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Posts posted by mibagents

  1. Well it took a couple more sessions than I would have liked but we finished the campaign, and my attempt to re-sequence chapters 6 and 5 did not work.  When my PC's entered the caverns at Round Hill, I showed them the gate being active, and a Mi Go which they killed dropped a device that went through the gate, making it obvious it was a magical effect of some sort.  My characters did not bite; I think because they were on a mission to find a captured NPC  (Larry Necklar) they gave the moon gate a pass.  There was talk of going back for it after Chapter 5 but time constraints did not allow me to further the campaign at that point.  So my feeling is still that, after witnessing the arrival of one of the Big 5 and the destruction of a town, and the permanent insanity of a host of NPC's and PC's, doing the moon gate is anti climactic but my attempt was lame because of the players mission at hand.  If the Moon Gate chapter is to be used, I still believe it should happen before Chapter 5 but it will also have to happen before Little Pigs Little Pigs (I can't NOT hear Negan when I read that chapter, lol) So they can have a reason to enter the Moon Gate.  This might however mean the kidnapping does not happen, but if they are drawn to the caverns to destroy the moon gate, it still puts them there (which is probably the biggest reason for the kidnapping) so they can find the brain jars and so forth.  

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  2. I started a group on a play by post site and I've lost over half of them to attrition for various reasons.  I'm basically at 2 people, though I am sure a third is still involved just busy with work.  If it gets down to 2 players do you think that's viable for this campaign?  I'm leaning towards no, after running it on R0ll20 but maybe some of you have another answer. 

  3. I"m going to have to jump on the bandwagon here, and say Ep. 6 is a let down in a way.  I think the Call Shub Niggurath ending is epic and can't be topped.  However, I can see swapping 5 and 6; the Moon Gate is right there in the mine the investigators are searching for their friends.  It makes more sense to have a brain in a brain cylinder tell them about the moon gate then, and cobble together an approach to it immediately.  Then, after walking on the surface of the Moon, they get to watch Shub Shub get jiggy with it, and lose most of their sanity. 

  4. Name: Scott

    Country: USA

    Location: St. Louis, MO


    I am restricted to Roll20 due to personal health issues; I have run two one shots at Aethercon and I'm going to run something at an upcoming new convention called Koboldcon, though I'm not sure what yet.  I'd love to run Mr. Corbitt over a two session stretch!

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  5. What the world needs is VTT tokens for Call of Cthulhu; I found one of Cthulhu himself but everything else I have had to substitute something else, like a froghemoth from D&D (pretty Lovecraftian) or just use a 2d picture as a token.  So far running CofC on roll20, ends up being more theatre of the mind anyway for me, but in the few instances I used a battle map I'd have loved to have some tokens that match, rather than using a treant for a Dark Young for example. 

  6. Ok it's chapter 2 of Time to Harvest, and I messed up the encounter on Hangman Hill pretty badly.  The entire group made the trip to meet Block, but they were never in one place.  I felt Laslow would try to eliminate the odd man out who was too chicken too go up the hill, but he rolled poorly for damage, and the PC made his CON save against unconsciousness.  Then Laslow went back up the hill and decided to at least take Block out since he'd betrayed the MiGo.  Well he wasn't able to kill Block, nor was Block able to kill Laslow.  I should have been more heavy handed here, but since I was using Roll20 all the die rolls were public and I felt it was somehow "wrong" to fudge the rolls when I should have killed Block.  Anyway, the PC's all got away safely including Block who is now with them.  Hell they even managed to get the electric gun away from Laslow!  Fortunately one of the PC's decided to chuck it in the river, so that's not going to be a problem.  But now I am scrambling to pick a strategy going forward.  Clearly the other brain swopped students are going to be made aware, and the timetable for eliminating the PC's will have to be stepped up.  I am thinking of keeping Laslow hard after them, using his illusion powers and nightmare powers to make them do dangerous things instead of a direct confrontation, but I could use any advice any other Keeper could offer. 


  7. So on day 2, my players decide to seek the advice of Professor Harrold(Daphne Devine!)  I played her as probing them for information, answering questions with questions, and basically not being helpful.  Also I had her praising her own work a great deal and calling herself brilliant. While the players did not reveal their hand too much (they had been to Blaine's apt. and read Devine's journal) I decided the meeting would accelerate the timeline of Blaine's suicide and the attempts on the life of the pc's a good bit.  Did anybody else have this in their campaign, and how did you handle it?

