group changed and I never picked it up again. Perhaps I should. Running a Demi-god-level game in Kralorela sounds fun. (I drew a couple maps that I could share if folks are interested.)

    For the survey, I opted for a setting off the beaten track. One of the things I don't like is that the future/history of Sartar and Prax are predetermined. I could set a game there, but it's really just mice running around waiting for the cats to come and play. I never got the sense that my players could do anything more than watch major events unfold. The Siege of Whitewall is difficult to play when we know it falls, and the threat of the Lunar Empire loses some of its zing when we know that the Red Moon falls in 1655. I know the nitty gritty of the Hero Wars in Dragon Pass, but I don't know what happens during the Hero Wars in Pamalta or Kralorela, and that sounds more fun to explore.

  7. My group didn't follow the Dark Young either. I plopped episode five in the middle of episode four, running the Dark Young attack and capture of the FOC NPCs, then the Shub-Nig summoning in town, and then the exploration of Broken Hill.

    I bet that if the Dark Young had taken a PC, the rest would have followed after to save their friend. Note to self if I run it for a different group in the future.


  8. I felt the same way in episode 1. There are a lot of NPCs and a lot of plot hooks to get right for it all to make sense. I figured that was the nature of a mystery, and my anxiety was that if I screwed up then the rest of the story wouldn't make sense. We spent some time in town, but not that much overall.

    I got a lot looser in episode 2, having grown more comfortable with the large number of NPCs and figuring that however the players might derail the story - and they did often! - I could get it somewhat back on track.

    I should also say that I'd never run a Call of Cthulhu game until A Time to Harvest. Lots of experience with other games, but no CoC. Now, I play it all the time. I've even suspended by regular HeroQuest game in favor of CoC.

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  9. To me, episode six feels like the start of a second campaign, a sequel to "A Time to Harvest" and one I'd run with the Pulp Cthulhu rules. Teleporting to the moon seems way outside my concept of mimicking Lovecraft's works. Dreaming to the moon would be another story . . .

    For our campaign, which was more often than not driven by the players' actions and not the railroad-y plot line, we ran episode five in the middle of episode four, right after the Dark Young attacked the Maclearan farmhouse. The Dark Young fled with two of the NPCs, leaving easily followed foot prints, but the PCs weren't interested. They zipped over to the mercenary camp, witnessed the horror, then fled to town. Since they were on their way, and no amount of convincing from the other NPCs could get them to follow the Dark Young, I threw them into the middle of Cutter's ritual. They prevented Shubby's full manifestation and escaped the destruction of the town. In the morning, an FOC clean up team found them and asked where the missing FOC folks were. Then they followed the tracks through the woods and found the Mi-Go tunnels. That's where we are now.

    Next week they plan to go into the tunnels, aided with a half-dozen well-armed mercs, and we'll have a real shoot 'em up. I plan to throw Mi-Go soldiers at them left and right. I'll highlight the gates, maybe even let them see the moon through one, but plan on distracting them with waves of Mi-Go baddies. We'll see how it goes.

    I hope rescuing the FOC NPCs and destroying the Mi-Go will make a satisfying ending, but have my doubts. Episode five was just too good.

    Then, once the Mi-Go are cleared, I'll ask the group if they want one more episode or if they feel the campaign has reached a satisfying conclusion. We're playing at the local comic book store, so we might click into a new campaign or even snap over into a different game. I hope we stick with CoC, but it's not entirely up to me.


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  10. On 5/29/2016 at 0:22 PM, sverbridge said:

    I contacted Dustin this past week and he told me that my shipment would probably ship out at the end of the month or so.  I ordered mine and it was paid for on April 4.  This is a U.S. shipment to Rochester, NY and the shipping company is swamped so it is taking a bit longer than expected.  I just got worried because my digital receipt at the Backerkit site said it was already shipped and had been that way for 3 weeks with no email which was why I emailed Dustin.  Hopefully this may help some people who are wondering about their shipment.  Also this pre-order was for the slipcase containing the rulebook, handbook, and the GM screen.  i don't know if that makes a difference or not. 


     I have the PDFs, but some of my players do not care for reading PDFs on their computer, so I am waiting for the hard copies so I can run A Time to Harvest.  I don't want to spend the money to get the PDFs printed out and bound at Staples or the like, that is really expensive.

    That's actually very helpful information. I'm here in Ithaca, NY, and expect the same wait or a tad longer as your wait for a Rochester shipment. Thanks.

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