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Posts posted by samwise7

  1. I am going to be running a Western/Fantasy 1-shot at GASPCON in Pittsburgh this year (2012) in November. I found a fun adventure called Devil Gut Rock in the latest One Page Dungeon download. Basically it will be some dungeon crawling cowboys.

    Campaign Wiki DungeonMaps: One Page Dungeon Contest 2012

    I was just curious, the Malfunction stats all say 00 in the BRP book. If I am running a true western setting I'm guessing these guns would malfunction a lot more.

    So... what would you guys think these Malfunction rates would be for the following guns?

    Revolver Heavy (Colt .45)

    Revolver Medium (.38)

    Revolver Light (.32)

    Pistol Derringer

    Rifle Bolt Action

    Rifle Lever Action

    Shotgun Double-Barreled

    Also, has there ever been any official BRP stats for the Lever Action Rifle? Maybe in the errata somewhere? I didn't see it in the big chart O' weapons.


  2. The energy barrier is actually a sphere, so if they dig enough they will encounter it below the ground too.

    My 1-shot of this at GASPCON in Pittsburgh went over VERY well. They liked the idea of normal everyday people being horrible disfigured with mutations in various stages during the game, and some of them got psychic powers too. I ran it very rules-lite, and I included horribly drawn illustrations of their characters too, which they all loved. :)

  3. Sounds like an excellent intro to a grim horror scenario with a tragic ending.

    Once the barrier materialises everything within goes utterly black, no light in or out. With the electricity is cut off, people begin to panic since few keep flashlights to hand or can locate them in the pitch darkness. Those that have personal electronics with LCD screens use the feeble illumination to grope around and become beacons for the desperate. It soon becomes apparent there aren't enough torches for everyone.

    Of course few are even aware that the water has been cut off too. Storage tanks in the older buildings are quickly drained by unthinking toilet use... until of course the sewage starts to back up and a stench starts to pervade the city. Those who have a glimmering of foresight start hoarding water, then food as they suspect that this eclipse isn't natural. The guns start coming out. Before long everyone switches off their lights and return to stygian blindness to avoid becoming targets of looters.

    After 36 or 48 hours, people begin to sweat and breathing becomes laboured. It isn't the septic fug or early spread of disease. Those with a bit more technical education realise that no heat is escaping the barrier and worse still, oxygen isn't permeating through. How long does everyone have left? A few days perhaps? So the few leaders gather together the remnants of their community and prepare them for the ultimate conclusion.

    Then the aliens come out of the darkness and begin to snatch people from the very arms of their loved ones...

    I am definitely going to be using a bunch of what you just posted. Wow, the players might be in for more than they bargained for. This is going to be fun.

    I was thinking a bit of Dark City when I came up with the idea. A big chunk of Pittsburgh being teleported into the darkest reaches of space...

    You should pitch this to Stephen King as a plot device....it's the sort of thing he might get a book out of

    I'm no Steven King, just a hack that likes RPGs, hehe.

    Reminds me of a B-movie I saw on UHF TV many moons ago, although it was a small town that was isolated in the film. Breathing and water didn't become issues that I can recall, but the characters were too busy being freaked out and trying to solve the mystery to worry about such things. One character died when he crashed his pickup against the barrier. Wish I could remember the movie's title. It might have been a Twilight Zone episode, but I was sure it was a feature film.

    Children of the Damned? There was an invisible barrier where everyone fell asleep if they were inside of it. Then a bunch of evil kids were born 9 months later. I prefer the original film to the remake. It's probably something else you are referring to.

  4. I'm going to be running a BRP 1-shot at GASPCON (In Pittsburgh, Nov 11-13 2011).

    Weird Pittsburgh

    Anyway, the idea for the game is that "aliens" invade and set up a spherical energy barrier around a part of the city of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I'm going to get a large map of Pittsburgh and then draw a big circle with purple marker. That will be the entire area for the setting. I plan on putting in Mutations (giving some out randomly as the game progresses), as well as Super Powers (also given out randomly) during the game. The idea is that the spherical energy barrier is playing havoc with the humans within it. The barrier also doesn't let anything in or out. It kills whatever tries to pass through it. You can't see through it either. The characters are going to start out as normal human characters and then they will get weirder and weirder as the session goes on.

    The idea will be to survive the "aliens" and to possibly try to free themselves (though that is rather unlikely). I plan on having "flying saucers" in the sky within the spherical energy sphere. They can exit and enter the barrier without any problems.

    The "Aliens" might not actually be aliens, so feel free to have fun with that too. :)

    So, feel free to steal this idea. Pick a city, draw a circle on a big city map, and away you go!