  8. Before I got Episode 2, I admitted a new player to my game, and asked him to choose one of the other students to take over as a PC.  It seemed the only way to bring a newbie in while in Cobbs Corners, unless it were to be a local.  Oh I guess I could have found an excuse for another MU student to be in Cobbs Corners, but really, that would have been faking it.  

    So my guy chose William Noakes.  That's a good PC to have, but in Episode 2 he is supposed to be swopped for Henry Akeley, which I am dying to see how that would come out.  So my problem is who else can I brain swop Akeley with?  Louis Gibbons is out, he came with the PC's so he's not brain swopped.  Jason Trent is the only one left who makes sense b/c of the history major, but I'm holding out hope I can keep him Robert Tunes.  One of my PC's spent a lot of time getting close to Trent and feels he understands the guy so when they catch him in the LIbrary shouting Bloody Hell! it's going to be interesting, lol. 

    I was thinking about CLarissa Thurber; the kid she's swopped with is not important so no loss there, but it makes no sense to put a literature brain inside a chemist's body.  I could write that off as a mistake perhaps; what does anybody else think you'd do in my shoes? 

  9. I was hoping I could ask a question here, as my players happen to be involved with almost every other social media outlet I'm on and I want to ask someone a question I don't want them seeing the answer to.  If it's not appropriate, just remove the thread. 

    I have an Invictus campaign based in Viroconium and the Severn River valley; at current I have cultists of Shub Niggurath as the Earth Mother working in cahoots with cultists of the Great God Pan setting things up for the Moon Lens to be erected; does it sound logical that cultists of different avatars of the same deity might work together, or does that sound too organized?  I guess one problem is it implies they know the facts behind the avatar situation, which is probably not for the best. But I was not thinking clearly enough when I started this thing. 

  10. 11 hours ago, morganhua said:

    I'm reading Episode 2 and it's clear that the Geological Survey group has to know about Pasquallium since they return and talk to Prof Learmonth about it.  I'm surprised this wasn't spelled out in Episode 1.  I assumed the Geological Survey group was just told to get soil samples for Prof Learmonth to examine.  With the Geological Survey group returning and telling Prof Learmonth that it was from a meteorite, it seems like the Geological Survey group must have been told about what they were looking for.

    Well, I'm not going to retcon what had happened at the dig sites, so I'll assume Blaine who is in charge was told about Pasquallium, but he didn't tell the Geological Survey group about it, keeping it a secret since he was working for the Mi-Go and the whole thing was to keep their mines a secret  But once the students have been brain replaced, the Mi-Go came up with this story to tell Prof Learmonth who has no clue that the original students weren't told about Pasquallium.  Blaine could say he was told to keep it hush-hush and was going to disclose more if the students found some evidence of Pasquallium.  And once they found the meteorite (a fabricated lie), he told them to take a sample for Prof Learmonth.  Of course, any surviving PCs might have some issues with this lie.

    Morganhua, the way I read that bit was, it's the Mi-Go agents inside the bodies of students who feed Learmonth the false information; the students didn't know about it, and perhaps even Blaine never knew about it either.  The PC students on those digs would find this bit of information surprising since they had no idea what Pasquallium is/was or that they were supposedly looking for it.  In fact that would be a clue for them that something is amiss and the other geology students are not to be trusted.  

    Anyone else see it this way?

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  11. 13 hours ago, Khelbiros said:

    Hey mibagents,

    It sounds like its working out well for you.  Are you going to run the bridge incident? I guess your PCs on the folklore group could rescue the NPCs.

    The map encourages exploration of the town. The vague door-to-door visits for the folklore group could use a map to provide something for  the visual PCs to focus on.


    I'm going to have the PC's help with the bridge rescue, ATM.  Of course these players may surprise me and blow off the interviews and go schlepping through the Sugar Maples after the second dream (3 of 4 PC's had the same dream, which of course, is creepy AF).  I do have the map of Cobb's Corner's on display (it's a Roll20 game so I always use as much visuals as I can including a zoog pic I found online) but rather than explore the town these PC's are really honing in on specific lore points; like all the young deaths for example.  I had one PC holed up in the library for hours researching genealogies of the townsfolk to see if a particular family had more young deaths than others.  I so should have put a Kennedy family in there...;-)    

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