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Posts posted by redmoongoddess

  1. So, I like the Sourcebook Pagan Shore and the deep dive into Irish culture that it does. But it doesn't contain any major adventures. Just short ones. Really, more like ideas for adventures. This can REALLY be inconvenient for people someone such as me who suffers from GM's Block when confronted with extremely deep material that we (Read: I'm) not familiar with. I just don't get a feeling of what do actually do in the setting of Ancient Ireland aside from the usual "Fight in wars because the local Irish tribes people really want to cut the face of Arthur off" adventure that is very often used in the GPC already. I really wish that they included at least one major adventure in the book similar to what Beyond The Wall or Land Of Giants did 


    So, I feel the best answer would be to ask all of the fellows of the BRP forums if they've ever strongly used the material that's in Pagan Shore in a campaign, and what exactly, did that entail that wasn't just "fight in a epic battle for 10 rounds"? 


    I am already aware of the cool Castle Of Bones adventure that was featured on Greg's old website where you battle a bunch of skeletons in the old castle of...bones. I'm just interested in what concepts people's explored in the setting of Pendragon Ireland that makes use of the unique concepts that are present in it. Such as Geas, constant battles between the Tribes, and people stealing the crap out of cows.


    I am particularly interested in that idea suggested in Pagan Shore about the giant tournament to marry the Goddess that is briefly mentioned in the GPC. I feel there is a lot potential for an cool epic adventure in the idea of involving tons of famous warriors from around the world coming together to battle for the privilege of being an literal goddesses boyfriend. Maybe it could be fleshed out into a full adventure someday? Granted you find a way to give an proper ending to the quest that isn't the players watching someone else become the boyfriend. Or the players ACTUALLY winning in the tournament and then becoming practically demi-gods. It would break the campaign.  

  2. Frankly I feel that a LOT of shit all of the major characters in Pendragon do are going to be seen as awful by most people with moral values. It's really something you're going to want to modify a lot as you play the game with people who aren't brutal warlords. I am surprised that Pendragon is the ONLY modern adaptation of the story of Arthur I've seen where drowning every baby born in May is mentioned at ALL. 

  3. Will this include the material from the Malleus Monstorum Companion that was never released?


    INB4 this book becomes similar to Pulp Cthulhu in that it ends up not being released for literally thousands of years. Ever realized that people who were probably excited for that book probably for sure DIED in the ensuring wait? THAT is the true cosmic horror story right there!

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  4. On 10/23/2015 at 4:01 AM, Steve said:

    The Dragonrise, the “offstage” material from The Eleven Lights, for HQG - Ian Cooper



    Will this book include options for the players to take the spot of doing canonical deeds that were "canonically" done by Argath and company? Or will they be forced to sit on the side while the "cool" npcs do all of the cool stuff? The same exact thing that EVERYONE criticized about the metaplots in the Forgotten Realms and nearly every other popular rpg setting in the 90's?

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  5. ALLLLL the way back in 2005, Chaosium published a Monograph based on the Hawkmoon novels that reportedly was much better than the original rules in terms of setting details, but included almost NO stats, and to this day, it remains un-reprinted or released anywhere! 


    Sooo, is there any chance that Lawrence Whitaker or Chaosium or somebody who was involved with the thing could post the thing on the net for archival purposes? Or are there copyright stuff that are preventing it from ever being brought to the light of day?

    • Thanks 1
  6. Not that I have anything against the BRP forums, mind you, it's just that there used to be an official forum for Pendragon at http://nocturnalmediaforum.com/, which seems to have been removed!

    Now, forums moving around and dying happens all the time, but there were tons of posts there which I found useful for Pendragon games. (Adventures, House Rules, Discussion Of The Timeline, ect.)

    Quite frankly, it's removal, without so much as a word, is quite dishearting, coming so soon after the death of Google+'s RPG communities.

    Would anyone here know of any extra info relating to the lost of the forums?

    • Thanks 1
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