  5. Another thing that I did with skills was combine two BRP skills with an "&" between both skill names. The skill accomplishes both of the individual skills as per the rules, but they are a combined skill on the character sheet.

    The idea of getting rid of stats is an interesting one. I may have to do that.

  6. I can't help thinking a simple bonus of +20%, +40% or even more to skills is just a bit dull for something so intrinsic to a character. How about Major Traits making related skills Easy (i.e. double chance)? And Minor Traits - erm, tricky - maybe also Easy but only half the time (flip a coin!)?

    That is an interesting idea... hmm...

  7. Does having "Healthy as a Horse" asset mean a bonus to just your CON rolls, or do you get a higher CON (and thus Hit Points too)? A "Mean Left Hook" adds a damage bonus? Or an hit percentage bonus? Or both?

    I always liked adding Disabilities to the super hero characters when playing Superworld (it does add flavor) but all the "bonuses" actually get reflected in the Stats, skill rolls, or super powers.

    I haven't gone through all of the Assets and Complications and translated them to BRP (that would be a lot of work). What I am going to do however, is wait till the players tell me which ones they are interested in taking and then translate them. This way I don't do any unnecessary work. I plan to be rather rules-lite with the Assets & Complications, but for the ones that bump up skills, I am going to have them bump up the BRP skills.

    I'm going to use Power Points for Plot Points, so that part of the Assets & Complications will worth the same (roughly).

    Maybe +20% for Minor, and +40% for Major.

    It seems high, but Major traits are defining characteristics for characters, so if they're skills, a character with a skill affected by a Major trait should be remarkably competent using it.

    That sounds pretty reasonable. I think I'm going to go with that.

    We had something similar for discussion a bit earlier, when I wanted to introduce the FATE Aspects into BRP. Turned out it's not a good idea to do it, because they change BRP in a way how it usually works.

    If the Assets and Complications blow up in my face, I'll let you know, hehe. I'm going to give it a try though.

    I added in the extra Assets & Complications from Big Damn Heroes, because many of them sounded really cool. :)

  8. I'm going to use Power Points as Plot Points (similar to the Plot Points in Serenity) but I have to figure out when they refresh, or how they get new Plot Points. I'm sure I will come up with something.

    I also am going to bolt on the Serenity Assets & Complications mainly for flavor and character developement, but I'm also going to try to roughly translate them to skill bonuses in BRP.

    My question, is what kind of bonus should a Minor Asset give you, vs. what kind of bonus a Major Asset should give you? The same goes for the penalties for Minor and Major Complications.

    I was thinking of giving a 10% bonus for Minor, and 20% for Major, but that might be on the low side. Not all of the Assets and Complications affect skills, but what do you think I should give for skill bonuses for them?

  9. I was thinking of bolting on some skills to Labyrinth Lord a la BRP (Basic Roleplaying). I really like the D100 roll under mechanic for skills. I was also thinking of multiplying the stats by 5 to get a percentage total (so they could roll under that with a D100 as well). It is just an idea. I know Classic Fantasy (a BRP monograph) has done this, so that will be an inspiration and I will merge much of that with LL.

    Just thinking about tinkering, hehe.

    (Edit, hehe I thought I posted this on the LL Forum, hehe).

  10. The idea of a frankenmonster RPG, that mixes all sorts of RPGs has been on my mind lately. I'm not sure if I'll actually do it, but it would be a challenge to try to mix all the favorite elements from all of the RPGs I like, into one big lurching behemoth.

    Has anyone done this?

  11. I was just curious what everyone on here thinks about the number of skills a game should have. Do you like a ton of skills (with several skills that are similar but slightly different), or a medium number of skills, or do you like a very small number of skills which are the bare necessity to run a game?

    Does the genre of game you are running make a difference? I have friends that like more skills in sci-fi games for instance.

    I was just curious what you guys think. BRP seems like it has a fair number of skills, but it probably has less skills than say Rolemaster for instance.

    What is a good total number of skills, or do you think that you shouldn't limit skills by a number picked out of the air?

    Thoughts? Thanks.

  12. Thanks guys. Yeah, I disagree with Tetsubo, but he also really likes D&D 3.5 and the OGL. He's welcome to his opinion on things (I disagree with good many of them), I just wanted to present a different opinion about BRP. BRP brought me around to the idea that a generic game can be a good thing. Before BRP when I heard generic I associated that with being a bad thing, but now, obviously I have a high opinion of the game. :) It's one of my top 5 games.

    Here is another one that mentions BRP.



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