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  • RPG Biography
    35+ years (A)D&D, RQ2, Traveller, etc etc
  • Current games
    See above!
  • Blurb
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. Another player here to join the fun - I'm Salen Dustchaser, stoner Condor brave and Foundchild disciple. Salen is something of a free spirit, a bit 'out there', and though he usually acts outwith expectations he does always work for the greater good of the Feathered Rivals. He has yet to meet a substance he can't smoke, swallow or drink in some form, and will pretty much try anything. His Condor spirit might best be described as lascivious, and Salen himself isn't averse to such undertakings - he made an alliance with a nereid, a water spirit, back at the time of Kaonu's abduction, and she is now carrying his daughter. That's just one example of Salen at work - he'll do whatever it takes to get the Rivals' mission accomplished, whatever the cost. There's more than this general introduction, but I'll just reiterate what a cracking game this is. The sheer volume of work put in by Iskallor is quite incredible, but it is a two-way process. Who knows where we go from here?!
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