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Posts posted by tgcb

  1. Probably a dumb question (since I am asking it ...odds are pretty good it is), but after doing flyby of the Quickstart rules...can someone tell me why the Resistance Table mentions POW in the header (i.e. POW of Attacking Force) but the text says the table is for "pitting one characteristic against another, such as STR against the SIZ of an object to be lifted..."?

  2. Finally got to play an RPG after many years (sadly, not Runequest)....in any case noticing that the characters intelligence doesn't come into play much.

    For example, if you have a character of average intelligence do you behave any different than if you're character had high (or low) intelligence? There are things you know as a player and get translated to your character, but do you "dumb down" or "smarten up" that transfer based on the actual characteristic?

    In other words, I feel we just "role play ourselves" for the most part - and that's probably to be expected. But just curious how you others role-play this?


  3. OK...I've finally gotten off my duff and played a RPG (in this case Castles & Crusades). This is an online game and it has been interesting because one player lives in France, another in Wales, and the rest of us in the U.S.

    I'd love to play Runequest but do not have a local GM and can not (yet) find anyone doing an online game (checked Roll20, Obsidian Portal). I've found 1 Runequest game on Roll20 but it is full.

    Anyone know of any better way to locate an online Runequest game?

    PS- this process has again discouraged me that Pathfinder, etc. are so popular and Runequest is not.

  4. I was thinking of this from my point of view as a "newish" player reading the book: you'd get to page 18 and say "OK, you had me roll characteristics as a foundation for the rest of my character, now you're going to give me some bonuses based on what I rolled..that's cool, I like bonuses!....hold on a second ...now you're going to give the same bonus to my buddy who rolled way less than I did." Basically I don't like that you say "roll these dice to get a numerical value for a characteristic....wow, you got an 18...that's the best you can get!...now here's a bonus based on those rolls....we're going to give you the same as if you rolled a 13, is that OK? In other words, we're going to not reward you for being the best, instead we're just going to lump you in with the top 3rd of your class."

    I think some of those tables are setup because someone like the symmetry of having them grouped by 6's instead of some other grouping. That's fine for most people I'm sure...except for people like me that think if you roll much higher than your buddy, your bonus should be much higher than your buddy.

    And I also realize with the right GM and group it won't matter about relatively minor nitpicks in the rules (which I suppose it true of any game not just Runequest). But, I'm reading right now not playing so these kinds of things "stand out.". Again, with more experience I'm sure these things won't matter in the grand scheme of things, but on the initial read it was an "issue"....but of course we'd just use our own homebrew tables that we like better, so it doesn't really matter.

  5. Was cleaning the basement today and found a Different Worlds Magazine (#23) from 1982. I remember purchasing it because of the super-hero theme of the issue.

    Being a Chaosium publication, there is a Chaosium ad on the back cover. A hardcover copy of RQ2 could be had for $15.

    ....was going to say "ah, the good old days", except I like my life much better now than then ...not to mention that RQ6 is better than RQ2. ;t)

    PS - also found several old Dragon Magazines...sadly, did not find any $$$.

  6. I guess it's supposed to be funny to insult someone for asking a question. Classy. Do you feel better now that you've put him down?

    I didn't think anything of it. I've learned long ago not to take anything personal on the Internet. And to be honest, I found it mildly humorous. But, thanks for "defending me"...now let's all just relax and be friendly.

  7. My settings are "sandboxes", and like the real world they contain weak, average and

    powerful characters and creatures. It is up to the player characters to gather the ne-

    cessary informations to decide what they can do or not, when to fight, when to avoid

    and when to run. I would dislike a predictable setting where the player characters can

    expect to only encounter suitable "challenges" for their "level", this would seem too im-

    plausible for my taste.

    Was re-reading this thread and thought of another way to put my question.

    Basically, how do you avoid having the game feel like an advanced version of the game Clue? By that I mean say you set up a town and therefore setup some locations and some NPC's. But, instead of going to the tavern as you expected them, the players go to the butcher shop. Or to the dress maker. Or to whatever. To use my Clue example - what if instead of looking through the mansion you want to go outside and look in the guest house? Well, in Clue you can't because the entire "world" is on that board. I don't want the dress maker to just say "why are you here, aren't you supposed to be in the tavern (hint hint)". I suspect you'd want this encounter to feel somewhat natural - you want the entire town to feel "real" and not just the 5 (or 10 or 20) sites you had setup prior. And what if your players go into a building/room/place and for whatever reason some conflict breaks out (could be mental conflict, conflict of skills, physical combat, etc). And what if you want to make this encounter "interesting" and not just a "throw away"? Being a new GM, I would need to whip-up something right there and again wonder what an experienced GM looks at to do this. And by "interesting" I don't necessarily mean the players need to win...maybe they lose...maybe they get the crap kicked out of them. But, I still need to know what "markers" on their sheets to look at to set the "level" to what I hope it should be.

    I know with experience this would get better - you'd be more natural, you'd have a bank of NPC's to use, you'd know the rules much better....just wanted some tips in the meantime.

  8. Still doesn't get rid of breakpoints. I mean, what's the value in a CON, CHA or POW over 16?

    For CON anyway, you may get more hit points per location (depending on your SIZ).

    And obviously a slight bump in any skills that use these characteristics.

    I haven't yet found a way to make it more granular without really screwing up the values...or doing some wonky stuff which just takes away from the game without gaining much (other than appeasing my anal-retentive nature).

  9. If I ever get to play (which may be never), I may try something like:

    Experience Modifier

    [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500, align: left]



























    [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500, align: left]



    [TD]Healing Rate[/TD]
























    [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500, align: left]



    [TD]Luck Points[/TD]























    Obviously it may "bother" some that the first 2 entries are grouped by 6 and the higher ones grouped by 3 but it's the best I've come up with so far.

  10. PM sent.

    Burned through the pages- looking mostly for style, etc.

    PS- lots of good/great information in those pages - much more than I realized when I was just jumping around looking at it originally

  11. Reading the RQ6 Career section now...and having recently talked to a brother-in-law who started making his own wine, I was wondering if Brewer/Winemaker would be a possible career to add. There is a lot of work/art/skill involved according to my brother-in-law (so it's not as easy as one might think), and I can see it being an in-demand skill in many cultures.

    I believe the skill list would be similar to an Alchemist, but wonder what more experienced players think the skill list may look like?


  12. 5) do I get my non-human starting age chart if I post enough of them?



    Ah...so, I'm going to take a wild stab and say I shouldn't plan on a co-writing credit (since I can't even get a chart included :P).

    PS- I'll try to read faster to meet the deadline

  13. Page 18 - Note 11 doesn’t end in a . (period)

    Page 20/22 Barbarian and Civilized: both have Professional Skills end in period but no other sections do

    Page 23 Nomadic - Standard skills ends in a period

    Page 24 - Primitive - Standard and Professional end in period

    (basically saying you're not consistent with your periods)

    Page 26 - “event” is lower case in 1st paragraph but upper case in 2nd paragraph

    Page 37 - style gripe - if the “Next Steps” text box was a little wider you would have to abbreviate so much within it

    Can I ask some questions:

    1) is this helping or am I wasting my time?

    2) if this is helping, what is the "deadline" to get these in the new hardcover?

    3) should I put these here and on the Design Mechanism site? (or is just here OK)

    4) should I put them in 1 post instead of posting as I find them?

    5) do I get my non-human starting age chart if I post enough of them? >:>

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