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Posts posted by Narl

  1. I'm looking for a landscape pdf BRP screen as well if anyone has one made. I've also emailed Dustin to voice my support for one.

    I just noticed that Cubicle 7 has one for The Laundry. Maybe they could make a generic BRP one if Chaosium isn't interested?

  2. This question pertains specifically to Gold Book BRP's Magic system (not Sorcery, not RQ2/3).

    In the "Overcoming POW" section it says "Any time a magic spell affects a living target the caster must overcome the target's POW or power points in a resistance roll." When I read the spell descriptions, some specifically say a POW roll is required (e.g. Diminish, Change) while others do not (e.g. Blast, Fire, Frost).

    Do spells like Blast, Fire, Frost, and Lightning still require a POW vs. POW roll?

  3. That is the first thing I thought of, but didn't know if it was intentional. Did no one pick up on my witty typo in my original post?

    It can't refer to what I think it reefers to, can it?

    I was trying to be subtle. :)

  4. Hey!

    I'm Narl, and I live in Wisconsin in the US. I started playing RPGs in the very early 80s. I ran too much D&D and not nearly enough RQ and Stormbringer back then, I think due to the fact that characters actually died in RQ and Stormbringer, and my young friends didn't care for that. By college, players seemed to accept character mortality more readily and Stormbringer and RQ3 saw a lot of play.

    After a long hiatus from RPGs, I am getting a new group together, made up of my own three young kids. I of course looked to BRP as the obvious choice to get them into RPGs. We've run a few sessions with the Quick Start rules (using the adventures in the back) and they had a blast. I have plans for a fantasy campaign adding in magic and some of the other rules from the main book. My oldest is asking for some science fiction as well so I'll probably run something styled after Traveller eventually as well.

    I'm also having a great time reading through all the terrific monographs and setting books from Chaosium and Alephtar. Many thanks to all the great authors here on BRP Central. Keep it up!

  5. It can't refer to what I think it reefers to, can it? I guess it could. But why? Why here? And what does the first number mean? Search dug up no clues.

    Can someone explain the X/420 thing I see in various signatures? Surely it is something obvious that I am missing.

  6. I'll be there. I did manage to register for one CoC session, but there is no BRP in the catalog.

    Anyone planning on running a game?

    Jason, will you be hanging around a particular vendor's booth? I wouldn't mind meeting the author of my favorite RPG.

  7. Does Cubicle 7 have US shipping (at non international rates) or should I wait for Chaosium or Amazon?

    I would strongly recommend adding something to the Amazon descriptions of these books that indicates they are for BRP. Searching for Basic Roleplaying only turns up Rome but not Dragon Lines or Crusaders. Someone not actively seeking these titles but looking for BRP supplements would never find them.

    I agree, the Alephtar books are hard to find on Amazon. For some reason Dragon Lines is listed as "ships in 1-4 months". Crusaders is in stock. Rome is listed as hardcover. Was it ever actually released as hardcover?

    Noble Knight Games has all three Alephtar BRP titles in stock as an alternative to Amazon or waiting for Chaosium.

  8. If so, this is a change from any prior version of BRP that I'm aware of; its certainly a change from the RQ roots where both were always combined (and in particular will mean you'll frequently want to use an impale or bash when fighting lightly armored opponents, since they'll produce superior results to ignoring a point or two of armor almost every time (the bleeding special won't, but then I've argued that one is underpowered compared to the other two specials before).

    If I remember right, in the original RQ the effect of a critical was to ignore armor, and nothing else, so it was easy to combine with an impale. In BRP, the critical does maximum rolled damage, and ignores armor. If you combine them (which I don't believe is the way the rules are written), do you have a critical impale do maximum double damage and ignore armor?

    If they are supposed to be combined, I'd think the rules would be clear about that. Plus that GM note I mentioned above seems to make it clear it is one or the other.

  9. No, you were more or less correct the first time; that line is only there to indicate what range is a special but NOT a critical. Criticals always include a special with them unless whatever roll is being made has no defined special result for some reason.

    Unless I am misinterpeting what you are saying, I don't believe that is correct. If you roll a critical in combat, you just get the benefit of a critical. You don't also get a special result on top of that.

    But be aware of this from page 192:

    "GM NOTE: Gamemasters should allow characters to inflict a special success upon a foe in place of a critical success if the foe is unarmored."

  10. I'll be attending Gen Con for the first time this year. Are there generally any BRP events I can look forward to? I know CoC is played but I'm more interesting in getting in a BRP game or two.

    Thanks, Narl

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